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Everything posted by kasswire

  1. I've been doing some research to figure out what has been the time line regarding the addition of any kind of meter Agro/DPS or otherwise to SWTOR. So I endlessly searched for any hints regarding Georg Zoeller who was one of the most influential and active developer of the game and active member for our loved forums. First I found that Zoeller actually wanted to add some sort of meter to the game not sure if it would be a personal meter or a meter that could be shared with a group. I found this article showing that his intentions had always been to implement a meter please read http://swtor.junkiesnation.com/2012/01/27/logs-meters-and-devs-oh-my/ After more research I came across another article that stated that Zoeller left Bioware in 2012 ending his involvement with the game in all aspects please read http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2012/07/georg-zoeller-leaves-bioware.html So now we have been left in the dark regarding any sort of meter. To my understanding there has been no other statement regarding Bioware's implementation of a meter on SWTOR since the departure of Zoeller which puts a major road-block regarding the progress of any meter involvement in the game for the time being. Sadly, we will still have to wait on word from Bioware on whether or not they will implement any sort of meter at this point.
  2. OK thanks for your input, hope you read my entire post, I know what people are saying about add-ons which is why I'm asking for it to be placed as an integrated system of the UI. Going back to your comparison of "easy" games and WoW, let us speak the truth for a second, these tools have nothing to do with social interaction at all, if anything it allows the player to better adjust to difference fights and allows them to better understand their characters period. If the people you were dealing with with WoW used this as an excuse you should have found better players to play with. Second, if you want to keep these so called add-ons out of the way, then lets go farther and say to remove quest logs, quest markers and the entire GTN, then people wont whine about that, you want to make this game "vanilla" then do me a favor a take a page from Everquest not Everquest 2 but the original which I played. In that game there was nothing, literally, you were thrown into the world and good luck, and if you happened to get killed by a mob well too bad, and now you have to go find your body because your gear didn't re-spawn with you. If you're looking at any game now a days from saying that a meter is a tool to make the game "easier" you should really look at game like Everquest and Baldur's Gate both of which were actually hard games to play. With regard to the actual integration of the meter it would be an optional things for players, you don't want it, don't enable it simple as that, and if you're going to let a simple thing as a meter determine whether or not you will continue playing this game, you may as well call it quits now, considering that the next patch may have something you don't like.
  3. Hello all, So I've been reading the posts and there is a lot of negativity against add-ons specifically third party add-ons. Personally I don't care much for third party add-ons as they could contain malicious coding and may put your rig out of commission for a while. Instead, I'm asking that Bioware develop a simple DPS and Aggro Meter to be compiled with the current UI. This will not "enhance" the performance of any player but will give them an idea of how they are doing and what they can do better in future fight, all in the name of tweaking the character as close as a player can to perfection without having any enhanced bots etc. To go into a little more depth, this feature can also be unlocked via either the cartel market, or actual credits or both for non-subscribers (don't mean to alienate anybody but lets face it, if you're actively free-to-play, there is little chance you'll want to go on flashpoints/ops). I think a lot of players would benefit from this, and it's not something that guilds can use against other players by using the add-on as an excuse "you either have [X] add-on or you can't join our guild" it would essentially be just another tool to be used only with the intent to make yourself a better Tank, DPS, or Healer. Any thoughts are welcome, just remember I've already read all the threads regarding how much people hate add-on.
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