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Everything posted by AKHadeed

  1. That'd be incredible. I'd love to see some of my toons when I'm not on them... It'd be a great way to make my stronghold feel more lively. And classy!
  2. This thread makes me wish there were likes on this forum like on BSN proper. Because DAMNIT MARR. I think my all-time least favorite line is when I picked something totally innocent and my bounty hunter spouts "I'm a force of nature!" ...No, we're not, honey. We're a force of getting paid in fancy armor. I'll also note that while I love Ashara, when she goes "Don't make me go against my teachings!" she's 90% more likely to get sent on a darkside diplomacy mission.
  3. I still pose the companions that I always wanted to hang out near each other on occasion. Though the holograms are a bit sad, and I'd love to see a more lifelike version of them. ...And of our alts, even in default gear. I just want to have my knight standing next to my warrior.
  4. I will say I'd be very sad if I lost Talos, Bliz or Akavi. Especially Talos. If it was every other companion on one side and Talos on the other, they might be in trouble. I guess I'll have to see what happens, but I do have a certain amount of patience and optimism.
  5. My usual respond to the downers is "Toast with that jelly?" But I'm kind of a bad person on occasion. I'm actually pretty optimistic, though I in NO WAY think Bioware is above doing something horrible just to harvest the fantears they feed on. But it'll probably be decently written in that case. And I expect we'll be locked in with our suspense for a while longer. Having tried to draw it, I 100% agree that the fauxhawke is kind of terrible, though...
  6. All I ask is that I can hit on Talos and have him tell me he loves only archaeology! Gawd, I love that nerd so much.
  7. Huh. Risha's voice is just peachy keen by me. I think it's how... pitchy Holiday is. Learn something every day.
  8. Ugh, Holiday. Part of me wants to like her because I tend to like those kinds of stories... But then she talks. Whoever picked her voice actress was clearly a closet sadist, conspiring with whoever wrote her dialogue. Something about that voice just burrows under the skin on the back of my neck and starts yanking. Man, I've been making a list of companions that I will legit straight up cry if I can't get back. It's not a long list, but TALOS CAN'T LEAVE MY SITH SORCERER. SHE NEEDS HIS ADORKABLE CHIPPERNESS LIKE AIR ITSELF. Speaking of leading a girl on... My Sorc may be a "No time for love, Dr. Jones" type, but if Talos was an option... Temple's my agent's moral compass, or what passes for it. Every near-cynic needs an idealist. Plus, I just love her so much. I know she's not one of the more interesting characters, but I actually like her dedication, even when it takes her straight to crazytown with no stops. Also, if Bliz cannot be found, my hunter's going to be so sad. She killed a Sith Lord just for choking the guy (okay, so it took a whole chapter to do so, but still...) Also, he says the best things on crew skill quests. And all the time. And yeah, I want Theron back. T'chuh, obviously, since I'm here.
  9. Xalek out of nowhere! I believe in you, little apprentice.
  10. "I have a prophecy. You'll be beat up by a unlucky but competent bounty hunter and one of her friends because what's left of the Empire gave her some credits to do so." "Wut." "Or by a pretty Chiss dude who stabs stuff. He's sneaky, though. Works for the Sith and hits on everything." "Seriously?" "Or maybe just a really lucky random pirate chick in a big hat." If I was Valkorion, a powerful forceuser, and anyone predicted one of my characters was going to beat him, I think I'd ragequit.
  11. Somebody's jelly of the pretty boys who get all the ladies. Except for Xalek and Broonie. Poor guys...
  12. I'm kind of glad that my one who was married avoided flirtership, by and large. My perennial cads and bounders are going to have some 'splaining to do, but since none of them are full-on committed, just on a makeout train, I hope it's not TOO dramatic! ...So will my husband's sorcerer, actually. Someone made out with Cytharat with my lady bounty hunter, Ashara (his space waifu), and Mako in the party. It was freaking hilarious.
