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Posts posted by Sohtaraz

  1. Some MMOs have tanked completely in almost as much time (i.e. APB lasted a couple months before being closed, if I remember).


    FF14 as well, hell gate london (lol, technically can be counted in this category)... But yes, APB actually tanked entirely before going f2p.



    Edit: Yes I know ff14 has now monthly fee, but your kinda forgetting just how long the game was free and how cheap it was to buy from stores. It was essentially a free to play in terms of how it was treated.

  2. Most of have been around MMOs since the beginning, if Trion is the MMO to do this then WoW is the first MMO.


    Not to mention were talking about EA, Lucas Arts and Bioware. Throw in Ubisoft and Activison and you have the axis of gamingevil when it comes to customers in one location.



    Ofcourse they will announce something huge at near end of subscriptions considering the rate they are losing them, before that even would be a better bet, but the saver bet nontheless is that they will announce something big.

  3. Microtransactions store is my real bet but since I love the idea of the thread lets make some actual doomsday predictions.


    Free to Play announcement.


    Cave in for LFG tool.


    Extra Free time do to bad maintanences and server crashes.


    Increase in shard size and server size.


    Content patches for levels 1-30 to increase the ammount of sidequest on alt play throughs.


    Some bug fixes, maybe actually one actual real bug fix that isnt cosmetic.


    PVP fixes, pvp bg's, more dailies you know the usual content related to end game.


    Raid instance fixes do to them being exploitable and/or broken.


    More raid instances.


    More races and bodytypes.


    Lightsaber colour restrictions lift do to popular demand and since it makes episodes 4-6 quite hilarious in terms of morals.


    Moral choise fixes as well as making corresponding texts to speech (as if.).



    Choose your pick most likely you will end up seeing most of them tho.

  4. Stances can overlap and do not cancel each other, Vette currently is going Sniper and Assault for example, this is caused by I believe a level up, but probably should be hardcoded that two stances of any class that are supposed to overwrite each other ACTUALLY overwrite.
  5. I'm sure not a single developer of this game actually thought this game was ment to be socialized the entire game. Why you might ask, and it is very simple. Most, if not all, quest functions do not work in a party enviroment or are not suitable for it any shape or form.


    The chat window fonts are too large even at maximum (Yes I have a very good eye sight) (Im talking about letter width, not height).

  6. So your willing to say that SWTOR is a overpriced peace of WOW junk that was obselete on their parts, and do to awesome marketin they can rip off consumers for several times the money? Ouchie.


    I would also like the point out the only good freature in the entire mac family is the UI and looks, neither this game has. Its as userfriendly as a fireball inside your pants.

  7. Well... what does it take for me to be normal?


    Looking at the forums, 3 posts saying "Go back to WoW!" 3 warnings from personal insults, some sort of aura of hostility and a need to bump all posts that are extremely flametory.


    The only way to actually reduce the ammount of blatantly obvious troll post bumping is to flag them and get the warnings out to people who deserve them.


    Theres also the problem that not everyone can actually make a constructive critism in their post and well rounded arguments and the people who do genuenly get flamed anyway thus they wont make them anymore.

  8. With all the negativity on these forums its starting to depress me. Im only level 30 and having a BLAST, and want to continue having a blast!


    Are they biased trollers or is the game seriously lacking in end game?


    Considering most of the nagativity is caused by people not being punished properly for unintelligant posting, genuine trolling and flaming this is not something that should depress you. (Mainly on the defenders side, thus resulting in 'bad' posts being on top of the first page not the genuinly good ones since good bases makes it harder to flame and troll on)


    Theres alot of issues in this game but its far from being as horrid and as in such a gentle state it needs to be defended as furiously as it is on these forums.


    Problem is alot of people have alot of faith attached to KOTOR games and Star Wars franchise thus they want the game to succeed. Some of them are genuinly disappointed but it really comes down to your personal oppinion on the game.


    Problems in the end game are not seen untill a server stabilises in its end game guilds so within a few weeks (hopefully), as for PVP it will stabilise as the major issues get removed. The road from 30-50 takes a while so just take your time, have a chill and wait for the first content patch to roll out is most likely the best place to genuinly start worrying how end game will look like.


    Edit: some info.

  9. The problem is kills and objectives aren't giving Mercenary Commendations right now, and that would give an incentive to the zone, which would bring in more people, and killing, which would get people to kill each other.


    I made a thread about this here if you want to keep it bumped: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=779116.


    So from the looks of it the any level can join pvp fights against level 50's in battlegrounds is not a greatly thought out tool to level the plainfields after all for pvp players as it looked like?

  10. It's less important than Need, more important than Greed/Dissasemble.


    Because frankly, I feel the tank deserves the shield more than a DPS's pet (and the DPS's pet more than a vendor).


    How about need for mods, and need for astetchic reasons? Who are other people to judge my personal needs for shiny flashy object. Who knows, I might be a goldfish!

  11. The WoW grind in Vanilla was near the level cap. The WoW grind post-Vanilla is non existent. Compare to the grind in Everquest that was essentially level one to level cap of trying to find a group in one of the few well-known grind spots (or solo'ing if you were a necro) and sitting there for hours killing literally the exact same mob repeatedly. Improvement.


    You can egotistically and derisively (try to)read into my statements as much as you like, but attempting to throw your ego around is just proving more so that you have very little substance to your ideas and are trying to make up for it by citing "cred."


    Wow's vanilla grind post was experience grinding and quests were mostly involving of "kill 15 of X" as well as alchemy flask locations located in the middle of nowhere (or in a level 60 dungeon) along with alot of in between things. Mind you epic mount price was very high for non DPS classes or pet classes, and soulstone farming for warlocks for raids was something that was not fixed for a very long period after launch.


