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Everything posted by Equeliber

  1. There is a huge difference between Pay-to-Play and total Pay-to-Win that most of these Freemium garbage games are. If we ever get actual gear on Cartel Market, I will be done with SWTOR. The state of gearing is already really casual, just a bit grindy. We don't need gear on Cartel market! To me gearing changes in 6.0 sound very good so far. And, by the way, amplifiers are not going to be overpowered and PvE will be balanced around gear without Amplifiers. I wouldn't worry about them until we actually see them and they turn out more meaningful than what devs are saying (which shouldn't happen). P.S. This is whay devs said about amplifiers.
  2. I've done the worldbosses literally over 200 times at this point and i don't have any problems with them besides the lag that I get (and i can't really blame the devs as my CPU is garbage, it wouldn't run it well even if thy optimized it perfectly). All the issues you listed are your personal problems. I have never had this box disappear, sounds like you accidentally opened it while opening command crates and didn't notice. Try to calm down and come back to Ossus later with a fresh mindset.
  3. You know, this is actually a cool idea, to have a debuff that can slow down the cast times/GCD.
  4. Those stats are perfectly fine. Get some more health and you could tank Nim, if you can handle being a PT in there
  5. You could just run whatever accuracy you have and once you get 258 pieces, you will have 746 (2 enhancements + stim).
  6. Losing 1k-1.5k defence rating wouldn't have had such an effect. Defense rating has nothing to do with how much damage you take. It only gives you a chance to take no damage at all. By swapping mods out you lose at worst 5-7% Defense chance, it's nothing. Also, losing 20-30% at once is perfectly fine. How much total health do you have? If it's on a lower side, then some hits might feel huge percentage-wise. At the very least you should have 135k health, if we are talking augmented 248+ gear. P.S. Just noticed you said 20-30% in a few hits. Certain bosses, especially in Nim can almost one-shot the tank, even when he is full geared, has a correct rotation and uses defenses. It's normal. That's what healers are for - they should help you survive huge hits by pre-casting bubble/HoTs on you and healing you up after the hit happens.
  7. This situation the OP is now in (he already bought/crafted 5 240 augments for 735 accuracy setup but now he finds out there was an easier - but, technically, not fully min-maxed - setup with 746 accuracy) is why I don't like that Smarty and quite a few others only cover the 735 accuracy setup. 746 comes naturally, doesn't require any extra pieces of gear and in 99.99% cases will perform literally the same way. And in certain unlucky situations 746 is actually better. You have 0.01% chance to miss with 735 accuracy. It's very tiny but at some point it will happen. It can happen even on something big like Ambush. Why risk it for 11 points of extra critical rating?
  8. Yeah, that was a pretty fun encounter, my companion also got obliterated so I just ran around with Kolto probes on myself. The shield was coming up way too quickly though, before the cooldown of the missile was ready (may be my DPS was too hot? ), so that was a bit frustrating. Both heroic 4s are also easily soloable and on a stealth class you can just skip to the boss.
  9. There are plenty of DCDs that are directly additive to your Damage Reduction Stat from Armor Rating. The ones in question here are exactly like that. Let's say, sorc has 20% (I think that's what you have with 258 armor) DR. He picks that one utility that gives +3%. Now he has 23% DR. Then he uses Lightning Bolt 3 times. That's +15% DR. If you open character sheet, you will see that you literally have +15% added to your DR - you've got 38% now. Then you use Static Barrier on yourself and get +10% from Deionized debuff. It also is additive. You now have 48% DR hence the OP's comparison to having DR of a tank (tanks are at around 48-56% depending on class). Once you pop Cloud Mind, you get +25% DR. It is again, additive. You now have 73% DR. Then you pop self heal with the legendary utility. It gives +15% so for the next 6 seconds you have 88% DR. A different type of stat is "Reduces Damage Taken". This is the one you explained. That is the stat that is not additive. Like Invincible on jugg tank or proc from Maul on Deception. You already explained the way that one works.
  10. I still don't see where 98% is coming from. With the self heal's utility DR you would have 85%. That's a one-time occasion every 45sec that burns through half of your DCDs. I don't ssee how it's broken. Have you even played Lightning sorc? Doesn't look like it. You say you just "read the passives". You are like that one guy on PvP forums the other day who was crying that snipers are useless and weak. Lightning Sorc's main defense is still kiting and keeping distance. The only thing this DR accomplishes is that sorc isn't completely blown up every time a melee reaches him. If you really think that simply having high DR makes you OP, you haven't played much PvP. Whatever DR you have stacked up as Lightning, if you get locked down, you will be forced to phase walk away or pop barrier - same thing sorcs have always done. This extra DR they have now is just making it so their survivability is not laughable and they don't get oneshotted (bad sorcs still do). You know what class truly has strong passive defenses? Marauder. Back him up with a healer and it's unkillable. 55% DR for 30 seconds straight and tons of other defenses on top. But that seems ok to you, I guess. P.S. Reflect on merc is obviously much stronger than anything sorcs have despite longer cooldown. Mostly because merc has a ton of other things on top of reflect (high DR that you seem to be scared of so much, ridiculous self heals, better kiting tools, higher burst...).
  11. DM: After the patch I had my game client freeze 2 times (waited 5 minutes, was forced to terminate the process in the task manager). After the last freeze I am now in queue on server selection.
