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Posts posted by NecroMayre

  1. Issue really isn't the 12x exp since I geared the classes I liked playing as in full 156 gear in this 12x exp by soloing Oricon and asking for help with the heroic then buying whatever I'm missing with the credits I saved up because of the no training cost.

    Issue is the lazy players.

  2. Reputation and with Makeb gear Ive soloed the Oricon quests up to the heroic on all my alts so far gearing them enough for hm flashpoints without spending a single credit on gear, having like 500-600k per alt after Oricon.


    You don't have to, but I've found it a cheap way to gear at lvl 55 though a bit challenging when you get to Oricon.

  3. Well being able to bind that many ghosts is proof of the inquisitors power as well.

    I don't know how much more powerful the inquisitor is compared to other sith but definitely not the weakest council member, and with all the ghosts bind to him he might be the strongest since he made Thanaton look like a weakling and he was respected for his power among the council.


    Doesn't leave you with the feeling of invincibility like the Sith Warrior though.

  4. Really 2 would be enough. Male and Female for romance. That also could help make their personalities brighter 'cos no need to waste time for others.


    For agent it could be tank and damage dealer.

    For inquisitor it should be tank and healer.

    For bounty hunter healer and dd.

    For warrior healer and dd too. That's enough.


    There are at least 3 companions that i never use for each class.


    Just because you don't use them doesn't mean nobody does, if they do this to one or two companions they better do it to every companion or you better believe there will be blood. (at least the main 5 companions)


    I for example like almost every companion each class has only one companion I never use at all.

  5. You move the environment instead of the player. The player remains in a fixed spot, doing no more than moving left or right. The environment that surrounds you moves instead to give you the illusion that you are moving forward.


    It is much easier to communicate position this way since the model is rotating around you.


    Like a hamster wheel....it simply spawns boosts and slowdowns inside the pipe that it rolls to you until the race ends.


    Simulation doesn't work with 3rd person or in a race with multiple people.

  6. It is the xp bonuses but also classes, Ive noticed some classes just get less exp than others, on my bounty hunter I kept 4-5 lvls ahead every class quest with guild and 25% exp bonuses while my agent was at the exact lvl for class quests near the end and I doubt stealthing past mobs would have made the 4-5 lvls difference.
  7. Not true.



    I didn't do it myself, but a friend of mine did, and I've seen posts about it on the forums.


    You may not be able to keep the romance open if you say you want both, but if you hold off on doing Jaesa conversations and marry Vette, then go back to Jaesa, she doesn't give a crap about m!Warrior and Vette and will continue with the relationship. I think she'll even agree to marry the Warrior, making him a polygamist. :)



    Jaesa makes you choose in her own conversations despite what she says about sharing so you can't be married to both, but you can marry one break up then marry the other.


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