  13. The yeses I have for this are insufficient. I require more. He's not dead. I want to know what Mr.-Democratization-of-fear is up to!
  14. You can pry my bounty hunter ship from my cold, dead hands. No, but seriously, if they took my ship to give me a new ship, even a bigger, fancier ship, I'd be a little sad.
  15. I've been asked why my current favorite Star Wars thing is the ridiculous, ho-yay filled version of Spy vs Spy, complete with every time Cipher Nine gets mad that Lana has Theron do spy stuff. HOW COULD IT NOT BE. http://i600.photobucket.com/albums/tt86/katrinarix/IMAG0003.jpg I apologize for the image quality. Magic wand scanner with no editting on a pencil doodle may not have been my wisest choice, but it was what I had on hand.
  16. Lawgriffal is the best puppy. Or malamute puppies because OH MY GOD.
  17. Bounty hunter may seem underpowered and likely to continually get her butt whupped, but she's still standing and doesn't stop. This is PURELY unbiased by what my first playthrough is liable to be. And on that note, by the books hunter and a well-meaning Darth Imperius (like my husband plays, for example) is clearly the best way to put beardy down hard.
  18. If you see a male Chiss operative wearing his jacket (though in black and grey, because Empire, mang), say hi! I'm a dirty PvPer most of the time, but I do occasionally hang out on the fleet and RP. Usually in my snappy Imperial uniform, but sometimes in a few other outfits. I actually doodled a Theron. Should find my scanner, eh?
  19. Imperial Agent dreamteam: Malavai Quinn as your XO. Lieutenant Pierce, too. Temple and Lokin can stay, they're both good imperials. So can Scorpio... And we're kidnapping Talos. Imperial Military (kinda) team! Havoc Squad, eat your heart out. Our uniforms are snappier.
  20. Spikey things are not for hugging? But... But... Butbut...
  21. All this is reminding me of Jedi Academy, which my husband has me play back in college. I spent like 80% of the game only taking lightside abilities, except for force choke, because it was the only way to get stormtroopers to drop their weapons and surrender. And Luke and Master Katarn both lectured me about that choice... And then I finally do a mission with my master and HE'S THROWING LIGHTNING AROUND ALL OVER THE PLACE. Damnit Kyle.
  22. And if worst comes to worst, just glaze. "She told him the situation" or "I filled him in" works pretty well if you're in fear of repetition. You can always pick the interesting notes back up!
  23. Kidnapping Lord Praven... I know that feel. I wanted to be like "Kira, you're grown up and a real Jedi now, more or less. I need a new Padawan. A tall one." I don't think I would have hit on him (my Jedi was comically by-the-books), but I would have loved the adventures of Knight Ophona and Lord Praven: Squares in Space. And while Lord Scourge being romanceable wouldn't benefit ME personally unless I decided to go back and play a slightly-worse-at-being-a-Jedi-Jedi, I support it. It'd be a fun option for a darkside knight, and... Well, force sensitive nonhumans. He'd be the unicorn of male romantic options. And probably chock full of pathos, which can be amusing.
  24. Hi guys. And can I note I love all the gritty first person that's been around here lately? I'm not saying it's my boo, but it's totally my boo. In case you somehow couldn't guess. @Frauzet: Ikle Thorns melts my heart, FYI. Kid needs a hug. So I wrote this at work (it was a slow day). Other Hadeed is still off gallivanting around, so it's unedited, except in my unfortunately lackadaisical style. It's for the Legacy prompt. S'called "Dear Sweet Baby Sister." It's here because I've been playing Kitzha Irons, Angie's smuggler sister, a lot. It contains no fighting because I decided to have people talk about feelings instead, which may have been a tragic mistake. And it takes place just before the last one. More comments are incoming. At least a few. For realsies this time.
  25. I'm suddenly really glad about hitting on Theron on my agent. He may be married to Temple, but they apparently agreed to be pretty open with it. Seducing an SIS officer is probably okay. Right? And then comes the force push...
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