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Posts posted by Kazuone

  1. Il y a 20 heures, SteveTheCynic a dit :

    They may have changed it, but in the past, when you switched back and forth, it only downloaded the language files the *first* time you switched *to* a specific language.  When there was a patch, it only patched the active language, so you got a second round of minor patching when you switched to the other language.

    But look at it this way: the way it is, if you never switch, you only have to store one language's files (mostly audio, which is why they are so big) on your PC.

    They've change it ;) At least on steam version.

  2. Hello.
    1) Could you please consider to add an option to switch game language without having to download all langage files each switch please ( more or less 10 gigs) ?

    2) Having the possibility to choose the game's voicies in english (or another) and text in other language could be cool too btw ;)  And It could be easier to open the game to other people ( I'm sure you already think about it but a little wish cost nothing ;) )




  3. Hello.
    As Broadsword bring creative freedom, could it be possible to make cloak separate item for outfitter in futures skin ( like head slot ) please ?

    Some armor's skins are very cool but hidden by cloaks when we play the character.



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  4. Hello.

    Could dev consider following things please:

    1) Loadouts have an icon that we bring in our quick (or a specific) bar
    2) Loadouts become some kind off a parameter that we can import like binds/interface editor so shared in account/legacy.

    3) Add more loadouts ;) (combat styles give us a lot off possibility ^^) Or link it to discipline instead of combat style (10 loadouts per discipline)

    4) Stuff bag like the craft one (Mabye that's already work in progress... )

    5) Checkbox for validating saving the current loadouts to avoid unwanted modification.

    6) Include Stim/medpac/adrenal in loadouts

    7) Player can create an item (something like augmentation kit or augment) that we can add to the stuff part to add the combat style name/color to help us to make difference between stuff in our personal/lecacy storage.


    Thx ;)


  5. I think combat styles were created to add new classes. They can't create new story class  (cost too much) but now they can create new combat styles and link it to origin stories.
    At 7.4, I think we'll have a new planet or new zone from an existing one.
    We just have 64 bits some month ago and DX12, cloud server is coming/finalizing phase. Once they finish this, mabye we will have more new planets, playable races etc. I'm not a dev but I think that adding new content with new tech directly is easier than add it with old tech and update it with new tech after.

    As Keith said a 7.0 launch: 7.0 is a step for the game (7.0 Follow Up - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums😞 "7.0 is a foundational update to the game. The fundamental refactoring of all abilities and Advanced Classes into Combat Styles, the addition of the long-requested Loadouts feature, and the beginnings of new UI/UX and Itemization constitute the most significant systemic changes made to SWTOR since launch. These are only the first steps toward the ambitious and inspiring vision we have for SWTOR's future. We are excited to continue bringing this vision to life in the ongoing updates and additions coming to the game this year and beyond. More story will be coming including new locations to explore, a PvP revamp, and more visual and modernization improvements are also underway. It was always intended that 7.0 would receive multiple updates in 2022 and beyond to celebrate ten years of SWTOR."

    Ok It was posted a long time ago, but mabye we'll have an update once cloud server transition are over. Wa can also hope that 7.0 is more technical content and 8.0 will be more story/flashpoint/raid content... Ok, I'm very optimistic on this one ;)

  6. il y a 11 minutes, JakRoanin a dit :

    Or...  they can add more crew skill and crafting missions and make them all earn their keep. 😁

    not only that. The could give us the possibility to give "comp points"' to increase efficiency to specific crew skill, or role like dps, tanking, heall, loot buff, credit buff etc They can modifiy loot with GS partner so why not in other domains ?

  7. Il y a 2 heures, Spikanor a dit :

    now there is a diffrend if a companion is lvl 1 or lvl 50.

    its all about the time there use for crew skill missions and crafting.

    a lvl 50 companion is fast to compleet there crew skill mission then a lvl 1 companion.

    lvl 50 companions have a shorter crafting time limit then lvl 1 companions.

    yeah and more efficient fight but crafting is 8 comp max.. o no need to levelup others comp. 

  8. Players are welcome to write what they wish. 
    I don't like Housing and I think there's so much content to priorize before strongholds....
    There's also multiple threads about pvp, I like PVP but really to much threads about it that are not always usefull.
    Swtor team is surely trying to make most of players happy.. this is the way ;)

    If a game forum doesn't have wishe/whinners from players.. game is dead. We have to accepte that a game will never be perfect for us and deal with it.

    Btw, we don't know how much work adding new companion is for dev.
    I think, something is missing to make the comp we have more valuable and usefull. We should have great reward when we levelup for example 10 or 15 companion to level 50. We can use only 9 max a the same time so no need to level up them 50. Kinda shame. 

  9. Il y a 3 heures, ronin_chi_lao a dit :

    How about a group only exclusive reward?

    why not ^^.
    Players need to play which each other again and focus more on fun before focus bugs or other cons of the game.

    That said, guild group should earn some "social tokens" and buy stuff from a guild shop. This shop could be handle by guild master. He could decide prices. Once you leave the guild, stuff should be deleted to prevent abuse. The objective is just encourage to play with guildmate instead of solo. 

  10. I don't think game in the cloud will change a lot for players who didn't have connexion issue.
    I'm just waiting all servers in the cloud and see what dev will do with it and what will it bring to players concrely in Qol, better textures, animatins and...all other things.
    Mabye they planned a lot since some month and decided to wait the aws servers to implement in the game... yeah, I still believe.. LOL

  11. huumm.. this is...something to think about...
    "Once finalized, SWTOR may be capable to extend its servers capabilities to reach new players"

    how can server capabilities could reach new players ?
    Servers are far from being full...Will they improve the game enough to reach new players ? I think there is something here.. but mabye I'm wrong...On reddit, someone reminds me that's for apac players ;). I think he's right.

  12. Broadsword: our studio, our rules.
    When you go to Broadsword Online Games (mythicentertainment.com) clearly, website is not their priority.

    Swtor website is old, but making the job.

    I don't think we'll see a new website until a very long time. And honestly, there's so much to do before updating website...

    Broadsword is taking the same way than bioware with lack of communication but mabye there's some contractual terms that stop them for now, mabye Broadsword wants swtor team to finish what they planned till 7.4 and will begin to work on the game only for 8.0. 


    There's so much possibilites...and as players, we only can wait and hope for now.

  13. Yes please !
    I think one big boss per expansion is enough, even if it comes back later as a enemy or friend to fight another one.
    Malgus has done his time in the game, we need another big fat boss !

    That said, I think this is already planned by the wonderfull writers swtor has. (Mabye some people in Bioware didn't want that to happen in the past...)

    We have to wait for hints to be revealed in a future 7.4 teaser.. maybe in october ??? ;)

  14. il y a 26 minutes, FlameYOL a dit :

    I'd love to dream but unless they get an increase in budget I'm not sure they can port it to consoles, then again I didn't thought that 64-bit would've been possible either so maybe I'll be proven wrong eventually. If so feel free to say "I told you so" to me in a few years, I'll gladly admit I was wrong!

    There is one thing we're sure about with swtor... we know nothing.. Games of Communication ;). Everything is possible, from the best to the worst, but it's juste a game so, let's hope for the best and see what happens next. It's not like we're all fans off lalafels and stupids twins...For them, I would like to be a no mercy sith.. but that's another story ;)

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