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Everything posted by SharNjedim

  1. My thoughts on this debate, and mind you, my sage is the only class I've been able to finish chapter 2 on, so idk what the others are like. First of all, I feel it only fitting that I introduce my style of playing. I'm a dark side sage, was kinda going for an Palpatine feel with my character, a sith that observes the workings of the order from the inside...a friend of mine plays light side shadow, so I got to see some serious spoilers for the chapter 3 story missions (I was leveling my merc at the time) and the awesome final cutscene. So, after watching the light side final cutscene, I figured I would get ahead, since I could fulfill my intended role on the Jedi council and reach what I strived for all along. Imagine my surprise when this is what Master Satele told me: So, now I have to go and kill Sith across the galaxy, the one people I was trying to imitate... But I definitely agree with the posts of the idea that you're decisions don't appear to carry any weight, other than some cosmetic lingo during the final cutscene. Nobody ever once questions why my eyes glow a deep red, or mentions that I have struck down my OWN master in cold blood...all I had to do was get a minor scolding from Syo after I killed each Jedi Master. Then of course the fight at the end of chapter 1... Overall, my thoughts on the Consular storyline are this: very enjoyable, if you like the behind the scenes, gambit playing diplomat who never gets any real thanks for the work they do until the later parts of the story. Immersive, quite easy to get lost in, and overall, a relatively decent story, although with some serious errors in the way things were run by the Council...
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