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Posts posted by sxykitten

  1. no it wont LOL most people run minium 2 Sets...


    your a DUMB **** if you are riping gear every time you switch from PVE/PVP


    the cost to auging 2 full sits with 186s isnt very much for one grab a Biochem farm Yain 3-4 hours! Tada 200 MK10 kits! Ding 10mil easy



    infact this will encourge others to have 2-3 sets...every toon of mine has atleast 2 sets some run 3. or 4

  2. last i recall...last update this game will ever get is this Summer.


    The Contract for SWTOR hasent been renewed and is coming up in few months. which they are Renewed by now enless they plan to shut the game down...hate to say it but even Devs have hinted at it on stream awhile back that Tors story was ending soon & another game will take its place. they have no reason to respond anymore.


    its clear somethings up much like way SWG ended....they pushed alot content in span of few months. then gave everyone 3 months to enjoy it.


    Fact is SWTOR hasent made enuff money in EA's Eyes to be worth on to keep investing. they have to constantly Shell out alot of money just to renew. EA hates this & has a bad track record & BW is non existant with its Playerbase


    i see F2P games no Subs that make less get more updates & better servers then TOR and have devs always responding..


    BW/EA arnt Embarr...they just dont feel like responding on the ****** mess they made.


    1 Untitled SW game coming out by Disney thats sopost to be a MMO. that fits to timeline of movies & heres a hint...Old republic has No Timeline between both thus most likely this is last content this year TOR will get before its shutoff...


    its not hard to look at the fake smile on the devs & all the stuff they say here/there like SOE did


    TOR did pretty awful & its sales are not very big to be worth it. they have just got done making its cash back awhile back from the funding they put into the game...most games make their funding the first 6 months not 2 years later

  3. Screenshot:





    6% GPU Usage?

    17 FPS?


    Settings were all set to low except character visiblity.

    Not like it did any changes.




    GTX 970

    8GB RAM

    OS & SWTOR runs on 840 EVO SSD 250GB

    Fresh Win8 x64 install



    never this games engine is the Beta version...SWTOR never got upgraded...thus it has major issues. even my Hardcore gaming Rig has issues...yet can play any new games Max with 1080p with 60 fps its so funny

  4. Alright. so my question is i'm just coming back to SWTOR with husband Lvled a jugger to 60 cant handle the movement of them still...


    however i'm pretty good at Op as i'v done alot healing in Past.


    My question is i'm looking to lvl my 55 one up & i wanna heal However i wanna DPS but atm i do not wanna buy into 2-3 Full sets of gear as i craft all my stuff.


    so what would be the Mods/Augs/Enhan/Amourings to use for Both DPS & Main healing.


    my Main Spec would be healing However i still need to DPS spec to kill crap...so any ideas what would be ideal for both without hurting to much on one?

  5. This.


    The current 12x XP boost for class story missions + ilum and makeb story missions are your best bet of getting a new legacy set up here. Character transfers from US to EU servers....well I wouldn't hold my breath.


    You can level toons to 55 in a matter of a few days atm. Your choice of course but I have no idea why you picked a US server to begin with and waited so long to do something about it. I would've bitten that bullit by now.


    But yeh...the opportunity is there now. Find a helpful guild and you'll be doing fine before you know it.


    few days no? 6hours yes if you get a 55 to boost yyou with X12 XP its been done in 4.7hours 1-55

  6. I've played all four of these titles in the past year. Only one I keep returning to is TOR. Sometimes it feels like returning to an abusive lover, but TOR has a better community and better gameplay than the others, despite it's many faults and foibles.


    WoW has pedigree, a long track record and it's own charms. But the latest changes have really dumbed the game down (I hope TOR's new discipline system isn't an attempt to follow suit). I used the 7 day trial to return to WoW recently and was astounded at what they've done to the game - and not in a good way, they've totally gutted the gameplay.


    Wildstar could have been a contender but they took some serious wrong turns and made some quite bizarre design decisions. The combat is great fun, the player housing is amazing and the humour and graphics are wonderfully quirky (if you like the cartoon style). But the antiquated endgame model based on hardcore gaming concepts a decade out of date is really hurting the game. It seems to be dieing, sadly.


    ESO should feel ashamed to call itself a MMO. It's just Skyrim with added gold sellers, exploiters and more gold sinks than even its army of gold sellers can fill. Gameplay could be fun if it wasn't for the ridiculous inventory juggling minigame. The guild system is bizarrely implemented and it's just not a very community oriented game. The 3-sided persistent PvP environment of Cyrodiil deserves an honourable mention, but they totally dropped the ball by failing to balance the classes and prevent exploiters.


