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Posts posted by PoshTS

  1. 12 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

    completly wrong acutally, SWTOR was advertised as a very heavy story focused MMO, a MMO yes but since very start its biggest trait was rich story and lore and yeah the game is perfectly playable as single player so yes it is designed for single player as much as it is for multiplayer, when i just joined i played everything solo and was even guildess for awhile until ruhnuk and i enjoyed every bit of it, that being said you don't have to be lone wolf in order to like stories most people can balance multi and story play perfectly all while also ignoring pvp, pvp is aspect of the game but its not SWTOR's bread and butter, take GSF as example its been dead for years and most people don't really care and still play.

    as for gen chat, its called general CHAT for a reason, so people will chat what they want in it, i don't remember there being rule about chat being exclusively for game related stuff, and if we're being honest one of most toxic chats is when someone is dissatisfied with their pvp match so they come to fleet to argue with other person, its way more toxic than someone eating a tuna sandwich.

    completely wrong "actually" no one plays GSF. The only people who play GSF tell you they play GSF on the forum to try to make it sound like people actually play GSF.

    "when you joined"


    "everything was solo"

    I don't even know what you are saying. Is there a spam filter setting for "solo MMO players" because I would rather not see their responses or be aware of their existence on Earth. I guess I will just block you to avoid losing more braincells by listening to you justify why you pay a subscription fee to play a video game by yourself so you can talk about what you had for lunch of why Trump/Biden bad in gen chat on the fleet.

    I would rather be belittled by a toxic PVPer then engage in friendly conversation with the oxymoronic "solo MMO player"

    • Like 1
  2. 11 hours ago, meddani said:

    they don't want to work on this game, the day this travesty shuts down i'll guarantee you they're gonna celebrate hard.

    takes them forever for example to fix broken classes (sniper/slinger) , i'm convinced they made 7.0 such a disaster on purpose so EA pulls the plug.

    hopefully they saved enough money because literally no studio on the planet is going to hire these guys...maybe NEXTERS lol. I am sure Musco and Co can easily get a job at Hero Wars, making those disgusting ads that permeate every inch of social media. Pack you bags Musco you got hired and you are flying to Cyprus to be the NEXTERS CM...

    not a bad job now that I think about it. Cyprus is probably an awesome place to live if you have money

  3. 4 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

    might come as a surprise to you but not everyone cares about pvp, in fact SWTOR always had a strong story focused community, as much as i want all players (including pvp ones) to be satisfied i can't say anyone is quitting in droves, people quit becuse stories take too long to make and are too short, not pvp.

    yeah sorry bro but no. The game didn't go from 8 servers to barely 4 because lack of good "RP opportunities" this was originally planned as an MMO, not a place for single player gamers to single player game and LOLZ in gen chat about politics or how they ate a tuna sandwich for lunch

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/6/2024 at 11:09 AM, darksidenerd said:

    The PvP community eagerly awaits patch notes whenever there is an update/patch. "Maybe the Devs will actually make steps to address the concerns of the majority..not all..but majority of players. This recent change pushed me over. medpads....medpacks....really? really... sure, let me add these to my 9,000 that I currently have thanks. New player needs some? great play a few matches and theyll get double digit volumes for their inventory. Devs are so disconnected, it literally boggles my mind. 





    Maybe Ill go check back in with LOTRO pvp. hmm. 





    Same also left a very colorful message as reason for unsubbing. Hopefully I get banned by them or something. At this point its really over there is no longer even a point to try to make our voice or opinions be made because the bottom line is they just don't care.

    Just look at the kind of people they have working for them now. The only PVP any of them have ever played has been pizza versus more pizza. Except Musco it looks like there is never anything left for him. It's just a waste of time "hoping game gets fixed" when patches come so far and apart. Like oh I hope 6 months from now they bring back ranked or next year they add a new raid. 

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  5. On 4/17/2024 at 8:05 PM, MercMara said:

    Removing the daily/weekly rewards is something I think needs to happen. So many BAD players queue arenas for the weekly and kill it for the rest of us. I think this would cut down on the dead weight in arena matches. This is what killed ranked. Players that have no skill going into arenas for the rewards... 

    no the devs killed ranked when when they deleted it from the game. They also killed regs because since then the pops for warzone has gone up on average by 5-10 minutes when before I was getting almost instant pops during prime time. 

    also these new regs arenas don't even pop so I would argue they are more dead then ranked ever was

  6. great STIMS! those will go nicely with the other 6 billion stims I have laying around..

    seriously though is anyone even surprised? Regardless of the state of the game the PVP community was still objectively healthier before they made the decision to remove ranked. I don't care what anyone says regs now or should I just call it PVP takes long to pop EST prime time SF what ever you want to call it compared to literally a few months before they removed ranked I was getting almost insta pops for regs

    I choose not to say much because these forums are a pointless space because the devs will never listen to us. Just look at their faces during the "pvp" segment of the livestream. Trying to fake enthusiasm so obviously. If they were actually enthusiastic they would be giving us decent rewards and not just low effort cartel market skins that no one would buy so they ended up on the rewards track. I have not seen a single person wearing any of this seasonal gear and for good reason. Let me get this straight. mega giant SONY will listen to the community and revert horrible changes to Helldivers 2 but the skeleton crew at whatever this dev team is called now can't connect with their remaining tiny handful of players and actually show us they give a crap about us or their game? Pathetic that it takes a few hours of bad reviews for SONY to change their mind meanwhile we have been begging these jokers at SWTOR to stop crapping all over the game for years and they refuse to listen.

    its really disappointing that an MMO which has fundamentally some of the best MMO PVP on the market is such a joke now. Im literally going to play Chinese P2W WOW clone Tarisland because they probably give more of a crap about pvpers then this dev team does. Or Throne and Liberty. Nothing that is getting me very exciting but at least its something different because the only changes that happen to this game year after year make it worse.