  12. Nice. Talking **** about the game based on own exaggarated speculations that have no actual truth behind them. These forums are going to be "amazing" this summer.
  13. It is an MMO. There will always be content for groups-only. It's your personal problem if you are anti-social/scared/whatever.
  14. I mean, yes, it has a lot but no need to exaggarate and make things up. 98%? Nope. Consistent 45-48% with a 45sec cooldown DCD bringing it to 70%? Yes. Not that different from what mara under Cloak of Pain has or Rage jugg (also almost consistent 40%). This DR is the only reason Lightning sorcs actually are decent right now. Definitely not because of their burst
  15. 1) The breakpoint for tier 2 alacrity is 1857. With 258 gear we can reach 1859 which is just 2 points over the breakpoint. You don't need to remove accuracy from your gear to get there, alacrity comes naturally in these DPS pieces: head, offhand and then 2 Quick Savant implants and Quick Savant earpiece and then you add 6 240 alacrity augments (or 4 240 augments and 2 236 augments for 1857 alacrity, if you want to save some money). You would only need to take out accuracy enhancements if you were going for 735 accuracy setup (5 240 augments + stim) instead of 746 (2 258 enhancements + stim). In my opinion, it's not really worth it, the difference is minimal and you even put yourself at risk of missing, as you will be running 109.99% accuracy. I know, it's a small chance but while parsing I have missed Ambush on Marksman sniper, Rail Shot on Arsenal Merc and Force Lightning tick on Madness sorc, I don't want it to happen in real fights for just 11 points of extra Critical Rating. 2) The number of ticks doesn't change with Alacrity, only the speed of ticking changes (becomes faster). 3) Tier 1 alacrity (702+) works fine but it will generally have a bit lower DPS than Tier 2 alacrity build.
  16. Fusion missile already has 8m radius... IO merc's DoT spread is one of the strongest in the game and you can do it without interrupting your rotation. It's one of the strongest AoE classes, actually.
  17. Pre-cast Orbital strike-> Pre-cast Ambush -> Adrenal + Corrosive Dart -> (Start here if no pre-cast, so use adrenal here too) Penetrating blasts -> Sniper Volley+ Followthrough -> Penetrating Blasts -> Followthrough -> 2x Snipe -> Followthrough -> Ambush -> Followthrough -> Penetrating Blasts -> Followthrough -> Corrosive Dart -> 2x Snipe -> Followthrough -> Ambush -> Followthrough and so on. Replace Corrosive Dart with Takedown if you have Finish the Job proc and the target still has Marked debuff/going to die before full duration of Corrosive Dart (Corrosive dart, in general, should have close to 100% uptime, you get a 1GCD spot between all of your Followthrough sequences exactly every 12GCDs or so; which allows you to throw in a Corrosive Dart without hurting your main rottation). I hope you get the idea. The rotation is built purely around Recoil Control (lvl44 passive). Read it, understand it, and the rotation will come to your mind by itself.
  18. The only way to miss the loot after death is if you are stupid and respawn at medcenter/outside of ops right after ehe boss is dead but before loot was picked up. First of all, there is no point going to medcenter as those who are alive can and should just res everyone. Secondly, even if you do go to medcenter, just wait for the loot to be picked up and then respawn. Totally their fault. And yeah, could be that they just wanted to master loot it.
  19. Then most likely you are not in the Story version of the flashpoint. Abandon the mission, go to the mission giver and select the Story version (Option 1).
  20. The original story isn't instanced like KOTFE and KOTET are, so the devs can't make a difficulty toggle for the same reason they can't make original stories replayable as KOTFE and KOTET are. Anyway, why are you searching for difficulty in story mode quests? They are played for story, not for challenge. There is plenty of challenge in this game as in any MMO. Do HM/Nim ops and ranked PvP and come back here. We'll see if that's "too easy, boring" for you. And if you want hard content purely solo, you can always create it yourself. Complete a master flashpoint with no group, only your companion. Play KOTFE and KOTET master chapters (those are total hell). Even in vanilla story content, turn off your companion and unequip gear, it will be quite a bit more challenging in some cases.
  21. Just because you aren't bothered, doesn't mean others shouldn't bother. If people want to gear, they should be able to go and get gear. Also, "other things"? There are literally only 2 weeklies to do for the crystal (and one of them is the GSF one) and the other 2 crystals you just buy for UC. World boss weekly takes around 30 minutes and UC purchase takes 15 seconds. What "other things" should I do now that I have done this if I want more gear for my main? There are no "other things". An already artificially slowed MW crystal grind has been even slower for 3 weeks in a row because of the GSF weekly crap. I don't get this weekly rotation idea at all. They should just make all 4 weeklies available each week (adjust the PvP one to be a bit harder/slower and MFP one to be easier/faster) and players should be able to pick the one they want to do (other 3 disappear once you choose one).
  22. Story and leveling is easy, if you want to play this jugg as a tank at 70, you might as well level it as a tank, you'll already have the basic understanding of it's abilities when you get to 70, so you'll just need to learn more encounter-specific things. Jugg specifically has very solid damage on low level and when scaled down on planets. You just need to get Crushing Blow at 26 and you can start almost oneshotting packs of enemies. If it feels a bit slow, nothing is stopping you from wearing dps gear while leveling. Small amounts of tank stats are pretty meaningless, anyway.
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