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Everything posted by gsummers

  1. You raise points that a lot are thinking of right now. Pvp has never been perfect, but something feels off in a different way now. Most matches these days seem to devolve quickly into "everyone defend one node so we can at least try to not be 3-capped". Playing pub side I am so rarely on the side doing the roflstomping, but I am starting to get the impression now that even the victor side is starting to get tired and bored of it. I love the cheap gear. I think Bioware did a good thing by putting some optional element of pve behind a pvp gate. Given how fast comms come and how cheap the gear is, it is so simple to get quickly geared in basic pvp gear. I think they thought that these pve players would do that, experience pvp, and some would stay and thus grow the population. But that doesn't seem to be happening on a wide scale. Most of them I have encountered don't enjoy the experience of being roflstomped, and flat out in chat just refuse to gear themselves on principle. It is very frustrating. Perhaps if BW had a better matchmaking system that would match people of comparable ability and gear and thus protect them in a way from being smashed all the time. Where does it all lead? How does this end?
  2. So we did a Hypergate WZ the other day. We had fallen behind early in rounds 1 and 2. In round 3, we double capped, which brought the scores up to roughly even. We were a little ahead at about 450, and the other teams had about 420. So we figure that it is now a new game and if we can cap one pylon and defend it with decent kills/orbs we should win. So round 4 starts, and both teams run to capture one pylon. We cap ours and our potential score rises to about 580-ish. They cap theirs and their potential score rises to 740! What is the algorithm that gave them such a higher potential score on that last round. No, they did not do a big bunch of kills before capping. Everyone just ran to their own pylon. But I was shocked at the disparity given we had been equal the round before. What is going on? Is there some sort of reward given to them because we had double capped the previous round and then they managed to "retake' it the following round? Hello? Anybody?
  3. This is a big topic for me of late. I have really been questioning whether my VG tank is worth it in pvp. Like some of you, I was surprised to find how fast I would die in WZ when tanking. I felt like my contribution to any match was almost nil, because I lacked the power to make anything happen. Instead, it seemed I relied much more on my teammates to get it together and do something while I was being slaughtered. But the VG tank seems to have so little in the way an ability to affect a match. It has two short hard stuns that almost immediately whitebar your opponent. It has a grapple that pulls people to you so they can kill you faster. It has a mobility ability on a super long cooldown, and does almost 0 damage. I find I would give anything for a knockback on my VG tank. To be honest, I still feel this way. I've fully geared and it hasn't gotten any better. The only times it seems like I contribute anything is when I have a pocket healer. Then the healer and I can sit and absorb the damage of half or more of the opposing team. But that still doesn't mean we are doing anything to win the match if the rest of our team can't make something happen (which is asking a lot when pvp'ing pub side). We certainly can't cap a node with all that attention on us. So we sit and wait and wonder, "We have 6 enemy players beating down on us" That means there are 6 of our team vs 2 of theirs somewhere else. Why haven't we capped one of the other nodes? Where IS the rest of our team?" Then we either eventually die, or the match ends. So is there something that I am missing? Yes we can taunt, but so can dps VG. Yes we can guard but we die so quickly that our guard delays the inevitable by only a few seconds. So is there really any reason at all to play a VG tank as opposed to a VG dps?
  4. This one phrase on twitter feels very loaded: "Can't get your #FallenEmpire fill? Do we have an announcement for you." I thought this could be something huge, or at least different than before, maybe even unexpected, but that statement makes me think of two possibilities: Best Case Scenario, but not likely: class specific side quest chains set in the context of KotFE Probable Case Scenario: Chapter X released in time for the holidays. Because KotFE is story, story, story. Thus if you can't get your fill of it, you must want more story. This means giving us more of the main story now, or some new branching story plots.
