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Everything posted by Vanash

  1. Would like to say it's fantastic to be able to get on Legion of Lettow server since yesterday. Still a small queue but happy to queue for 10-20 mins anyway. Thought I'd offer a small pat on the back through the sea of tears that these forums have become since NDA lift GJ Bioware.
  2. The solution lies with reporting all those people you see abusing mechanics to stay logged in. It is tough for guilds I agree, we have the same problem. I personally will not get online tonight due to the people autorunning into walls etc. Am I annoyed? yeah sure. Is it the end of the world? No. Rally your guilds and make sure they keep the faith. In a couple of weeks these problems will be just memories as in every mmo launch in recent history. Although to be fair Bioware should be seriously looking at some form of 'sweetening' towards the guilds they placed on these servers. After all around 40% of the population of LoL is guildless atm, would it not have been simple to lock the server and allow passcodes for people to bring in guildies?
  3. Then go back to Rift. This is SWTOR, it has one spec. I don't go in McDonalds asking for a family bucket and a pepsi fgs......
  4. I have a guild. Why the hell should I worry about loot? I also have a choice of players in my guild who all play a single role, and play it well. Have I heard any of them moaning about dual spec?? Nope. You make your choices, why should you have the choice to play 2 roles when say an assassin/sniper/gunslinger/shadow/marauder etc ONLY have one choice? If it bothers you that much don't subscribe, go back to Rift or pokepanda.
  5. Technically you only paid for the actual game. The first month is free. Unless you paid the overinflated digital prices then more fool you. people knew the problem days ago, and had the option to move and start again. The time not spent queueing would've allowed you to catch up quicker anyway.
  6. These are probably the same people that roll on all loot for all specs as well as need rolling for companions. Pick a role and stick to it, why should people that choose dps over heals be encouraged to respec? You make your choice and stay with it, simple. If it bothers you that much try a hybrid spec. Never known so much crying in an mmo, it's only a week old....
  7. god I hate posters like this... REPOST IT IN THE OTHER FORUM IF IT BOTHERS YOU THAT MUCH! on topic... Yes this is a serious problem, and in my eyes why you hardly see healers in WZ's.
  8. I used to be cool like you, but then I took a blaster bolt to the knee.
  9. Cloning doesn't work. Early days of WAR K-E-P was cloned. I think 6 people moved to the clone.
  10. Close one tbh, this thread is more about evolving PVP on the server. Ideally a realm thread would make sense. At the end of the day, people get paid to moderate the forums, if they feel this thread is better posted elsewhere it will get moved.
  11. from what I remember it was on the later level craftables (surge). In terms of specs for PvP there are a fair few options dependant on 'how you roll' I have a spec that is tailored to the fact that I will be the healer for my guild groups, so gaining ground and maximising healing were main prio's for me. For others who solo more they might be more interested in infiltrator and/ or dps abilities. There is no one pvp build, but having a few viable options dependant on playstyle is something not many games have managed.
  12. There's a few of these threads which seem to be more about trying to create bragging rights than discuss PvP and the actual server. The split between english and non english speaking seems good. Last time I checked we were at around 66% english speaking guilds. While language is important, it's not hugely relevant as I'd guess there will be private alliance chats for world PvP, and hopefully shared voice comms between allied guilds. I doubt many of the guilds rolling here will be involved in the general Illum zerg, but more interested in focusing on objectives, and roaming the PvP zones. I think empire is pretty well populated at the moment, and while I wouldn't say don't come here as an empire guild, I would say if you are considering the server and faction is not important then maybe you'd get as good a game experience playing as republic. Maybe better as it was always more fun as the underdog! I think the server would appreciate more established republic guilds choosing us also. There will be some great PvP here, and if people embrace world pvp as much as we do (which seems the case) there are fun times ahead. Would be cool if guilds assigned to LoL make themselves known and how they feel about the server. Tha way people can make an informed judgement about the potential of the community and hopefully work together to balance the server as much as possible so Illum will be truly epic. Looking forward to seeing you out there!! Still waiting to catch my wave oh and you republic are all ewok loving scum.
  13. As I said to a similar post on another thread polluted by this kid. 1 guy in 5k.... Plus you get the chance to get some payback in the den. choose whatever server you want, don't be put off by forum trolls who tbh will most likely not make it to 50 and go back to play a panda.
  14. This. Last thing we want is a onesided server. So focus less on recruiting race or language and more on Faction Recruitment people. Who cares about general chat anyway? Most will play with guildies... trying to organise pug WZ's you may as well speak a foreign language anyway If we put the effort in NOW to get LoL balanced, we'll ALL benefit .
  15. 1 guy in 5k , What you failed to consider was the absolute joy and elation of seeing that guy walking about 'the den' Am looking forward to LoL, and tbh this thread was more about boredom while waiting to catch the right wave than actual server envy imo
  16. Karak -Eight - Peaks Was a fantastic server with some amazing PvP, and great guilds. People on KEP were some of the first to reach PVP endgame and give valuable feedback which the developers used to improve the game. I'm sure both their server and ours will be ok, but YOU need to realise that WoW is no basis to assume you will know about TOR. The mechanics are different, the PvP more mature. You cannot global someone in TOR. There might be some arrogant egotistical peeps on that server, but the KEP lot were/are great players. I'm sure LoL will have some awesome pvp also, all this 'my server is better than yours' nonsense kind of makes as much sense as arguing about whether optimus prime could have galvatron in a fight. (we all know galvatron would kick the sh** out of that poncy do gooder truck!) LoL will have a good balance of competitive PvP, english language guilds and hopefully a fantastic community. Join whatever server you want, we only want the republic players anyway ;p
  17. but that would mean no crying and whining about something they haven't experienced first hand yet..... Seriously, this SWTOR 'community' really needs to manup, shut or grow up...preferably all 3
  18. Surely even the most uptight basement dweller can recognise an anchorman quote?
  19. He's kind of a big deal around here.
  20. We are there, as are a couple of allies and friends (all UK based but multinational guilds) The guild list looks ok on the whole, and you can guarantee Rule of One will be pushing for world pvp fun as soon as possible! Stats so far are over 66% english speaking guilds via deployment, and many more have stated they will join/ move when live. Republic guilds will be very welcome, looking for some decent opposition
  21. You do realize the team behind warhammer/ DaoC is behind the PvP in SWTOR? You're embarrassing yourself bud (and your guild, and to be fair the server...and it's only a day old....).
  22. We're on LoL, at first I was but then I realised it's about the guild and how WE contribute to the community. It's easy to leave /1 and make a specific channel for grouping/ roaming/ Illum etc among like minded guilds. Think LoL has alot of potential, and if you get bored you can kill some Red Alliance! Oh and you can get to gank that realz guy in the Den! Every server has one, so don't let him put you off.
  23. it's not like they added 2 extra days to EGA to make it easier to get people in... some people will cry over anything, grow up fgs.
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