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Posts posted by Sohtaraz

  1. I don't know but what I do know is the ammount of bad moves EA customer support has done during the short ammount of time ending up in a very unprofessional looking mmo company that punishes players for doing just about anything that seems reasonable.


    And yes if its not actually permitted by game design, and your doing it you should not be punished for it.



    There has been no damage control from EA/Bioware on any of the banning issues that are going on or just the general state of the game at this point. EU customers are being treated as a 'calculated casualty' becouse.... "Thank you for your patience and understanding" ? Great. Good job informing your customers why they are being punished.

  2. Right I forgot. Now that the game has launched everyone having forced medium graphics is a good reason for why the graphics look low textured.



    I'm sorry but from misguided logictrain does this argument come from? We are no longer in Beta we cannot use something that is disabled for god knows what reason as your argument for something.


    And yes over all the graphic engine is sadly more aged then wow's considering they didn't even add lighting effects like wow has done over the two expansions (Along with multiple other nice freatures).


    This is followed by the world themes not really being unique at all in terms of atmospheric lightning its more or less the textures look difrent and thats about it, no sort of tint going on or anything (or even brighter saturation effects).

  3. Because there is no middle on some. It's consequence, something which BW warned would be..


    Becouse after being preached in KOTOR2 that every dark side and light side option has far more signifant effects then they appear this makes it all right?


    I'm sorry thats just sloppy writing in my books, your moral choises can't be a *twiddles moustaches* monocle tophat evil and goodytooshoes, specially in a game that dosn't quite understand exactly where torture belongs in.

  4. Metacritic is the WORST REVIEW site ever. They give bad reviews on every good game.


    Just to name a few

    Starcraft 2 (Like a 93%)

    Battlefield 3 (83-86ish%) We're talking about the game getting voted for best multiplayer, story, and graphics in 2011.


    Battlefield 3's votes are mostly caused by console version being significantly worst then PC version.



    Also I don't see a problem with Starcraft 2 having over 90% score on avarage. Its a fantastic game but its not genre innovative its just starcraft as it is.



    And SWTORS 6.1 is pritty high considering how avarage it is in all its aspects unfortunately I would feel bad giving the game anything above "above avarage" and labeling thats mostly caused by me loving the story and its starwars.


    EA customer support and the numerous badly implemented design choises are the driving force of this game if you start looking it critically. It's not all bad but as a launch review you can't ignore alot of the problems saying "it will be fixed later", unless theres a developer saying they are working on it and are looking at alternative solutions.

  5. That's not true at all. Back in the old days, you just took your combat logs as txt files and did the math on your own.


    Damage meters promote laziness.



    Thats how best parsing happens in the first place, the problem is SWTOR does nothing on its own, nor does it give a log out that we could use for calculus so really....

  6. What a load of rubbish. I can assure you I've come accross many unskilled players who use damage meters. IF you want to believe meters remove skill to simply justify your dislike for them then go ahead. I just sit back and continue to laugh at these threads and peoples invalid arguements


    I kinda think you misunderstood what I was going for let me try again:



    People who do not have meters or anything to verify their statistics use up "skills" such as "assuming", "lying", "estimating", "pulling out of their bumhole" to make up statistic.


    Once you receive a tool to measure something these skills are obselete.

  7. The target is dead. That's usually the best indicator.


    Tell that to those target dummies. I kept trying and trying for 4 hours and couldn't even get him to 99% :(


    Or the dude in Skyrim, I just kept hitting him over and over and he didn't even complain about it, just kept nagging how we should move along.

  8. What MT store?


    Can't recall whos interview it was but they did mention they are looking in to adding a microtransaction store as soon as the game archieved volume. (To be fair it was unsure if it was going towards the 'special edition shop' or an entirely difrent one but still. Changes are, if its going to be a special one everyone can have a change to upgrade their account since its a business model that will sell)


    This being said looking at both lucas arts, and EA and their history of DLC its not really that far out freature. Specially considering the ammount of possibilities for said store from the lack of freatures: Races, mounts, laser crystals etc.

  9. Obviously this game would shut down if we didn't have people like the OP here defending it. :rolleyes:


    Well you have to realice that Bioware has some serious foresight. First thing they want to implement is a microtransaction store.


    Well it still will suffer alot from subscription drops at launch but alot of the damage could have been reduced by just not hiring warhammer development team or actually giving them time to do the game.

  10. Derp...


    The costs are fine. It just seems like a lot because it's in the thousands (for those who've played WoW, which I can guarentee where 90% of the complaints are coming from).


    And the crew skills are very high as well so you will have thousands of credits.

  11. You missed the main complaint.


    The combat system is clunky, unintuitive, and awkward and in a related issue, your abilities don't activate fluidly in the way that they do in this game's biggest rival.


