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Everything posted by PiiTarr

  1. It has been missing since the conquest "update" patch.
  2. Do you know if anyone who has killed him has confirmed that he's dead only on the character that killed him and not on their others?
  3. Yes, you can. A character who has obtained their ship can access Nar Shaddaa from their stronghold even if they have never been to the planet before. Also, with the priority travel for Heroics any character that has reached a high enough level to have at least one Nar Shaddaa heroic unlocked can travel there for free (and if they've never been before they can then use quick travel to get to the spaceport and go from there).
  4. You can complete a henchman bounty and a kingpin bounty from the same planet on the same day with the same character. You just can't pick up both missions at the same time. You have to complete one and turn it in and then you can pick up and complete the other.
  5. It is still against forum rules to use the main body of a post to call attention to a referral link, whether the link appears in the body of the post itself or in the signature. They only way to post a link within forum rules is to place it in the signature and not mention it anywhere except the signature.
  6. I think several of the Tion and Vectron models work well for body type 3 male characters.
  7. I agree, it should be like it was before. As alluded to by another poster, I'm one of those who has given up trying to get them to listen, and for the most part I've given up on conquest as well. I understand why they want players to sign in daily to work on it, but some of us have blocks of time available certain days and not others. As it stands now the current system is still less friendly to alts, so while I may manage to reach my personal goal on a single character by logging in for a bit every day, I'm also playing less overall, because those chunks of time I used to spend working on conquest for alts are now being used for other activities outside this game. Sure, that's probably better for me, but when it comes time to decide whether or not I should renew my subscription, it may not be better for BW/EA.
  8. I can see this being useful to trolls, but not really any other purpose for changing names so frequently.
  9. Without knowing where you left off it's impossible to give you a precise answer, so if you've already done Forged Alliances, Shadow of Revan and Ziost, you are right where you need to be to start the new content (KotFE). If you haven't done them yet, play them (or you will be locked out of them when you start KotFE).
  10. This is my thinking as well. It may be an effort to capture more player interest in additional games while hoping it leads to increased revenue from cash shops and micro-transactions in games the players may not have tried otherwise.
  11. If you don't care, why take the time to comment?
  12. Lucasfilm, not Lucasarts. Lucasfilm, which was responsible for the movies, was also responsible for The Clone Wars. Lucas personally approved all major story details of The Clone Wars cartoons so they have the same importance in established canon as the movies. Disney chose to keep them in the new canon after they purchased Lucasfilm (except for the 2003 Clone Wars shorts, which are a different matter entirely).
  13. If this follows the past pattern then only new subscribers will get the bonus month. (I haven't seen this offer myself so I have only past precedent to go on.) Edit: New or returning subscribers, that is, only those currently without a subscription.
  14. This. I haven't seen anything asking for additional feedback following the last round of changes. I also have yet to see anything even acknowledging (much less addressing) the unannounced and undocumented changes to dark project and war supplies crafting.
  15. Prior to 5.8 Weekly and Heroic missions included in conquest counted as many times per legacy as you had characters able to run them, which is no longer the case. Therefore, if Black Hole were part of conquest in a given week, I could run it once per character and have it count for each of them. Now, a weekly counts only once per legacy. If Nar Shaddaa heroics were part of conquest, I could run all of them on a character in a single day and have all of them count, and I could do the same thing on as many other characters as I had, provided I had the free time. Now, only one heroic per day counts across the entire legacy (with the only exception being the "reset" bug, which may or may not have been fixed). So no, it has not been that way since they introduced conquest, and that is why some of us are "throwing a fit about it."
  16. It is used to denote a player's "main" within a guild.
  17. Yes, only the two vendors on fleet have anything you can purchase with the tokens.
  18. When the event ran last year the tokens would drop from Flashpoints. The two prior times the event ran, that wasn't the case, but last year was the first year, not this year.
  19. Absolutely. Making the tokens legacy would have been a great QoL feature.
  20. I tried to get a fifth character to command rank 300 but finally burned out on the grind. Even with double cxp I just couldn't bring myself to run a few more of the weeklies. When it stops feeling fun and feels more like work, that's when I know I've had enough.
  21. Exactly this. Before they went into currency I still had to search all characters to see which ones had them, and so did OP.
  22. On 3/26 they told us about the pack changes in this post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9566723#edit9566723
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