    This was also the case for their first PVP that turned in to a what we called "tarren mill free for all", after that in to battleground grinds and then 'evolved' in to arenas.


    Wow grind post-vanilla was in a difrent form. Reputation grind's and dungeong grinds come to mind pritty quickly. Money grind for epic flying so you could actually do professions come as second. (Dungeon unlocks to mount hyjal is a raid grind for example)


    WoW grind didn't end untill Catacalysm infact if you played at relases of each expansion.


    Yes it was NOT as bad as some of the mmo's out there but my god, they really did try their best running for the grind money since that was their biggest timesink by far untill TBC dailies developed to their end form.

  12. The problem is that it has been done to death; in this thread, even. People have rebutted these points ad nauseum, but certain people keep claiming that this is not so. Those people are either blind, illiterate, trolls, or shills. Take your pick...


    A huge ammount of forum posts per minute and threads disappearing off the top 10 pages in one hour without search function is probably the best option for majority of threads popping up again and again.

  13. No you did not. You're a huge liar and I was in beta playing a dwarf mage who only got to 12 because I was bored out of my skull.


    I wasn't even on a gaming PC at the time I got into beta because my computer died and I had to use a spare. You can max out WoW without even having a graphics card, you always could.


    It's one thing to have a terrible opinion about how "great" WoW is, it's another to flat out lie like you just did.


    I would like to follow up on your post a bit if you wont take offense:


    WoW was allways designed to run with low spec computers. It's the blizzards way of designing things and it really hurts them in the end when it comes to implementing new things.


    And yes WoW does not require alot of memory on its own, the reason why you needed a high end computer to run it were the number of memory leaks and addons that were flat out poorly optimised. This was more in terms of CPU power and memory, not graphical drawing power as you suggested and this has allways been the case in wow trough out the history.


    Oh and nice lie WoW was a huge grind from 40 to 60 until they went back in lowered the amount of exp necessary and added more quests. Clearly you weren't even around.


    Leveling 57-60 on two characters by grinding elite mobs, no quests left. Yeaah I wouldn't even go far as level 40 becouse the moment you came out of STV you were on your own baby, quests far between and dificulty curve just kicked you in the face.

  14. Of course not... but then, there is little or no legitimate criticism in the original post. It is chock full of opinion, bias, and outright falsehoods. This is why I suggest that the OP may be more than s/he appears.


    Though, I suspect you already knew that, and simply wished to construct a straw man upon which to heap your baseless accusations regarding my quality of character. By all means, carry on...


    No I just don't think that a company would actually higher someone to engineer something that is bound to blow up on hes face... I mean if hes job was to show how explosive this community is wow, he succeeded and the forum admins are going to have one evening cleaning the mess becouse of this and I quess it kinda shows the quality of their response times.


    And no I really wasn't going for a straw man I was just pointing out how EA (and Ubisoft) is actually the only big company(ies if you want to be technical) who has been caught with their pants down submitting user reviews on metacritic.


    I just kinda wish we would actually show some intelligence over this whole fiasko and show good things about the game or actual flaws in op's statement. For example SWTOR ties in some profession gatherings to instances andI think its pritty nifty way of increasing usefulness of gathering professions within instances.

  15. This is the year 2011 just in case someone was wondering, or 2012 if your from the future. If you are, Hi and greetings to you!


    That means that the standards of today are 2011 and any game that is released is a subject to the standards of 2011.


    Just a heads up there are more games out there then WoW that have jumped up in the last 7 years and maybe you should look what they hold up as well? Newest one is Rift iirc.

  16. Here's the thing, when you present your opinion as obnoxiously as the OP did, pepper it with ignorant personal opinions, and blatant misinformation, you aren't doing a service to those potential buyers. You're manipulating them into doing what you want for your own sake.


    This is entirely true that hes post was quite obnoxious to swallow but it still dosn't give you the excuse to jump on the angry mob to flame and troll on this thread. There were a few things that are possible to salvage from this thread, but instead this is going more and more in to just spreading the biowaste along the walls of the forums after were done throwing at each others faces.


    Edit: by you mean I ment "They" or people in general, not you as in a singular or multiple of group that your part of.

  17. So, does Blizzard actually pay these shills to come on and openly lie about the gameplay? I'm noticing that most of them have join dates of Dec. 2011...


    How did you know? Blizzard has nothing better to spend money on now that they build entire buildings out of it other then to pay some people to waiste their time on a mmo thats collapsing on its own hype and starwars franchise name.



    Are you really this paranoid in real life?


    Do you just assume that becouse someone actually wants to critisise something for the right reasons or they are displeased by what they got instead of what they wante they are immidietly from a competing companys payroll?


    Funny fact is that EA itself has been caught pants down with having 'user reviews' generated by the people on their payroll, paid for that reason... So how many of you furious forumwarrior guardians are on the EA payroll? :D

  18. This post is full of a single person's opinion.

    And we all know we can't stand anyone's opinion but our own really.


    Thats still a very poor grounds to post personal insults and flame on last time I checked.


    Not to mention some of it is not personal oppinion considering that there are false fact from early interviews how combat is supposed to feel epic one on one combat for example, how actual starships are yours to fly, epic storylines (Again word Epic is purely subjective as it is) and when mentioned 'several worlds to explore' one kinda wonders how much they actually feel difrent from one another.


    Hate it or love it I don't care, what really breaks the game for me is this community becouse let's face it we were not sold an entire packet of an MMO and it requires alot of work to be salvagable to even be competitive on the free to play market, specially when they announced that the primary goals of the first patch is to get realmoney-in-game-shop.

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