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Posts posted by typenine

  1. I'm a little iffy on this. I would be okay with it if say Drew Karpyshyn was a part of the process and Revan was brought back to canon. Otherwise I would have no interest in the show whatsoever because there's a lot of Revan's storyline still untold or seen, we have hints like we did with Vader but we have yet to see his past with the Mandolarian Wars or his time as an apprentice.



    I would imagine that Revan's would be a large part of the story.

    Revan+Surik+Kreia+Nihilus+Malak+Bastilla, etc, etc.

  2. Signed.


    But honestly i am afraid i would not like it. I can always just ignore it if i don`t like it, so i don`t loose anything if i sign.


    And i do love SWTOR story telling, lore etc etc. And cinematics? Oh, they get 10/10 from me. Expect latest cinematic. It just was not for my liking. Subjective points for latest cinematic would be 6/10, but for others definetly 10/10.

    So certainly there is potential.



    There is a lot of options in terms of story.


    You could start with Revan's story and follow Kotors path or Start before the start of the Mandalorian wars which in my mind would be far better as you could follow all the different stories and their beginnings, for example Kreia when she was a Jedi, how Darth Nihilus came to be, we know he was on Malachor V but was he a Jedi or a Mandalorian?


    Anyway I think it would be fascinating but you would need very good writers to do it well.



  3. Its impossible... You have no idea how much money cost one 4 minutes animated trailer. Imagine 20 or 45 minutes and 15 episodes for one season.


    Sorry to say but its waste of money for them, Unprofitable... very.


    It could be live action for one and if it were to be animated I highly doubt it would look as nice as the trailers simply because of the reason you just pointed out.




  4. They should make a series and base it around Revan's life. His origin story, his participation in the mando wars, etc. Some of it would already be known as "fact" by hardcore KOTOR fans and some of it would probably be fudged with and piss off hardcore KOTOR fans (myself included), but there's a lot of potential for really quality storytelling and the character is iconic enough in the SW universe that they could make big money just off of the name.


    I'm enough of a KOTOR fan that I'd probably watch it on name alone.


    If they would make the show and followed Revan's story I doubt the story would be exactly the same simply because video games and comics do not format to tv perfectly.


    But if that were the case and they had to redo the story a bit I hope it would be the original writers.




  5. I think it's highly doubtful this will ever happen. Nothing in or about the game is canon. Personally I believe this is why SWTOR is going in strange new directions with the KoTFE. They have to. I'm sure that nothing in Disney's vision will ever see the light of day in SWTOR. Why? Because there cannot be two independent "Official" Star Wars Stories.


    We in SWTOR are cut off from anything in Star Wars canon.


    Which only leaves Bioware with one option. Take the whole kit and caboodle in a completely new direction. I think in the future SWTOR will have no option but to travel far away from any hint of Disney's Star Wars.


    They have mentioned that Disney still has to sign off on their stories if I remember correctly.

  6. If that was their only motivation the EU would never have been killed.


    No, Disney wants this to be their universe, so they can do whatever they want with it.


    I think they killed the EU to free up creative space for the Force Awakens etc. But ultimately they didn't spend billions of dollars to not make money.

  7. Some articles I saw.







    The petition itself: https://www.change.org/p/the-walt-disney-company-bringing-the-old-republic-era-of-star-wars-to-netflix




    So what do you guys think? Do you want it made into a tv show?


    I personally think the Old republic setting would work well for a tv show but it would hinge heavily on the writing and how they would choose to present it.








    Maybe not so much for him to turn his back, but until you've gathered enough support for your cause to be able to exploit his death, rather than having some other random step up and fill the spot of the new big bad.




    Well, if you're a Sith........




  9. So as we all know, in both the trailer and in the expansion description, your character becomes the Outlander who is a Veteran of the Great Galactic War.

    However, if we look into the Journal of Master Gnost-Dural he speaks of the Great Galactic war as it happens BEFORE the Cold War, which is where every single one of our stories begin.

    This has to be some sort of wronging in Bioware's own lore, or i am missing something, the only war your character can be a veteran of is the Galactic War (and yes I'm not making it up, it is identified as that in a developer update: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130205) , since that is what you go through after the treaty is broken.

    So what is this? Has Bioware mixed up its own story and lore or am I not paying enough attention (which would be quite embarrising).

    Please respond and what not.


    It's the same war,

    think of it this way

    They call it the The Hundred Years War even though it was technically multiple wars (4 i think) so the Great Galactic war (2 wars) is the same conflict




  10. I would guess it's more along the lines to make the Emperor think you're working with him, while you wait for the opportune moment to make a move.


    You're in the throne room! what are you waiting for him to turn his back? lol


    I get your point but I feel this just drums up false hope




  11. I wonder if it's their Head of Marketing who's to blame....

    During a cantina event all of the devs stopped during the Q & A when she walked in the room because of spoilers....food for thought



    More to the point, weekly updates would be a bit hard, still feel like I'm getting fortnight/monthly updates from"external sources" rather than BW



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