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Posts posted by sxykitten

  1. So why do we only get "this"?

    Imho (and that has been stated by others already in some form) two reasons:


    First (and most importantly): budget


    This is an old game with a small playerbase. That playerbase and subsequently the revenue will not scale well with the amount of content added.


    The game is currently making a little bit of money for EA from subs and cartel market. I don't know which constitutes the bigger slice of the cake but I would guess cartel market.


    Small budget means few resources:

    • not enough devs to fix both the huge bug backlog and work on new features -> only the most game-breaking bugs get prio 1 and being worked on. Ok, this is a little simplified - they will probably squeeze in a few minor bugfixes that take little time, to fill up their development sprints.
    • not enough game designers/artists/etc. for new story dialogues, cutscenes, planets
    • not enough money for a huge amount of new voice acting


    Second: quality of the team


    This team has been bled dry of talent. The biggest reason for this has been Anthem. What's left is a skeleton crew. A lot of the old people are gone. This also has an impact on bugs, since new devs are not that familiar with the convoluted mess that is the game engine, which has been adapted over the years. You need someone really knowledgeable with the intricacies of this Frankenstein engine to avoid major bugs.


    One good indicicator is the promotion of Eric Musco from Community Manager to producer. I have seen this in other companies - resources are withdrawn from a project, a junior crew is maintaining it and minor players in the team are promoted/given more responsibility. I'm not blaming Musco here - he's probably doing what he can with this mess.


    So imho the process could have been something like this:

    Stakeholders: "Do an expansion, that will get subscribers back and spend some money on the cartel market for a while".

    Game Lead: "For a real expansion in the quality of earlier ones, we need way more resources".

    "Stakeholders: This game is not making enough money to put more resources on it. Make do with what you have. You know, that upping the story content from 2 to 10 hours will not increase the revenue much. Think of something else. Features, new grinds, anything that keeps people busy for a while".

    Game Lead: "Ok team, we won't get much done storywise. What else can we do?"

    Game Designers: "Let people choose an alternative "class"/combat style. Mix it up a little with the skills. Make a new skill tree. Prune some stuff."

    Game Lead: "Ok, anything else that doesn't need a ton of resources?"

    Game Designers: "We could also overhaul the UI. Makes it look different and new".

    Game Lead: "Ok, let's do that."


    I know, some of you will say "but they are losing subs with this", but I question how many people really leave for good. Most of us have an emotional investment in the game that is not easily severed (even if there is a point for the final straw to break the camels back). There are of course people re-subbing, but even with 10 or even more hours of story content, those players would be through with it quickly and unsub again.


    For me personally the most baffling thing about this expansion is the lack of cool new cartel market stuff. I expected the story to be short, the writing of lesser quality and a lot of bugs. I didn't expect such a lackluster performance regarding new cartel market items which I believe is their main source of income (I may be wrong of course).


    Disclaimer: I don't claim to be an expert. But I am a product manager in a small F2P developer/publisher company and I've been in the industry for a while. I have seen similar things happening, and the reason has always been budget/resources. In the end, what matters is simple economics and the bottom line for the stakeholders. A huge investment in an expansion, that you already know will not have a similar effect on revenue will just not be greenlighted. In projects like this, it's usually "make do with what you have and we will try to squeeze some more money out of it as long as we keep the game alive".


    First of all spot on but also... SWG was a dead game and had over 50,000 Players by the end still. it still had more players then TOR did before EA told SOE we went back on our word shut it down and force all the players to TOR.


    This game has less players then Early access newbie indie games on steam. this is ran by a AAA Company and Dev team.


    The team here was bled out long before TOR 6.0 when EA diced up Bioware.


    Now EA has 3 titles for SW they are making that's why this patch was bad. they had 16 months FYI from what it seems when they started it before announcing 7.0. they likely months after announcing it likely sent all the team but a couple to other games.


    My husband and I still play SWG on SWG: Prophecy... still a dam better game and its 20 years old LOL he subed me here back recently and my god this patch is so bad I was playing with him during last expansion. i liked how the gearing was I could take my max geared toon run fp's with our crew and get couple upgrades for alts at my own pace


    I could strip what mods I wanted out as well and savem for later this was removed what a joke that was. the system we had in 6.0 was not perfect but it was actually in be-tween the gear set change is what shoulda been added with that...this would of made the system better. instead it got cut..


    the skill pruning is bad WoW did this and it hurt the community lot left...people don't want to have less abilities..


    the stun changes this was perfect but removing so many utility we had gutted lot classes.


    lets not get started on the content...what a joke 2 hours of new story vs the 6.0 amount man what a mess this patch is.


