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Everything posted by Axcalion

  1. Not some magical force-imbued lightsaber. There is no reason the four Force-using classes could not defeat them at their full power, all of them have displayed feats of power that overshadow those of Arcann and Vaylin. Also, one should not be forced to become "beyond light or dark". One's force power comes from within, mainly from midichlorians, not from one's philosophy. Also Marr claiming Arcann is beyond emotions or morality is stupid, he acts like a whiny, jealous brat and only uses rage and anger. Vaylin is the same, but she's crazier, she also comes off like a cheap parody of Azula, only she's just completely mad. I haven't seen anything that suggests they are beyond the concept of dark and light, they're just plain evil. Satele (or perhaps Valkorion impersonating her) and Marr (or perhaps an illusion by Valkorion) were wrong, so unless we were still suffering from carbonite illness, Arcann didn't defeat us because he was stronger, or because he was "beyond light and dark", he defeated us because of cutscene incompetence, combined with bad writing, ludonarrative dissonance and lack of realism AKA because the plot demanded it. Also I hate being thrown around by either Arcann, Vaylin, or Valkorion, while I can't do the same.
  2. How about a hot Human male Force-user? We haven't got one, only boring guys shooting blasters.
  3. I really like Satele's new hairstyle. I'd like to see it available for purchase on the Cartel Market. Or perhaps a similar hairstyle? Currently, the only braided hairstyle we got looks kinda ugly.
  4. The butt-flap shows the character's skin instead of its actual color ingame in cutscenes. This annoying bug has been present for several years now and I will not stop posting this until it is fixed. Fix it by either removing the butt-flap alltogether or fixing the color of it.
  5. I agree we need a male Force-user romance, they should have made included one in the first place. My female toons are sick of having no suitable partner.
  6. Submitted a bug report about this. I agree that this is a very annoying problem. They should really fix these old bugs soon. I will keep reporting this and similiar bugs related to armor, until they fix it. Also, Biofail with its false promises is really beginning to bother me.
  7. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/e2/Talzin_sword.png/revision/latest?cb=20150824044240 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=usgX45V3J6o Mother Talzin wields a magical flaming sword in The Clone Wars. I think it should be a very cool weapon to see in the game, even though the Nightsisters might not exist yet. We also got the Dathomir Shaman set, so I think it would be cool to have it in the CM. I'd also like to see her robes in the game. The Dathomir Shaman robes are based on her, but clearly different.
  8. Star Bugs: The Old Glitch, brought to you by Biofail
  9. The only hotness in the game are my characters and the rare npc. Vaylin is extremely repulsing, not to mention insane and mentally unstable. Tora is rude and some of my toons would have killed her if possible. But I don't want her as my companion, she's really just "meh".
  10. Just for fun. I mean, we already got to the fourth expansion without seeing a planet getting blown up. Personally, I'd like to see Hutta, Balmorra and Hoth get blown up. Well, downside would be that you wouldn't be able to visit those planets anymore.
  11. That's perfectly fine with me, I'll gladly pay for it. But they better make one soon!
  12. Well that is suckish and they should fix it. All the old hairstyles for females basically suck or are rubbish.
  13. This isn't meant as a real complaint. It seems to be wise for a Sith or Jedi to keep a lightsaber for defense, unless you can block them with your barehands (which SI and JC probably could) But I was wondering, it is basically a unused weapon, a statstick. Wouldn't it be cool if you had no lightsaber equipped there would be special cutscenes showing off your Force-skills instead? Force beams and lightning stuff! I was so excited about the ppssibility of that, but it seems you're just given a placeholder white lightsaber in cutscenes. One of my toons has "discarded" the use of lightsabers, yet some lightsaber still magically appears in cutscenes. It was would be so cool if there was an optional option like that. Thoughts?
  14. Well could you two take a picture then how it's supposed to look? I still don't get why I can see dark pure black clothing but not hair.
  15. I'm not wasting money on something the developers should fix. If there is pure black clothing (which I can see perfectly fine), why not pure black hair?!
  16. I read your post like five times and I don't understand the purpose of it. There is clearly a consensus that the newer hairstyles released through the cartel market are greenish/grey-ish and not black.
  17. THIS!THIS!THIS!THIS!THIS!THIS! Agree 1000000%.
  18. I think Coruscant got destroyed, with all the senators panicking and yelling. I was like ***!
  19. Thank you, ZanyaCross, it is really reassuring to see that some people are getting my point.
  20. My bloom has never been on. Brightness set to minimum, contrast set to maximum. Nope still so green hair. Fix it please. And the "black" color does indeed look quite black on the original hairstyles. But those released through the cartel market just look greenish, especially in well-lit places.
  21. Why is there no true black hair (at least not for humans) in the game? The "blackish" options are actually greenish or dark grey and look really weird. So could we please have some real black hair as a hair color? I'll even pay for it in the Cartel Market.
  22. A COOL MALE JEDI OR SITH! Though I'd rather have one who is part of the story and romancable. Also, that create a companion suggestion sounds awesome.
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