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Everything posted by cadencepulse

  1. Yeah, I have 'Server is full' and I am queued ... I KNEW this was gonna happen when they migrated to just two US servers. This TOTALLY sucks!
  2. At less than 1 cent per hour subscription an extended downtime like today's isn't going to break anybody's bank so chill already. The only ones with a complaint, legitimate or not, are those with heavily limited time to game.
  3. Come on people, instead of acting like holier than thou Internet Tough Guys all someone had to do was post the date ... then it would have been the end of the thread which in turn would have prevented you all from spitting out your pacifiers. Courtesy costs nothing and the OP's question was courteous. I do wish you people would get a life and quit picking on folks who use the forum as a forum and not to lambast others. You really are not particularly clever and you sure are not tough. No offense to the one who actually DID post the answer.
  4. It's just a bunch of wannabe tough guys giggling and hiding in their mom's basement(s) wishing they had the cojones to play with the big boys. Anonymity and a misspent education makes for very brave children.
  5. That is because small things amuse small minds
  6. I wonder ... is it really the posters that are stupid? or the people who read the posts that cause their headaches AND in turn make their own posts? I mean, if your head hurts from reading the posts then... don't ... read ... them!
  7. How about ... being able to log in to the game in order to spend the CC, to customize the characters, to become injured and use the medical probe, etc., etc. Being unable to log in pretty much invalidates the 'perks' you just mentioned.
  8. To be quite frank I, and I know there are also many other players with a similar mindset, sometimes like the feeling of immersion in the game. That kind of goes out window when you are sparkling like Tinkerbell. It is a particularly dumb effect on an RP server.
  9. I PvE. I joined a PvE server to PvE NOT to PvP. If I wanted to PvP I'd have joined a PvP server. That being the case why should I be forced to PvP on a PvE server to get ANY companion, indeed anything at all, whether I particularly want it or not? I do not WANT to PvP. I do not LIKE to PvP. I should not HAVE to PvP. I should be able to gain any comp without having to PvP. Sure, I can stand around in 5, or 10, or 20, or 50 PvP matches and wait for the elitists (and hopefully some genuine PvP'ers) to gain my comp for me but why should I HAVE to? It is going to be boring for me and frustrating for the REAL PvP'ers ... the only ones who will get a kick out of it are the elitists because it will give them something else to whine to BW about.
  10. It's the Ostrich Syndrome. They stick their heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away.
  11. I am convinced that some posters here crawl out of the woodwork just to incite trouble. Oh yeah, you are one of them. The common definition for a game is FUN and ENTERTAINMENT. It is NOT primarily defined as a challenge.
  12. In YOUR opinion which is NOT the majority opinion if this thread is anything to go by.
  13. Idiotic statement ... MMO is a Massive Multi-player Online game and NOT a Massive GROUP-player Online game (that would be a MGO). It is supposed to be designed to be played by SOLO players as well as group-oriented players. It is supposed to be designed so that SOLO players can team up if necessary or desired but NOT just to keep group-oriented players happy. As you can't stand 'solo' players so I do not much like those who can't hack it alone and need their buddies to watch their backs.
  14. This post makes you sound like one of those elitists that many people leave other games to escape from. Also, when you write a game THEN you can determine what it was intended to be. Until that time I will argue the exact opposite of your inane statement. This product (using your terms) is not intended to be so totally frustrating that the majority of players, who are undoubtedly casual players, no longer enjoy playing it.
  15. At least you have a companion. Since the update I have not seen Nadia Grell and I need her to complete my Jedi Consular class mission. Tickets appear to be ignored by Bioware so I am stuck. I'd take Nadia Grell whether she was under-powered or a veritable goddess of destruction just so I can complete this darned mission To get into topic, though. I like the fact that the healer stance now actually heals rather than trying to merely put a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. It is also nice to be able to use your favorite companion regardless of their pre-update skill sets and use them in ANY role. I don't feel they are overpowered - I think the issue with many is that they are MORE powerful than previously and people are quick to assume that this is bad for EVERYone, not just them. It isn't - I like the companions as they are, the ones I have anyway
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