    I've seen dozens I know alrdy unsub and quit and I don't blame them I may never resub again if this isn't fixed soon...


    already hating the weapons we get.. they need to go back to the old gearing and leave it as is and keep the implants,

  2. I did mine as like 220...item level ya not kidding also as sorc healer....it was insanely hard before 2nd boss you kinda need heroic moment for the 7 elites...the last boss you need it for the 2nd set of ads and need to CC one od snipers also set my comp to healer as well as it helps a ton..


    don't even try to kill last boss with heroic ...use it for 2nd and 1st set ads tbh the ads will kill you not boss this is the same for all bosses in there. if you don't have all 4 unlocks for heroic idk then you'd need lot cc for the ads as they will nuke you or your comp.


    other then that its not hard. and I just returned after 5 years gone

  3. No. Everything from Fallen Empire and beyond is personal story where your character is the Outlander, Alliance Commander, or whatever role your character plays in their original faction. Since the story is all personal it can not be played co-op, but in some cases you can have other people there as spectators. They can assist you in completing the content, but they can not progress their own story simultaneously.


    alright thanks that's a shame not much point for me to stay then saved me the time/hassle wasting more money..

  4. Why would you buy them from the GTN? Save your credits, spend your comms at the Odessen vendor. You can pretty much travel there the instant you get a ship...


    did i say i was buying? lol gtn is pretty bugged atm half items are not where they are at i was searching another item & about x 40 10 stacks of same comp rank6 poped up with my search so i looked at the rest and behold..same person with about 200+ stacks of 10 rank6's


    thats enuff to say hey i'm sploiting.

  5. Yeah we don't know if you are lying for effect or telling the truth.

    Time will tell.


    People are using horrible RL examples. The best one (best because I said so) is to use entertainment, since we are paying for entertainment.


    You buy concert tickets and you attend a concert. You decide to try to sneak by to the front row. You can get caught and thrown out, no refund, you could get caught and returned to your seat, or not caught and enjoy being front row.


    People got caught and thrown out, no refund. Its the venue (BW's) choice. You signed the contract when you bought the ticket and went to the concert.


    BW warned after the Ravager's exploit. Its not BW's fault people are turds, unaware what an exploit is, etc. People made a choice to do something that was not intended. BW chose based on their ToS to use the harshest punishment. You all signed up for it and if you never read the ToS thats on you. You agreed to it lol


    I hope BW keeps tracing through accounts and finding those who laundered with friends, guilds, etc. and bans those people also.


    check youtube theres couple guys there who showcased billions exploited entire cargo bays full Comp items & there untouched & admited they moved it between multiple accounts so chance of them finding it will be hard when guy uses VPN. thus he becomes untrackable!


    its not hard sad part is when its all over guess who suffer? the ones who didnt exploit.

  6. This so much. Without a tank the players with the highest DPS are going to end up being dogpiled, and the characters built with the highest DPS are usually also the most fragile. How long can a mara's or sorc's defensive abilities last? 20sec? How long does a boss fight last?


    Almost as bad is when you're the tank and have no healer, because God forbid anybody take their eyes off their DPS rotations long enough to see you dying and hit a kolto station.


    sad part is it's so common now and why games like wow and tera keep losing players small groups like this push others away.


    seen it on all 3 and swg as well.

  7. does this mean you'll actually do something lol? nah doubtful still got few guys on youtube laughing at you showcasing the billions they exploited & are throwing out into the community to destroy & they even youtube it....



    doubt you'll fix this issue when billions are already out there still

  8. im sure he left for good reasons i mean


    the devs did go on stream & say FK off to the TOR PVE community & said get lost.


    he leaves soon after i think it's safe to say devs here intend no ops ever agian or PVE content in general past story.....it's been so long.


    dont put hope into this game its become more sp then any mmo out there

  9. depends. if your runing Wifi then well there ya go...