    • Like 2
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  7. Hello there! just looking at the population for shadowlands.


    How does it fair to servers such as harbinger or The Red eclipse? does anyone know?


    SL has more bads in pvp. The pubs are only there to farm cxp. JC has about the same population but better pvpers and the queue pops constantly at night.

  8. I for would like to see more of a cooldown on spamcapping especially those who spend entire WZ trying to spam cap. Maybe they will start to take DOTs that stack everytime they stand there mashing on that node doing nothing else but the occasional cc to someone attempting to counter spam cap.
  9. Grats Imps. We are letting the pubs turn the server into Ebon Hawk 2.0. please step it up. Pubs like to bring 3 heals 2 tanks into every wz. They especially love to spam cap NC. Please watch mid and aoe accordingly during spam cap. They will ignore all else until they have capped. Same goes with VS. aoe accordingly to block spam cap. I know you guys aren't ******* but some of us get carried away with number chasing. 2 UC's per loss? so lets try to get those wins.
  10. I can easily heal triple my OP healer on my merc healer and my OP has full 240-242 while my merc has 230's and a 3 piece heal set bonus and a two piece dps bonus. plus merc heals is insanely easy and alll you have to do is stand there and pop strong DCD whenever you feel threatened. Heals is too stronk UNLESS its OP heals.
  11. If you guys think they are ruining regs for you with their 3-4 people online you ought to come to JC and watch the pub guild that's name I'm not going to mention superqueue 3 sage healers and 2 guardian tanks and 2 DPS for 2-3 hours a night. I would probably play on SL just to get away from those guys if my guild would come as well. We do get ranked going but they refuse to queue because they are only able to bring 1 heal and 1 tank into a game.
  12. I'm sure this has been covered elsewhere so I apologize for being a noob.


    But I cant seem to find a clear answer on the current warzone level brackets....I've read 10-29, 10-39, 49-54...


    Someone please clarify.


    There is only Regs 70's and ranked now. Noone queues for anything else because of the removal of WZ comms. Made lowbie pvp pretty much a waste of time imo...

  13. It does suck, but the issue is more complex than that. You have to understand that objective based pvpers have no outlet for competitive objective pvp anymore. So we have to play regs to play it. Some people get frustrated that their fun is also being ruined by people who don't perform up to their lvl. While this isn't good, blame shouldn't just be put on the players. Bioware are ultimately responsible for this situation and no matter how much we ask, beg or point this out to them, they just won't give us back Ranked 8 man.

    Yes, some people take regs seriously, it's their only outlet for their pvp.


    Exactly, I think the OP is missing the point. Some of us only have a few hours a night to game and when we get on we are going to 4m or even queue sync if we can. I love having 6 or more in group. Solo queueing you are often put into unwinnable games. With a reward of 2 or 3 UC's for a 15-20 minute game, especially if pubs take one node with their 3 healers 2 tanks and refuse to lose quickly, instead choose to lose slowly and make us spend almost 30 minutes in one game, it is pretty exhausting...

  14. Any Sorc/Merc healer wana pvps? We usually have 2 regular healers but would like a third on the rotation. PM Mürmaider. Oh and need more more healers in queue whenever people are trying to get solos going also...
  15. Keith, are you guys ever gona bring UC's back to the way WZ comms were pre KOTFE?? I mean, lows and mids is essentially killed on my server. It just does not pop because there is ZERO incentive to pvp. I play 5 nites a week for 2-3 hrs and literally have 1 out of 6 toons in at least 240-242's. I really don't want to drop out of school and quit my job just so I can gear alts. Throw us a bone here. Its not like we are going to UNSUB if we can finally gear out all our alts for pvp. If anything that would encourage me to buy more junk of the CM market to support the game aside from the bare minimum sub fee you guys deduct from my bank account every month.
  16. Honestly we have enough people on PUB and IMP side that run groups. I never solo queue unless its the morning and no one is on. We should all be doing Granked. I know there's that one guild that only likes to superqueue pubside with 4 healers but I know they could bring some DPS and get group going as well. Not really interested in rating as there's no class balance or decent rewards but you get some serious UC's unlike regs win which can take 15+ minutes and only nets you like 5 or 6?
  17. I know this thread has come up but it is obviously being ignored by the devs. Maybe Translocate should be insta cast like holotraverse, since technically it is most likely using similar technology...Would actually make it back onto my bar if it did.
  18. Bumping this a bit, pretty nice weekend we had so far. Friday night was very good, we had 2 match going and I think we might have hit 3 at once point. Lots of new faces, saw some damn big improvement in some of them as they adjust to the arenas and discover new tactics.


    Keep joining us, toxicity is not high on JC's ranked, most people are helpful and welcoming. get discord and join the group for which we've posted a link too, its always fun to chat out of the game to coordinate pops with people who are availaible but not in the game, or not on fleet.


    If the rewards were better...I only have 2 hrs a nite at most during the week so It's hard to sit in queue when regs pops every few minutes.

  19. The ranked population on JC is so small. And there's a few players who work the system and ruin it for everyone. They drum up solos on the imp side. Get enough people in Q. Then swap to their Jedi toons cause the know 0 pubs are queuing and essentially Q sync. And people don't feed it. They just go back to regs were at least you can expect pre mades with voice comms.


    I'm hoping they announce decent rewards this season cause that usually drums up a lot of interest.


    Pubs wont do it because they can't bring in a team of 3 heals and a tank.

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