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Posts posted by typenine

  1. Okay, re-watched it and realised I was mistaking Inq's voice for the SW's... And for some reason my ears were saying that Vitiate's voice was changing. Yeah, disappointing. Though the final line makes me confused...


    Because it's Valkorion now



    Lol, yea that`s really the truth to be honest. But hey, that`s Bioware Austin for you. I mean it`s not like I had much expectations after Shadow of Revan but well.......


    have to say, for all the buzz they made around those new characters and it turns out to be the sith emperor we all have been dealing all this time....it`s really lame.



    Yes there are getting predictable but they need to wrap Vitiate up

  2. ^^ I'd remove that if I were you. Just saying... assuming it is what I think it is. :o


    We'll find out if this holds merit when/if they take it off



    Leaked Audio files from the expansion, one line of dialogue is the FemSW talking to the Sith Emperor


    If this is true it is very interesting

    I hear Vitiate/Valkorion , Marr, Fem SW and one other

  3. What I don't think many people realize is Palpatine has to win because


    1. Lucas created him and wants him to be the most powerful

    2. If Palpatine wasn't the most powerful it starts to diminish the original trilogy


    Though I'm not Palpatine is more powerful or better and I'm not saying Vitiate is more powerful or better I am saying the argument is rigged from the start

  4. I think Vitiate would be jelly of Valkorian

    Vitiate - Wants to be a god

    Valkorian - Is a god to his people

    Much closer to godhood then good old Empy


    I disagree Vitiate was basically considered a god by the Empire before they reappeared to the galaxy

  5. Patton as in George S. Patton? If I remember correctly he was only promoted to general when the war was almost over (April 1945. And the war in Europe pretty much ended at the 8th of May.) So while might have made strategic attacks and commanded teams of soldiers to reach his objective, most of that was not while he was a general.

    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.

    Also I'm pretty sure he never commanded a ridiciously highly trained (most of the times) 2- (maximally)6 man black-ops team deep into enemy territory to pull off missions that would be straight -up suicide for normal soldiers. Because I'm pretty sure generals don't usually go on these kind of missions (unless they are jedi maybe as Obi wan and Anaking do that quite frequently.)


    I believe

    Patton was made

    Brigadier General in 1940

    Major General in 1941

    Lieutenant General 1943

    General 1945

  6. Hey folks,


    We wanted to give you an update on a change of plans around our Seattle Cantina, planned to happen around PAX Prime. As we have been looking at our schedule, we feel that as we are just a few short months from Fallen Empire’s launch, it is really important that we focus our resources internally. Our goal is to deliver a AAA-quality expansion and we need to allow the team to put their focus on development priorities, to put all resources into making Knights of the Fallen Empire the best it can be. With that in mind, we have decided to cancel our on-site PAX Seattle Cantina in favor of a livestream event – this allows us to have our team participate without the necessity of traveling cross-country.


    However, we know that Cantinas are often a place where players look to get time to talk with developers, get new information, and acquire some event-exclusive swag. We still want to deliver on those expectations and live up to the spirit of the Cantina event experience. So, in lieu of the Seattle Cantina, we are going to host a livestream on Wednesday, August 26th.


    Here are some of the things you can expect to be included as part of the stream:

    A live gameplay play-thru of a chapter from the new Digital Expansion: Knights of the Fallen Empire

    The team to answer questions via chat throughout the stream

    A shareable link for a 2015 Cantina Tour Pack, which includes the Prinawe Aggregate (a vehicle available exclusively via the livestream) and another random item!

    Plus, a first reveal of a familiar face who will be returning to SWTOR in Knights of the Fallen Empire

    I know that some of you may have been looking to book your travel or hotel stay in Seattle for the Cantina, so we wanted to get this information out as soon as possible. As of this post we will be removing Seattle from the pre-registration list to avoid any confusion. Thanks everyone!


    We hope to see you on the stream next month.





    They also have Gamescon August 6th and 7th though we don't know if there will be gameplay shared

  7. that would suck a great deal. because you don't have to romance companion to like them. and she is my preferred companion to solo with on one of my operatives.


    I hope gamescon provides some information on companion availability, because... yeah...


    Well hopefully Gamescon will provide some info but they did say there would be a stream at the end of the month with some gameplay and some news.......so hopefully we'll have some info by September.................Wow it's August

  8. I get people coming in to my place of work, complaining about paying $5 for a sandwich when it clearly says $5 for sandwich. Yes, sandwich, no drink, no fries, no chips, no potato, no nothing but a sandwich. Can't take the price, go cook your own food. /end rant


    But I agree, people complain louder about money.


    Is it a really good sandwich?


    Is it though? i kinda want to know now




    If this is a subway thing i could understand it

  9. As disappointing as it may be to have most of the characters be silent, I am VERY happy that all my romances have voices, which bodes well for them. So that I am very pleased. I would love to have Blizz and Bowdaar stick around for my characters, but if I had to choose between them and Torian and Corso, I'd pick my romances. I'm sentimental like that.


    You do know this post is about SoR not KotFE right?

  10. Harbinger because it's crowded. I started on Pot5 and just got tired of ghost town planets and slow popping regs. Now I can pvp anytime with no wait and there's always people around on the planets.


    I heard Harbinger is pretty good for population, Ebon Hawk is decent

  11. The missions themselves were okay. I just expected alot more lorewise from the Empire's second capital planet after Korriban. That's where they dropped the ball imo.


    I also agree with this

    and since it's free it's not a ripoff but BW did hype it for more than it was

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