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Everything posted by saberscreen

  1. Revisiting the subject of PAZAAK. (and gambling supposedly being a bad thing in games!) I've been THINKING. There is a way AROUND the whole ''gambling symbolism'' thing. WHAT IF we can have Pazaak cards and play Pazaak with our companions and GAIN INFLUENCE with them that way? I mean, you can play a card game WITHOUT the gambling aspect, right? And it would be realistic too. You can play a card game with someone and you usually develop a bond while you're doing something together. Maybe you could think about rewarding a character a small bonus to a certain skill or attribute if they win enough Pazaak games with their companions. All I'm saying is, there is a way AROUND the gambling aspect. Card games don't necessarily represent gambling. I would LOVE to play Pazaak with Kira, Vette, Kaliyo or Doc and maybe have their voices say something funny when they win or lose. What do you think? Isn't that a COMPROMISE?
  2. All true. BUT! The number of subscribers could've been TWICE as high TODAY if only this game would've catered to a BIOWARE audience instead of trying to appeal to a BLIZZARD audience. IF this game had been a more ENHANCED version of KOTOR the servers would've showed bigger populations right now. SWTOR hasn't been unsuccesful and still has GREAT POTENTIAL, but you can't expect a player base that you have accumulated over the years to change overnight. I mean, the voice actor that does Commander Malcolm is the same voice actor who did SAREVOK, right? Sentiment: Go for the eyes, Master.
  3. I'm NOT whining. I'm just THINKING OUT LOUD.
  4. I just logged in. Quesh: 8. Belsavis: 9. Tatooine: 18. Hoth: 15. Oricon: 0. Section X: 6. Voss: 12. Makeb: 9. Ziost: 4. Odessen: 13. Balmorra: 10. Yavin: 14. Iokath: 15. Fleet: 48. (Hey, more than 30!) Taris: 33. (Hey, more than 30!) Tython, Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa are looking GOOD TODAY! Between 57 and 95. That's ALL I have to say about MY REALITY. I don't know what yours looks like.
  5. I'm STILL on Taris, actually. Do you mind? No, I'm NOT there to watch the population. I'm just PLAYING the GAME while NOTICING the population. Analysis: It seems this troublemaker knows Kung-Fu, Master.
  6. Yes. BUT! I've played through Taris with FOUR characters and managed to do EVERYTHING.
  7. Begeren Colony. I was there the last couple of weeks. 7-11 players on Taris. 2 of them BOTS. 1 of them ME. Which means I've seen 4 - 9 other players. ALL WEEK. This can't be right?
  8. Alright! It's been noticed and moved. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Amazement: I am truly astonished, Master.
  9. I was BORN to be annoying. Sorry! Doesn't change the FACT that my observations have VERY LITTLE to do with BELIEF. Just a simple question: On HOW MANY servers was SWTOR running in 2011? On HOW MANY servers is SWTOR running TODAY? And of those servers, how many actually show a HEAVY POPULATION? I haven't seen more than 30 players on ANY GIVEN INSTANCE in the game, and this has been the case for MONTHS. So that's why I'm here, ANNOYING you. Because I want to see players RETURN.
  10. Well then, you can be my second in command! Approval: This will most certainly result in unlimited deletions, Master.
  11. Well, there IS a bit of a distance between Earth and Coruscant. It's QUITE far away, actually. Patience: Master?
  12. I am? Well, thank you for clearing that up, kind Sir!
  13. I'll try really HARD to remember. Oh, and NOT that I'm greedy or anything, but are you planning to give me something in RETURN for all those amazing items I have accumulated over the past five years? I think it's worth a couple of days with Candy, REALLY. Report: Dead.
  14. When a STEADY DECLINE in subscriptions occurs you NEED to assess, address, identify and ACKNOWLEDGE every POSSIBLE CAUSE and ISSUE, in order to RESTORE and ensure PROGRESSION into a more positive direction with a more positive outcome. If you feel STRONGLY about something, CARE about something and WANT something to IMPROVE you need to KICK UP A FUSS sometimes. Sorry about that. Sorry if I'm annoying everybody. Sorry if I'm bothering everybody. I've been PAYING and SUPPORTING this game for YEARS so I think I have the right to voice MY opinions about decisions which are OBVIOUSLY hurting the game. Just keep in mind I want everything to evolve and improve for players, which is POSITIVE. So.. Hopefully we'll read ALL ABOUT the negatives ''every friggin day!'' because that's EXACTLY what will HELP the game. That said, enjoy your day. If you think everything's awesome, that's fine. There's just this TINY ISSUE of having seen THOUSANDS of players LEAVE because of certain decisions. I think it's ABOUT TIME it gets LOOKED AT, because wether you like it or not, people have REASONS for leaving. I'm dedicating my time and energy. For free. Because I want SWTOR to be the success it deserves to be. Objection: Master, surely you have spent enough time on these meat-bags already? Immediate mass-deletions are required!
  15. Gold? Or Blue? Gold? Not much of a dilemma. Everybody knows I'm a blue-digger!
  16. Can you imagine 200+ characters running around on the fleet, ALL of them being followed by an ENTIRE legion of Skytroopers? That would be AWESOME! Sarcasm: You are so funny, Master. I'm wetting my chassis.
  17. As much as I would LOVE to settle for BOTH, I'm just trying to inspire SOMEONE to take this game in a DIFFERENT direction. I see LOADS of companions I can choose from but there's NOTHING to choose from, because they all behave the SAME. I might as well have one. And they're LACKING in every other department as well. I can SEE what quantity did to QUALITY, which is why I prefer quality. Interruption: I would advice you to ignore these meat-bags, Master. Balmorra is in dire need of a mass-deletion.
  18. Good afternoon Eric! I just want to say I REALLY APPRECIATE your efforts in trying to combat this issue because you're right, it's SUPER annoying. I UNDERSTAND this is a problem which is ALWAYS evolving, so these scammers will probably never disappear ENTIRELY. But hats off to you and your team for trying. I have noticed a decline. THANK YOU. See? I can be nice.
  19. Fair enough. But have you ever considered this: I think extraction should be FREE. Because: I don't always WANT to spend time on content to make enough credits so I can actually DO what I WANT. I want to spend time on content I LIKE spending time on and HAVE FUN while doing that, and that doesn't always involve making ENOUGH credits. For example: I'm crafting. I'm having a cup of tea. Just chilling out after a day of hard work. I want to see what this or that augment is going to DO for my build. I don't want to read this online. I want to see it for myself. You know, EXPERIMENT. Because it's FUN. Alright, so I'm extracting FOURTEEN augments and replace them with fourteen other augments. Okay, that didn't quite do what I thought it would do. So I'm going to EXTRACT them and replace them with different ones. And quite possibly AGAIN. How much credits do you think this costs? It's a bit much. I could be a bit cheaper. Just for the sake of argument!
  20. I'm NOT worried. There's ANOTHER pet for sale on the Cartel Market. It's going to make everything alright. Trust me.
  21. Appreciation: Your logic-processors are fully functional and in optimal condition, Master.
  22. Agree. BUT! I think it's equally silly to have a galaxy where EVERYONE is calling themselves ETERNAL COMMANDER. There's ONLY ONE ETERNAL THRONE, so theoretically, there can be ONLY ONE ETERNAL COMMANDER, right? I know! I'm thinking! I shouldn't do that! Sorry! My bad!
  23. Hit ESC. Select INTERFACE EDITOR. Change the GLOBAL SCALE of your interface from 1.25 or whatever it's on back to 1. Your map should now appear correctly.
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