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Everything posted by dmarkd

  1. They will be different play styles. Typical of games like SWTOR, there will definitely be a class which theoretically does more damage, but it will be in Bioware's best interests to do as much to balance damage output across all DPS classes. This early in the game, expect many "flavor of the month" classes while Bioware gets a feel for balance. Even after Bioware has a good handle on things, there are so many other factors to consider such as player skill, latency, and the individual encounter mechanics which are going to change who does the most damage for that fight. TL;DR version - even if there was a simple "sniper/gunslinger does more" answer now, expect it to change, and expect it to depend on your skill.
  2. You probably want to equip it in your character screen (press "c" by default) rather than simply placing the item on your quick bar.
  3. You can browse through the quests on torhead to see if there is something that stands out as missed. You could also use google to see if anyone has started work on a leveling guide for the Jedi Knight class, which might give you hints as to where to go. http://www.torhead.com/missions/planet/eq/17/and
  4. There is an independent space combat control section, is that where you had inverted the controls?
  5. This sounds like a bug. I haven't experienced, although I have experienced mis-clicking on a medpack and having it go off and start the cooldown while I'm at full health, which is a little frustrating. "You are already at full health" errors would be appreciated here.
  6. Also, remember that the two are not exclusive. You are building additive light and dark points, not adding and subtracting on a linear scale. This means you have the potential to get both dark and light gear, and in these cases I'm fairly certain the only thing you have to worry about are colour crystals which have a tag saying "Forbidden to light/dark 1"
  7. While switching to Target's Target is useful for, say, assisting a tank, I think what people want to be able to see is a live view of the Target of Target. For instance, if I am tanking, it is nice to see that the mob I am attacking is paying attention to me, or if I'm healing and the mob switches from the tank to another player, I can know who I'm going to need to save while the tank picks it back up again. Alt-T is a start, but it doesn't cover all the use scenarios that people were looking for.
  8. Are you already signed in to PayPal when it is asking you for a credit card number? Is your default payment option set correctly (not to credit card, but bank balance transfer or such)? Is your paypal account actually properly linked to a bank account? It is possible that Bioware/EA will not accept payments from accounts which are not verified with a proper "link". This is probably a question you want to bring up with customer service if the above don't help.
  9. The devs have said it is totally viable to be neutral. There are "supposed" to be gearing options for all paths.
  10. Have you tried the social vendors at the fleet?
  11. As I posted in another thread on this topic, I don't know for certain, but in Windows 7/Vista you can look at the ini files here: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings There are .ini files there per character which may store your key bindings.
  12. dmarkd


    I don't have a 100% certain answer for you. That said, receiving (or not, for that matter) a title may be related to your conversation choices. If you find yourself flipping between the first and third conversation option quite a bit, you may find yourself coming out as very "neutral" in which case you may not receive a title. At the end of the day, this might be a question better asked of the people at "some websites" who apparently have that info available to them.
  13. Yes, upgrading the equipment for your companion will be important as you level up higher and higher. Totally ignoring companion equipment upgrades will make them very weak later on. You can bind a key by going into preferences (hit esc), and down at the bottom left there is a tab labeled "Key Bindings" - select that and you can do what you need.
  14. Check your UI settings under preferences to make sure that your action bars are not locked. You should be able to drag and drop the icons around without issue, if you have problems dropping an icon into an occupied space and the lock is off, you can try removing it first.
  15. You can just do it - if you can't, check your UI options to see if the action bars have been locked, unlock them, and then you will be able to drag abilities off.
  16. I can't confirm whether keybindings are stored there or not as I'm at work, but under Windows 7/Vista you can check the .ini files here: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor\settings There you'll find an ini file with your character name in it, which may contain the settings you'd like to copy over to another character.
  17. These details are still to come, as far as I know, but if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that in the future you'll be able to use legacy points to gift "legacy equipment" to your alts that will perhaps serve purely an aesthetic function, or perhaps they'll be more like heirloom gear from WoW that levels with you and grants XP bonuses and such.
  18. "Want it to be good" and "just for SWTOR" are a little at odds. HP makes a great product, so I don't have anything against the one you've posted. The problem is, if you define "want it to be good" as "play SWTOR at maximum settings forever" ... and then you maybe are mentally tacking on "and I'll totally be able to play other games on this", then I'd really suggest you start looking at a laptop that is a little more purpose built for gaming. If you truly just want to be able to play SWTOR, browse the 'net, watch movies and listen to music, then that unit will be fine. Again, if you want more recommendations, talk about your budget, what else you want to do other than "want it to be good" and I'll see what I can come up with.
  19. I can find GeForce GT520 1GB cards for $55 after $10 mail-in rebate (or just $65 if you can manage the extra $10), which will be a ginormous step up for you.
  20. I had to look up the video card specifics for that laptop, as that's really what's going to bottleneck you in the laptop arena, but it says it has a discreet class 6620 AMD graphics card, so you shouldn't have issues playing SWTOR at medium settings on that machine. Recommending other systems, especially laptops, can get very tricky when it comes to your budget, what else you're going to do with the machine, what's locally available, and how hard other people on the forum decide to rail against each other's recommendations. If you like the looks of that laptop, it'll work.
  21. At this point I would say "depends". I'm playing Republic at the moment, so I can't speak to Black Talon, but so far I've done instances which have a great big portal at the beginning that you can just turn around and walk out again, and I've done instances where you fly in and said portal doesn't exist, so getting out seems like a more difficult scenario. You *should* be able to get back on whatever shuttle you came in on and leave that way as necessary, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.
  22. Forum search is currently disabled. Your Print Screen button should be the default key for taking screenshots.
  23. You should have received in-game mail with your CE items. Check the top left of your screen for a mail icon, and/or hunt down the nearest mailbox.
  24. Certain abilities of yours will generate focus and fill up the bar, not any landed attack. These abilities say that they will do so. Then, other abilities require focus and will consume it when you use them. Some abilities are purely cooldown based and do not require focus.
  25. Oh, you know, except for all those pesky "facts" http://www.swtor.com/blog/giving-grace-period-star-wars-old-republic Emphasis mine.
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