    Character responsiveness is essential to any MMO and its just wrong in SWTOR at present. All the rest of the moaning is white noise. The ability delay/responsiveness problem will scare off half of the playerbase if they don't fix it very quickly indeed.


    Its a briodrone defending its product without any grounds for any of hes arguments, the moment you point out a single flaw in hes system it all falls apart. This comes down to basic oppinions without any sort of critical look at this game, and the most critisised things are not in this list at all.


    The fact that the 'flying mounts' gets to this list is pritty much saying it all. I can list 10 main concernes flat out.



    1. Low resolution textures disabled at launch, no ETA given.


    2. Flat silence from developers about some of the freatures missing and bugs.


    3. Gameplay, serious issues.


    4. PVP system rewards are better then PVE. (Worls barely have ANY pvp content, thus pvp grinding comes to using alts and exploiting or waiting in que. Most servers are heavely in balanced in terms of factions)


    5. PVE content too easy even without parsing tools (Current raid content cleared with minimal 50's, worrying in terms of development considering there are numberous loot bugs involved, content patch coming soon does not adress the dificulty curve)


    6. No parsing tools. (And for the word "parsing tool" those who assume I mean damage meters, read "Combat log of any sort")


    7. PR and customer support:


    Banning of people without real reason or explonation behind it, you as a developer screwed up most of the time not the people.



    Unneedless censorship, private conversations can get you a 24 hour ban EVEN if the person who was reading it does not report you.


    Cannot cancell subscription when banned. This is flat out illegal and I shouldn't have to bother point out why.


    8. Lack of immersion in worlds is very lacking.


    9. Character customisation.


    10. Darkside/lightside options as well as how the system is implemented in the game.


    Notice how most people when you show them this list of critism and they do a bit of research will go "Oh. Wow really?"


    Oh yeah about the PR: http://thedeadpc.blogspot.com/2012/01/maybe-youve-had-enough-of-bioware-hate.html


    I do know that MMORPG companies that pander to the qq of forum posters lose, not gain subscribers. I like to think of BW as a company that listens to the silent majority. If BW ever starts pandering to the "add x wow feature" crowd, the game will quickly diminish to another nice game with less than a million subscribers.


    I'm calling you out on this. Either you have not done any research and ignore all valid points of the argument by saying 'they are design choises' or your really just misguided about history of a few games.


    For example I dont know, world of warcraft? Rift? AoC? EVE online? Final Fantasy 11?


    These all improved Vastly and managed to actually gain subscribers after listening to their forum posters, some of them are alive becouse of listening to them. I don't see how they have lost anything.


    Oh and I'm sure this game wont have the same faith that Warhammer had when its designed, upheld and made by the same team that made Warhamemr Online specially when they are repeating most of their mistakes. I can't sense a pattern at all.



    Edit: Also, since when has Bioware possessed pshychic powers to predict the thoughts and actions of silent majority? Aren't they by defenition silent, and if they go withotu saying whats wrong still silent?

  13. Nothing will beat warhammer in this category.



    Yet EA is nothing short competitive in the nature. Just look at Ubisoft and EA, who can come up with the most insultive and invasive aproach to actual customers on the cover of "ONLINE PIRACY IS BAD! YOU MIGHT BE ONE OF THEM!".


    I have to admit but I think EA might have outdone itself this time is really aiming to shoulder tackle Warhammer from the thrown.

  14. 1. Bad or cartoon-y looking graphics.


    > Its called stylized graphics. SW:TOR's graphics are not designed to be photo-realistic so that they will not look dated in a year or two. If you want photo-realism, play BF3 (great game EA).


    Those low resolution textures sure are stylished. This is the best reason not to implement any high res textures despite them being made.


    2. Linear storyline.


    > SW:TOR is a story-line driven game. All MMORPGs with experienced-based character leveling are by nature linear to some extent. SW:TOR is unique in that at each step in the storyline, you can make decisions from multiple paths that will affect the destiny of your character.


    Yes. So a linear storyline in an MMO is great, if your not in a party and want everyone to feel special. The problem is the story ends at level 50 to a wall, and then you have people who have not grouped with anyone grouping for the first time.


    Unique is not allways good, and some of the story archs are defenetly hit or miss. Its very close to masseffect or da2, but its no where near a redeeming quality for the game.


    3. No open world. I dont like exhaustion or boundaries.


    > Its a big galaxy, did you expect to be able to ride a speeder from one planet to another? Exhaustion and boundaries are part of every MMORPG including WoW. No game world goes on forever.