    So the real question is, when are you going to get your act together and use the 12x xp bonus to reroll on The Red Eclipse where you should have been all along? :)


    sadly if you watched the DEV-Streams they specifcly said the Disc System is same as Warcraft & explained Cookie-Cutter is better & they will haft to do less & less. while WoW is easy atm. WoD is extremly hard/fun only reason WoW is easy atm is your having lvl 100 stats on lvl 90 mobs they said. the mobs atm Are toned do abit to a point people can just do w/e with ease before the pain starts.


    and for x12 xp..depends some left with every toon alrdy so no point to have it.

  7. Funny u ask, i JUST canceled my Wildstar account. I really love this game and have returned here. I also like Elder Scrolls allthough some people seem to hate it.


    some? you mean 95% because their Playerbase died majorly. when i mean major like its dead on most servers & have plans for a F2p model with SWTOR ideas in mind. which is very bad


    ESO is nothing like its big brother infact its just a SWTOR clone but worse other then killer Gfx.

  8. It really boils down to two games: WoW or SWTOR.


    Wildstar is on life support. I fully expect consolidation of servers and F2P w/in 3-6 months otherwise that game is deader than Fried Chicken.


    (Unless you like MAJOR grinds (think Naxxaramas on 'roids or old EQ) then it's for you)


    ESO has multiple issues as well. (I played Oblivion and Skyrim to the point of sleep deprivation. I was also in Betas I-III). Instead of me going on a rant, I'll paraphrase what somebody said during Beta II:


    "It's as if they ripped the heart and soul out of Skyrim, then turned what was left into a MMORPG"


    During a recent Q & A with a playing audience, the (non-Dev) lead asked, "Who has a level 50? (highest level at the time). Everyone raised their hand.


    Then they asked, "Who likes the 'Veteran System'?" Only the two Devs raised their hand.(*) (Dependent on the financials I probably would've fired the two Devs on the spot)


    ESO is not Oblviion (not EVEN close), it's not Skyrim (not EVEN close), it's not even better than WoW except for voice acting and graphics.


    As a buddy of mine said, "There is no compelling reason to play this game."


    (*) It's not the game you (The Devs) want to play, it's the game the players want to play.


    last i looked a dev made a post with F2p in next 3 months on wwildstar due to the game took a 78% loss of players in its first month.


    ESO is going to go F2p eventully its a dying game . when i can log in find little to no players on most the servers during 4-6pm PST you know its dying.


    SWTOR..yeah subs great..but even me/hubby are quiting EH is the biggest server..yet few hundred players to me is dead.


    we decided to head back to WoW till SOR story. SWTOR in generals just dying more & more slowly and i can't help but feel the need to leave before a swg comes when we have put over 5,000 USD into this game. each...


    however wow..still unkillable. still has more content. always will when they pump out dates x5 faster then any other mmo to date. more stable servers.


    still have yet see swtor servers get fixed they constantly every week take a major dump or lag like mad..


    Still same WoWs best choice atm if your wanting longterm & easyer gameplay now with easyer lvling.


    for me im choosing gameply over voiceovers. this game does not have enuff to sustain players . if you dont raid or PVP you will just get bored.


    atleast you wont have 1h pvp ques sometimes on WoW.


    it comes down to if you truely wanna have more to do or less with swtor. at the rate the content is retarded slow 1 year+ just for major content vs wows every 3m with expansion every what year or less now?

  9. Buy more crates people.


    The GTN is lacking these items so get to spending so I don't have to.


    come to EH you'll find full sets under 3mil manly only chest is the highend rest pieces are well below 1mil some are down 20k


    for rest items lol...dirt cheap

  10. 150? I call BS.


    and if you were dumb enough to buy that many packs...well. Thanks for keeping the servers up!


    not BS me/my hubby spend alot here...not anymore as of last set.


    & no OP not just you we opended 7crates got a Chest thats it now looking at GTN...prices went down for something so rare that haas no value.



    we both seem to get same luck . just sell packs they go for more & you make more.

