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Everything posted by Dimetro-don

  1. Having now looked at all 6 of the load outs provided and done some testing in an open pvp area both 1v1 and 2v1, while I was on tank, this is awful. I was looking at this as "I don't have all my defensive abilities I wont be able to tank as well." But after this pvp test, I never lost 1v1 even when I was not trying and even messing up on purpose or just letting them hit me a bit, while they were dps focus, and in the 2v1 I killed 1 and got the other, dps vigilance, to 2% health before I died. This honestly nerfed the dps far more then it did the tank, as in pvp dps will die far too fast to make a difference and tanks will stand tall above all. All of our interrupts and cc breaks are gone, lowering the viability in even pve content. I understand that the guardian, especially the tank have a lot of abilities, but this is not what any of us imagined when we were told we'd have more control of our characters combat style. And honestly this is one of the worst case scenarios for me. I raid weekly right now and I can't imagine being able to pull off some of the boss fights in story mode let alone higher difficulties.
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