  5. I am thinking of crafting a 220 onslaught blaster to use for my offhand, rather than using the one purchased with radiant crystals. First, the crafted version can give me 160 critical instead of 160 accuracy, of which I have plenty elsewhere. However the stat discrepancy of the two is as follows: Compared to the radiant comms offhand blaster pistol, the crafted 220 pistol has: 14 less endurance 17 less mastery 37 more power 138 less tech power Getting 37 power from a trade off of 31 endurance/mastery seems like a good deal, but that large drop in tech power gives me pause. Can I expect a large dps loss from that, or is it largely covered with the power increase, making these two options largely a wash in terms of dps output?
  6. A lot of complaints about faction imbalance in pvp. Here is a way to fix faction imbalance, no tinkering with class abilities or balance at all. Just give the pubs a handicap in the channeling time to cap a node. Say for pubs it takes 3s to cap a node, and for imps it takes 15s. That should even things out, and won't upset the pve'ers for messing with their class' abilities to balance pvp. They could even pattern after these High Occupancy/Toll roads and change the "price" depending on the traffic. So depending on how imbalanced the number of kills are across the factions, the capping time will shift to equalize them out. Also for Huttball, make it so if pubs score even 1 goal, they win! (Hey, there is precedent for this approach in Harry Potter--if there were ever a game that put the "I" in "team" its quidditch)
  7. The more I think about it, the more I think it must have some relation to the movie. So now I expect the announcement will be: Crossguard lightsabers for all subs.
  8. Okay, So this has likely been answered before, but I haven't found it so here we go: Is it true that when you start KotFE, your companions disappear within GSF as well? Do companions that are not your story companions disappear as well? Let's get specific for clarity. Say I am a Jedi Consular. By playing that story, Qyzen is unlocked as a GSF comp. Let's say that I also pay purple fleet req to unlock Elara or Risha. So I've been flying with those comps and having a grand old time. Then one day I decide to start KotFE. After starting chapter 1, will I then open the GSF hanger to find: 1. Qyzen is no longer unlocked, but I can pay fleet req to acquire him again 2. Qyzen is no longer unlocked and I can't get him in GSF until I get him in the KotFE story 3. Are Elara and Risha gone too, even though they are not 'my' story companions?, or do they remain available because their disappearance is not a part of 'my' KotFE story? Thanks for any insight anyone can provide.
  9. Maybe Bioware is hoping that we'll be so in love with the KotFE cast romance options (Lana, Koth, etc.), that we'll just want them and never want to revisit our original love interests... Hopefully not.
  10. Not going to do KotFE on my main smuggler and trooper until I know that Risha and Elara are back story-wise.
  11. Free T-shirt with a picture of your main on it in some action stance.
  12. Class-specific side quest chains available to subs only starting in Chapter X.
  13. Saboteur slinger for life! And in 4.0 they aren't half bad! VG tank - however I am about ready to give up on him. I tried a shadow tank recently and it went much better, seems the shadow tank just has a lot more options in terms of crowd control and doing things other than just soaking damage and hoping your dps team can get it together enough to clear the objective. Watchman Sentinel - Tried for the first time in 4.0 pvp. Good grief, it is really hard! I don't really get the class and I don't seem to be improving so will prob leave that for just pve.
  14. Ever got a sorc down to about 30%-40% and unleased your entire burst rotation hoping to burn them down, only to watch their life inch upwards during your burst? Without them using their invici-bubble? They are the only class I have seen that on. It feels like your burst dps is actually healing them. Fascinating.
  15. This on JC. So much this on JC. It is so bad these days. I think the vast wave of pve'ers who are grinding pvp with no desire to even try to gear up or learn is making it so unpleasant.
  16. I've played pub side pvp on JC for a couple years now. It has always been rough (maybe 20% win rate for regs), but of late it has been REALLY bad. It seems like since 4.0 pubs aren't just losing, pubs are losing BIG. Double cap hypergates, triple cap Civil War and Novare. Players quitting warzones all the time so that matches are usually 6 pubs vs 8 imps for large parts of the match. Maybe cross-faction would help, or shift the factions around. Make all Sith Inquisitors join the Republic for warzones. Just say that the Republic offered them a larger artifact and relic research budget.
