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Everything posted by Adovir

  1. Oddly enough I kind of enjoy it, makes it that much more satisfying to get a kill.
  2. Pft all the cool kids are still stun locking on operatives
  3. I would love it if they could program it so that if you kill some one with rocket punch it blows them back a few meters or launches them up with you
  4. In PVP many actually do and iirc there isn't to big a difference in ruffian and scrapper dmg just set up time and range. Though then again you have to ask yourself how much burst is allowed in a sustained class because there are some times that naturally show up in rotations that are rather large increases in damage, ie pre 3.0 watchman with using Merciless slash+dot auto crit+dispatch(haven't played my sent much as of 3.0 so idk now)
  5. That's actually not why, because it's baseline for snipers to have full immunity during roll as well, learn class abilities before you post pls? The real reason is positioning before rolling, too far out you take damage but if you stand right on the edge, and roll on both classes, you won't take damage. It's weird but the reason why most snipers take damage is because they have the 4m extra and they think they don't need to be right ontop of it
  6. There is a science to solo ranked and if you follow it correctly you can get a much higher rating than if you did it with no rhyme or reason, like most of the population does. Operatives aren't terrible it's just that they're hard to play in the current(and previous) meta but when teams work with one another and actually try to win then the operative is more viable.
  7. Talkin about one class' abilities with out talking about all the others is like croping a photo, you can make something look better or worse than it actually is
  8. Seriously, it was bad in PVP bc there was just so many sorcs in PVP but in PVE it just made up too much of their damage to be justifiable, but if you tell anyone otherwise
  9. Being fragil is what makes the class fun for me, the idea that you have to time everything correctly or you **** your self keeps you on edge and makes PVP more interesting, but good for you kre'a for having fun nice to see a good duel vid
  10. I think we all decided to go with sarcasm on this one, flaming it would have been too easy, I mean if the devs can make a joke about PVP then I think it's safe for us to make a joke. Honestly a better root break is all that's needed for anti kiting but even then perma roots aren't really a thing for us
  11. By my count.... 7 maybe 8 times, in 3.5 years, damn people have been beating at that dead horse they're just hitting the dirt on the ground, though the hyperbole of the FS nerf is a bit much, yes it hits very softly now but they halved the damage and halved the duration, two 3 second casts is the same as that one 6 second cast so it is still only really a half damag nerf
  12. I'm not saying they can't make a joke, what I'm saying is that in the part of the forums where there is a very high amount of disgruntled customers making a joke and only leaving it at that and not even bothering to give a generic hey I've heard you and I'll try to make some changes. Honestly I found the joke amusing and welcome it but it still doesn't change the fact that it is kind of a missed opertunity to say a bit more. What ever though it's not like I play solo ranked at all so I really don't care how many jokes are made about it
  13. Alex, I'm pretty sure this is one of the worst responses you could have just given for the PVP forums, a place where they rarely get dev responses. While a joke is all good a lot of ppl are probably going to be pissed that you didn't take a second to be serious about the fact that you can que with out and AC, you, as the PVP dev, really should take into consideration the whole no AC or having far below 2018 expertice, I know you want PVP to be a place where everyone can "give it a go" but top tier game play isn't for casuals and it angers many players who get affected by this.
  14. And thank god too, or else that girl would have made never came home with me Compairs modernday civilians to highly trained spec ops agents to justify not having a 30m sever tendon
  15. Adovir


    I've heard both and I think I saw a vid of an assassin doing it but either way
  16. Adovir


    I've been playing some dota for the time being, it's really fun and this way Im garented to not lose any rating do to abusers. Seriously if you're so worried about your rating you shouldn't que up until the bug is fixed, it's like waiting for 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 to come out to que up for ranked, it increases your chances of not getting screwed over Why should they compensate you? There is a bug in the game which can effect you and you chose to still que up. What are they supposed to do, for every match with a deception sin on either team count it as nothing? It's like if I complained about losing matches because the roll bug got me perma rooted for the whole game, I knew it was here and I still tried ranked and it hit me in the *** but I deserve nothing for it
  17. Adovir


    /walking on by http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=796689 "Oh **** did I just drops something? Ehh probably isnt important to at all" /takes a nap
  18. What I'm saying is that it doesn't need to be Star Wars, you can dub it from Star Wars to another very similar sci-fi fantasy universe and it would be the same, obviously something like force powers would need a new justification but you can keep almost everything the same. I guess what I should have said is that if you play a game for only a specific lore then it's just weird to me
  19. Why wouldn't you? Hit the only reason why you play a game is for the lore and not the actual game play, then you have a problem. Even if this wasn't "starwars" but was a space aged MMO with people who can do some sort of magic through what ever means and had 2 factions fighting then yeah I'd still play it. I love Star Wars but if they changed everything so it wasn't starwars Id still play it
  20. Yes bc fixing a bug like that is so easy because it says it in the code obviously you have never worked with it before. It's been a day give them a bit of time to figure out what's wrong with it, take a break for a bit from PVP, casually play another game then when it's fixe you'll have a lot more fun.
  21. No doubt but it's a matter of wording, try all have access to it but there will be those who may not take it though it essentially is baseline
  22. Ummm I'm pretty sure its a utility in the first teir to replace stagger Edit Yep Removed the Stagger Skillful Utility. New Skillful Utility: Unstoppable. Force Charge grants Unstoppable, granting immunity to interrupts and all controlling effects for 4 seconds. I was right it's a replacement for utilities so not all juggernauts get unstoppable, that is a lie, more accurately it's all juggernauts get ACCESS to unstoppable its up to them to actually get it. While it is most likely going to be gotten get your facts straight before you cry and q.q on the forums
  23. You're right, making suggestions is ok, I'm just saying stop with the stupid ones, would you really want to see BS do 1/3 the damage but have no CD and cost more? Like sai said, laceration would be a better skill. Why don't I post my ideas for changes, well that's simple I do it in the PTS forums bf they rarely read class forums and that's kind of what the PTS is for. Also on another not relating to the last, like potato said the class is pretty much perfect in its current state, only minor changes need to be made, currently conc is one of the most balanced specs in the game and in the current meta it is under appreciated because the high pressure dot specs are over performing by a VERY large margin while the burst specs are lagging behind bc of TTK changes. Pretty much all I the suggestions are either very pointless or over powered, perma crit Vol substance? Yeah that'll fy over well bleed effect on CS? Why it's damage is more than enough for the fact that it is a rotational anti turn root that is free. A completely uncounterable exfiltrate? You mean the move that gives us total immunity AND adding an extra roll while lowering the CD. I could go on but I think my point is clear just because something isn't over performing doesn't mean it needs a buff
  24. Yeah saying crits and just saying 2.6 is actually very different, one implies that it naturally does that much
  25. What are you doing to be getting 2.6k ticks on HoTs and 2k on dots
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