    So thats your reason for not having more then 20 people per a world and have those worlds heavely instanced? Just becouse there should be boundries? It breaks immersion of belonging to a massive game, it feels alot more like a singleplayer game.


    4. No dungeon finder.


    > Type /who and hit enter. You can find people who are LFG and in the zone where you are questing or doing heroics. Dungeon finders, especially x-server destroy MMO communities and distort character progression by removing players from the flow of the game and rewarding bad behavior. Server communities are self policing, if you behave badly, you will be removed from your flashpoint or heroic group and likely remembered so be a team player and help your group.


    Great so you invented a who system that has 8 slots to fill in where you want to go. Now how is that supposed to HELP someone find a dungeon? Its a huge inconvenience and its just as much as a lfg tool then using wow /who command (that is more convinient since you can just /who [criteria]) and whisper everyone.


    This entire lfg system is at its best lousy and bad. If you over level a planet you dont have the flashpoints general chat, and if your underleveling the flashpoint the exact same problem for finding a group.


    5. No x-server warzone finder.


    > Just click the Republic or Empire button and wait, you can queue with a group from your guild or server. See #4 for x-server issues and their effect on server communities. If you want a mindless, anonymous pvp grind, SW:TOR is not the game for you.


    Mind you not all servers have the same population numbers, most of them are imperial heavy as well so they can have longer que times. PVP servers tend to have more people on one side then other.


    6. No flying mounts.


    > You have your own space ship, you can go anywhere in the galaxy in an instant. What more do you want?


    A space ship you cant fly. You can just choose what instanced location you want to go. Also I can fly in rails in space.


    Not to mention your normal mount is great, here im just driving around *RANDOM SANDMAN ENCOUNTER AND DISMOUNT*.


    7. Companion crafting and gathering.


    > You have more than one of your own personal valet, bodygaurd, cyber-@#$ toy, servant or slave. Yes, you have to equip it and give it gifts. What more do you want?


    Some people like their characters making crafting them selves, this is part of immersion for example to RP. I can see why some people prefer this, like If I make a gift to someone I feel better if I made it, not my slave.


    8. SW:TOR is boring, cut scenes and voice acting are time consuming and a waste of time.


    > Voice acting and cut scenes are a key part of the game. Group or social gameplay is strongly encouraged. If you dont play well with others, there are some parts of the game that you will not experience.


    So if you play in a group with someone you dont get companion points and your entire roleplaying experience comes down to a dice of roll, yet you say this is a key part of the game? Not everyone wants this and its a valid concerne.


    9. SW:TOR is not a true MMORPG.


    > By whose standard? It may not be the MMORPG you are used to but SW:TOR is definitely an MMO-ROLE-PG. Take it from a role-player, SW:TOR is a role-players wet dream.


    By standards of 2011. Im a role-player and this game is my worst nightmare if I consider it as a follower to KOTOR games, or just the direction bioware is taking their RPG games.


    And MMORPG's are largely build around gameplay and social interactions, spiced up with character customisation options. These are the worst qualities of SWTOR.


    10. SW:TOR is buggy.


    > More than 3 years and hundreds of millions of dollars in development. Take it from a software developer, software development is an imperfect process. BioWare does it better than most. Given the size and scope of SW:TOR, the game is remarkably stable and bug free. If you find a bug, report it. Remember that THE LACK OF A FEATURE THAT YOU WANT IS NOT A BUG. BioWare's programmers are bug-stomping as you read this.


    The bug fixes that are implemented are minor, not major bugs. Theres alot bugs that should have been elimanted before they even got this close but this game obviously was rushed for holiday market so it deserves all the hate for it. This is a calculated casualty just as is the EU players who get steamrolled by Bioware/ea.


    And 'better then most' for an avarage game at launch, that relies heavely on singleplayer aspects and starwars is not exactly right. They really have NO idea where their competition is. Theres a thread for bugs if you want to look over it, but lack of basic freatures is still a huge minor and a developer oversight. No one likes inconviniences and most bugs are that or fatal.

  15. I stopped listening to "The story is totally awesome and its like kotor 3".


    I lost my entire intrest at that point since the person who said that does not play rpg games, just mmo's thus this whole line is so stupid its baffling.


    Its like dragonage 2, the space edition when it comes to story. Has its highpoints on some story arcs, and then you have rest in wallowing in the mud.

  16. 08:00am - 16:00pm on a weekday is offpeak in the EU as most of the player base is either in work or at school! all this bloody crying makes me laugh.


    My perm rosta days off are a tues and weds every wekk am i crying and asking for a hug from mummy no lol


    *9-17 for some people AND the moment they go extended maintanence it will be on peak times.


    And Yes as I called it 2 times before, It will go to extendend maintanence. I don't trust the hamfisted people.

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