  11. What this weeks episode of South Park. It plays in perfectly with this thought process.


    sadly...its true i can vouch it between me and my husband so far we both together have spend close to $7,500 usd in packs well hypercrates that is


    what i can indeed say. is if your very interested in credits. just sell the crate....do not gamble anymore. i have opended over 30 gatekeeper hypercrates never once got satele boots... i however did manage like few of her chest and god awful alot of the gloves/legs....


    went thru new set other day. 7 Crates. 1 Dath Chest.

    1 Krayt skull

    0 Jaral

    Loads of common **** worth 1-5k..


    really its just gambling & a bad one at that when i mean bad i mean litterly bad i could of sold the crates & made roughly 30mil doing so vs the 7mil gain from the packs LOL now krayt/chest have droped so far its just really dumb.

  12. OP this set was not designed by them it existed already in SWG used by afew nightsister npcs.


    all they did was a copy/paste of the design off their as do afew other items.


    however im more upset none of the **** in the new pack is worth much on gtn now on EH. only 3 items are of real value. one is the krayt. 2nd is dath chest 3rd is jaral chest. rest is litterly not worth much...


    sadly this new hypercrate only real value was satele set. and the pieces that are...rarely drop

  13. they are and no one uses them. however i had listed roughly 40 diff shipment 5 weapons mainly sabers. all for 10creds....none sold...im siting on weak to i just decided start destroying them...


    they are also not socorro because there are versions out their that have existed in other sw games...they look way better. in general. look at all armour in the new packs only the dathomir set is great and whys that? nightsister theme.

  14. wow way to ruin the fun of a commando so much for my beam of death....glad i went thru with unsubing.


    way to copy Warcraft though.


    Disc Tree=WoW Talents

    Lower Dmg at 55-59=Same thing they did cause their worried about numbers.

    Cuting/prunning skills=exactly what wow did



    lets just admit your going copy wow now because your so worried about subs & last i looked this game does not have 1million subs.


    if i wanna play warcraft....i could just go play that and tbh they are more stable..stop doing updates and fix your bugs and servers first


    i have ecountered over 100+ bugs/glitches this past month.


    i have found numerious exploits .


    servers have constant instability to a point you have 4-5 servers crashing every weekend or exp 100k+ MS lag for nearly everyone every dam week .


    fix your **** before you release....this games riddled with bugs oh yeah how about you fix the leak with your cartel coins shop because people have found a way to use a backdoor and fund theirself millions of cc and spam gtn with over 500 hypercrates at once on every server. and since you guys once admited to the cartel-coins being hacked into...im guessing it truely was never fixed...lol

  15. wow!


    come back to check the post and we're up to 2 pages lmao. Ty everyone!


    and seeing a lot of varying opinions too. Thats good! Means that all the heal classes are viable (its usually fairly obvious if theres an outlier) and it comes down to playstyle (and ty to those that gave WoW comparisons, that helps :p).


    I'm so torn right now lol. I started both a jedi councilor and a bounty hunter and have been slowly working them both up (still around 5-6 on each). I love the attitude and general "feel" of the bounty hunter (storyline, attitude, actually being able to dark side some decisions and not feel bad :p), but i just have a hard time doing star wars without a lightsaber lol. Not to mention that i'm seeing force as a more traditional mana bar (as was noted in this thread). I've also seen it mentioned that sage plays something like a disc priest... and i love my wow disc priest lol.


    So yea... i'm KINDA leaning towards sage right now but i'm also liking my bounty hunter/merc.


    Meh, might just level em both lol.


    ty all :)



    no it's more about how well you play & how much time you are really wanting learn it. because as my above post Sorc/Sage & Op/Scound are easyer healers & Merc/Mando are not easy. Almost everything they have is a cast time & almost everything is Rotation based wheres as Op you can Spam 2-3 of your heals on a group & still do good. where's commando you gotta be on your toes 24/7. you also solely rely on procs & your Supercharged or your healing isnt so great.

  16. Definitely commando/merc healing. Most definitely.



    Just kidding, don't listen to me. I haven't played any class as a healer besides a few times when I had to on my commando. I don't think I have enough experience as a healer to recommend anything. :o


    He said newb friendly....Merc & commando are hardest to master. most i run into suck badly & cant do what few of us can......



    If anything Op/Scound is easyer & more all around a stable healer with good cooldowns & a Stealth...


    Commando/Merc is really tough to master & oh boy i have encountered loads of bad one's in FP's who cant heal or really bad one''s in PVP who cant pass 400k when i can pull 1.5m a match my OP however can go up 2m very easly by just Probes/HoT

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