  17. +1 for cross-faction pvp It is our last hope. There is no other Skywalker
  18. Now that crafters can craft 220 gear by reverse engineering the schematics from the vendor, I have seen some of these crafted earpieces, and weapons appearing on the GTN for several million. However, I get the impression that it is the same stuff all the time, which leads me to wonder if any of this stuff is actually selling for those prices. Has anyone managed to sell a multi-million credit 220 crafted weapon? Or at that price do people just craft their own?
  19. Just did an arena where I had 1M protection, and received 0 medals. What is up with that? Somebody get Johnnie Cochran on the phone!
  20. our stronghold reappeared in 4.0.2. Thank you!
  21. But according to my analysis, 95% of players are those that only play the pve space missions on rails. The fact that Bioware has not addressed those in so long will surely lead to the loss of 95% of players and the end of the game.
  22. A lot of the romances were kind of meh, for me. But the one's that I just really loved where: Trooper+Elara: Even though I was her commanding officer, I could feel comfortable knowing Elara would make sure everything was appropriate per the regs:D. The communication was actually very sweet and nothing ever seemed creepy. Smuggler+Risha: a Han Solo-Princess Leia relationship, what is not to love? I loved the banter. Like that time when she expressed frustration that I had dated her old associate Beryl on Taris, and my reply was "that was way back Taris, you hated me then!" Plus near the end of the romance it had kind of a "Roman Holiday" feel to it. Very cute and witty romance. LS Sith Warrior+Vette: Given that I played my SW as super LS, being as nice a person as the writing would allow me to be, I never felt that Vette was my slave, nor that I treated her as such. I set her free at the first chance I got, and the romance developed in a cute way, where she was at first clueless that I liked her, then eventually realized she had similar feelings. The ending didn't feel creepy at all. More of a humoristic inside joke between the two of them referring back to when they first met. All I can say is... BRING BACK VETTE IN KOTFE NOW YOU PIECES OF... (transmission terminated abruptly)
  23. A recent post I made got me thinking about this: Why is the Rebellion STILL fighting the Empire 30-40 years later after RotJ? Why are they even the Rebellion and not the Republic or something like that? How could the Rebels have possibly managed to NOT win when they destroyed 2 Death Stars, killed the Emperor and Vader, and decimated the Imperial fleet? Now according to the poster, it looks like the Empire now has another SUPERWEAPON! This one though probably can take out an entire solar system, not just a planet. So we will get A New Hope all over again: young idealistic nobody on a backwater planet gets pulled into a great epic struggle between the underdog good guys and OP bad guys, and will learn to use the Force to bring peace and justice to the galaxy. Does this not basically invalidate or at least minimize everything that happened in Episodes 4-6?
  24. No, no, no, no, NO Rey is not related to any previous character. Finn is not Lando's son. Kylo Ren is not Han's son. They are a new set of characters completely. Knowing JJ, this will be as much of a reboot of Star Wars as possible. This will be about a few random people across the galaxy suddenly realizing they have force abilities, and will thus be a "New Hope" for the galaxy (how the rebellion has not managed to defeat the Empire after all this time when they destroyed 2 Death Stars and killed the Emperor and Vader is beyond me.) Just be grateful he is not going full Star Trek, and using time travel gobbledy-**** to dispense with 50 years of Star Wars movie canon--though I am sure that was on the table at some point. Just imagine: Episode 7 starts with Kylo Ren taking a new time travel ship back in time to the opening scene of Episode IV and uses his ship to destroy Tatooine, Leia's ship, and the Star Destroyer chasing it. That would take care of Luke, Vader, Han, and Leia and leave him open to tell his own story.
  25. So... can we get our guild stronghold back, please?
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