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Everything posted by LasagnaSurfer

  1. Please add all Decorations to be donated to guild.
  2. I deleted several million credits before I had realized what i had done.
  3. Whoever changed this in development is a real butthead and I hope your milk goes rotten and your girlfriend leaves you and your dog runs away. You suck.
  4. GIVE US DOUBLE THE HOOKS!!! Come on, you teased us with 50% and then made it only for the original unlock. That's nonsense. Give us 1500 hooks!!
  5. Ugh, I was expecting 350 more hooks. From 700 to 1050. 800 is not enough.
  6. No such thing. The only pvp-ers that stay on this game for longer than a few weeks are those that do other things as well. If you PVP only... you will leave after a while. So that's why no pure pvp guild exists.
  7. Hola! We are here and alive and well. I don't check the server forums very often (but going to change that). We often hit the guild cap so we remove folks who are inactive who don't tell us they'll be gone. But we'll reinvite you when you come back, just look for someone in guild to get you with an officer and we'll get you back in!
  8. Because a guild is way more than just a ship. It's old members that haven't' been on in a while but might come back. It's decorations collected on the ship. It's a community. Economically it would still be bank unlocks and ship unlocks as well.
  9. Yeah we never failed to kill the datacron and we were pretty adept at dodging the purple circles... still getting pwned.
  10. Had a balanced group of 4, all 216/224 full six set pieces, and we spent three hours on this boss without success.
  11. Regardless of their bind, all of them should be donatable to guild. Why are there decorations that we can't use in the guild at all? That's the only stronghold I care about.
  12. I've had the same problem with the same decoration but on the flagship. Took up the entire flagship floor about 500 decos.
  13. I am also having an issue with the decoration. I have the mount and I can summon it, but it is not listed as having it in my decorations.
  14. This needs immediate attention. We need SOME way to order the companions or a better way they than haphazard random way they are now.
  15. This would be nice if proactively changed back. What do I even use Corusca Gems for now?
  16. And as a note, my officers get tells constantly for people asking to join our guild. Success begets success. We are definitely not a zerg guild.
  17. We have a successful guild that has less than one alt per person in the guild on average but we hit the 500 cap constantly. We have between 10 and 40 people on 24/7 with very rare exception and we don't invite "levelers" or pve-ers that don't raid. The 500 limit is a real pain in the ***, because sometimes the best players will leave the game for a while, but may come back six months later and we cannot leave their toons in the guild because of the stupid limit. It's annoying. I do think there should be a limit for guilds, but I think 500 accounts should be the limit, not 500 toons. This would still have the same limitations on chat/instances but allow people who want to play some alts but still be in the community of our guild to stay and that way we don't have to delete old IMPORTANT players to our guild that might be on an extended break. (I being someone who left the game for 8 months then came back to be the leader of one of the more successful guilds on our server.) That would stop the "zerg" and still be able to not have to delete every toon when they haven't played in a week. 500 toon can still easily translate into 1-2 members on a month in many, many dead guilds. If you don't constantly recruit, even with 500 toons you will soon die. We have had more than 250 of our toons log on within a 24 hour period on a Friday not too long ago and we often have as much as 250 active accounts (logged on within the month you can see it on the guild manager). You can't have that if you don't constantly recruit because one by one they will fall away to other games or real life and then you'll be left with one of the probably HUNDREDS of guilds that exist with near 500 toons and no one actually online. Guilds make all MMOs, the guild limit is prohibitive. It needs to allow for people to play their alts in the same guild as their mains without having to kick someone who might be away from the game.
  18. Please double or triple the allowable decorations in the guild flagship.
  19. This isn't that common. There is certainly something wrong though.
  20. You guys are driving me batty. What the heck is a 69 PVE piece? I see no numbers that say 69 anywhere. I see Advanced Hilt 34 which is a Item Rating 180 for a level 55. Where does 69, 78, etcetera come into this?
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