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10 Good
  1. Everyone voting on this should also check out -> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=781466&highlight=secondary I personally would rather have a second tab for functional purposes over cosmetic ones.
  2. Here are my thoughts on this that I posted when i couldn't find this thread earlier... This one def. has my vote!
  3. With the whole idea of 'Choose Your Path' promotion... it got me thinking... that doesn't have to mean light vs dark, let's think about the different paths as a player i have to chose from. I have recently started to do PvP as well as the PvE content I was already involved in. This request would not only be viable for players that do both PvP and PvE, but also for players that tend to field respec often (switching between tank/healer and DPS on those classes that provide both options). The general idea here is that these two activities could require completely different gear/equipment. PvP benefits greatly from Expertise, PvE has no need for it. Tank/Healer benefit from defense, absorption, alacrity, etc.... while a DPS benefits from accuracy, crit, surge, etc. To the actual request. I think it would be a nice subscription bonus for players to be able to maintain 2 sets of gear/equipment, that they could easily switch back and forth from the character screen (maybe only while out of combat or something). The only players that would see no benefit from this are those that are strictly one role, one play type players (which I'm guessing is not a very high percentage... especially among subscribers. Obviously you would only have one 'active loadout' and the tooltips for loot / vendors would always compare against the active loadout (so no changes, or minimal changes, would need to be made to that system). I'm sure there are several different ways to implement this, and look forward to other input, and hopefully inclusion into the game! EDIT: Found another post already made for this request here -> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=781466&highlight=secondary
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