    Wifi hates this game...my ping was this way for almost 6months


    Constant spikes from 50 to 10k...eventuly called my provider said everything was ok....ended up finding a thread for another game...that lead about TOR seems Wifi connections hate this game to death & tend to DC you or give you nonstop spikes...i switched hardline AKA ethernet ...no issues


    hubby who lives far away had this too.


    sadly i have friend who has wifi and she wont switch but has same issue she did for a day it was fixed but hates the cords so she uses wifi and dcs 24/7 heh


    wifi just sucks to game with .as wifi has hundreds or thousands using same connection so your out/inbound is low and most games require a heavy in/out. hence the ping spikes from 50 to 10k


    during hours after work was when it gets super bad say 5pm my time...

  10. what they really need to add to help fight the whispers from credit seller whispers is make an /anom command that hides you completly from /who,this was in star war galaxies and it worked 100% of the time from being whispered from credit sellers. problem solved


    wrong. SWTOR works like this

    F2p/Prefered cant /who . but Subs can.


    therefore every seller is screwed ...the way they do it i know because i have a friend who works for a US Gold/credit selling ring is they target people who use /say /gen /trade. and whoever walks by on fleet thus you have hundreds who get targeted. as he has said to me. you can cut off 100 spammers or sellers 1,000's more take it's place.


    clearly if your going to go down on sellers hard then EA/BW better be willing to touch PlayerAuctions guys cause 2 of the posters in this thread actually have usernames over their & sell credits on Shadowlands.


    . but TBH just admit it. you wont touch them blizzard has spent 8 years trying to Rid them & bots each time they fail. this game isnt as popular and has quite alot sellers. i very doubt they'll give up. as is it atm.....credits would need to be removed. or game shutdowning to kill off their market 100%.


    till money becomes worthless they will never stop.

  11. Keep in mind....that when the CM first launched, these gold sellers were advertising $27 for 1 million credits. That has steadily dropped down all the way to around $3 per 1 million credits. So that should tell you about the demand problem they are facing and why the selling efforts have been so ramped up. I'm sure a lot of this activity is done through some sorts of bots or scripts. But there isn't a big market for credit sellers because anyone who wants to buy credits can just safely buy stuff off the CM with cash (usually CM packs or hypercrates) and then sell that stuff on the GTN for credits.




    Yep, they really should limit the ability to post in general chat and whisper more than they do for free players and premium players below level 20. Those people don't need to be flooding general chat or spamming whispers to other players. That would at least make these credit sellers have to spend a lot more time with what they are doing and that makes their enterprise less cost effective to operate.



    Credit sellers are subject to immediate account closures and IP blocks. If they had to purchase subs to have any account, then you'd likely see less credit selling spam. Sure, you'd have some but it would be much more difficult for them to create mass accounts to spam from.


    i think you fail pretty horrible at math....


    reason why it was 27.00 per 1mil was due to how hard 1mil was vs 1mil takes 25mins to make on one toon. now image them & they run hundreds they repeatly Max Their F2P account then trade $$$ to a subed one .


    just big FYI. Credits when CM hit were rare. most players never passed 2mil or hit near it in a day...it took ages.


    now take look years later after item prices rise. credits looted rise.....Simple

  12. multiboxing is legal in almost every mmo to date it brings major income.


    it keeps money in the pockets of the company much like the guys who run 40 Accounts on WoW or other big games...


    & yes its allowed it has been said dozens of times by A CM here ISboxer has been legal for ages & will stay that way only way they can be banned is it they are AFK botting I.E not actually doing anything but to box you haft to control all 4 still. thus its legal.

  13. no just no. look at diablo3 and how its full of hacks incase you did not notice sony will nolonger allow any game devs to control or ban anyone off their games enless it's bf series or cod....to many use modded systems and cheat/exploit. since it is so easy to do and is undetectable.


    this game will never get new blood no matter what. it lacks gameplay. it lacks eveywhere but the cash shop area and collections...


    they also woulden;t get the go ahead due to this games bad rep.

  14. You realize there is an equal chance for this on both teams. Everyone seems to blame their losses on the "scrub" on their team. But never blame wins on the "scrub" in the team they faced, but instead tell themselves how pro they are (as long as they don't have to carry).


    you do know that some servers have Groups that get friends to Que op side to give them free ranking right & screw 2-3 others out from ever geting past 950? couple guilds on Ebon hawk do this pubside & get couple friends to que up impside with just PVE gear & afk it after doing one attack then let pub team of friends win & gain rank retarded fast.

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