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Everything posted by Padreus

  1. I can't believe Customer Service would ask you to spend your Cartel Coins to fix this bug. That's more like Customer Disservice.
  2. I just got my 1050 Free Cartel coins along with the the free friend code. Woot!
  3. I just got my 1050 Free Cartel coins along with the the free friend code. Woot!
  4. I've been waiting since 01/21/2016 for an answer to an in-game ticket. So far that's 24 days. I am not impressed with customer service. It used to be very good but not anymore.
  5. Wish I had known about this yesterday while fuming about constant 310 errors. Took 10 1/2 hours due to the 310 errors... Arggggg!
  6. DL finally finished after 10 1/2 hours!!! Paused and restarted and reloaded launcher many many times, but it finally worked.
  7. I hope they will continue to work on this 310 error until they have a fix. The servers are up now so some people were able to DL the update. What about the rest of us getting this 310 error for hours and hours now. Holy Smokes, DL finally finished after 10 1/2 hours!!! About time!!!
  8. Same problem here... DL's to a certain point then stops and 310 error pops up, what is the fix?
  9. There Customer Service is virtually nonexistent. I have 2 tickets open and have been waiting for days for some kind of a reply. I recently read a web post called... Bob Iger - Are You Paying Attention To Your MMO: Star Wars: The Old Republic? http://moviepilot.com/posts/3737329 The game is going downhill fast and they will lose long time subscribers and eventually a great MMO will bite the dust.
  10. Me to on Osessea! "Failed Mission"
  11. I've been getting "Failed Mission" text on Odessa, entering and exiting areas. "Failed Mission" text pops up going into the lower area and exiting the lower area.
  12. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/29naal
  13. I'm having problems with the trainee's just disappearing, I kill about 14 of 18 and pouf they all disappear. Tried 3 times. What gives? Is there a secret to keeping the trainees from disappearing. Not impressed with this quest. I'm a level 34 Jedi Shadow. Should be no problem but it bugs out every time. Hope someone posts a way to do this quest soon.
  14. This Walker mount is awesome! SWTOR ST-7 Recon Walker mount (Club Vertica Pack)
  15. Can't get past the elite droid, tried a few times alone, then went out and tried with another guy, but the elite droid keep killing me off. I'm a level 54 Jedi Sentinel, should be easy. Any tips of killing the elite droid?
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