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Posts posted by Xo-Lara

  1. Thank you so much for this expansion! I have been waiting a long time to want to play SWTOR again, to care about the story again, and to really enjoy my time in game again. This really hit the spot. It felt like old times.:)


    I definitely enjoyed the story and the characters. <3 for bringing our Republic friends from Ossus along. (I main a Jedi Sage) The story is the first and foremost thing that makes me want to play or not play the game. While I don't begrudge the writers some time to explore, I'm glad to be past the Valkorian arc. I hope we get to revisit Zakuul, the planet, but I like the newer characters and story better.


    As a side note, kudos to the writing team for the dialogue choices. I appreciate that most of the time I felt like I had dialogue choices I would have wanted in a given situation and I didn't feel shoved around by the story.



    Not even when Arn decided to ambush the Brothers. I knew it was going to be messy, and I didn't want to do it, but I felt like I was still able to react with some agency even though the story threw me a curveball.



    I also like that there is stuff to do on Onderon and Meksha now that I've finished the main story. I really appreciate the fact that it's not all "kill them" stuff. I like wandering around on maps finding things. :) I also love the mail that I am getting from different characters both during and after the story. I love it when there is a sense of things happening and characters share their thoughts. I feel it fleshes out those characters.


    While we are on the topic of characters again, can we do something about giving story to some of those 50 or so companions we got during the Valkorian saga? They don't have to be hooked into main story. Side stories that let you get to know, interact with, and work alongside those characters would still be nice. It's kinda how I imagine the HK-55 chapter is. I will buy that eventually. 55 is actually my favorite HK and was a bright spot during those storylines. I was very upset when Arcann hit him. :( Fortunately for Arcann, I forgave him for that.


    Now there were a couple of minor rubs like the bugs that prevented tau from attacking or stuff not showing up where it should have been at first, but that wasn't too bad. Also, I have to admit that I grumbled when I actually had to be mindful of what stance my companion was in and what abilities I used. However, once I realized that the old tricks I used years ago would work, it all fell back into place. While I always hate combat, maybe I can at least take pride in starting to become the healer I used to be once more. :D


    Overall, I am really pleased with the experience I got this time, even the length of it, and I look forward to seeing where this story goes in the future. I'm even looking forward to running other characters through it. :D Please continue bringing us content like this. Who knows, maybe some more people who have been waiting for the right time to come back will enjoy it and stay. Then I may be able to weave regular RP and playing the GTN for decos back into the mix again. (I really miss those activities but both require more people to trickle back into the game for them to be fun.)


    Well done everybody. :)

  2. Why do people always make these (This is a love thread, etc.) titles? Just honestly curious. Is this like a SWTOR thing or something?


    It's more like a SWTOR forum meme. I think the one for Quinn is the original and trendsetter. That's why the title is the same for those kinds of threads.




    However, I too wanted to throw in my thanks for RE-1. I admit that I rolled my eyes when the announcement came because the last thing I wanted was yet another droid to ignore. I've got a lot of little astromechs right now. Just the same, I'm glad I didn't purposefully avoid getting him!


    RE-1 has so much personality and he is absolutely adorable! It's so bad that I stop what I am doing in my mission and look around for him when I notice I don't see or hear him. I wish all of our pet droids had a little personality.




    Just as a side request, if our reward astromechs could have a handful of quirks dispersed between them, I'd appreciate it. I know it would mean reworking them, but I personally would be a lot happier to have them if each droid could have one of a handful of distinct personalities. Even giving the astromechs quirks going forward would help.


    If reworking the astromechs is entirely off the table, can we at least get more personality for the little droid with the hutt hat? That one is cute too.


    Another thought is to give them unique quirks when placed as decorations. Watching bitty droids roll around having mini explosions, pilfering coins, singing along, and so on would be charming too.

  3. On the one hand, I have noticed the team quietly giving more attention to strongholds and decorations. On the other hand, the list of things needing to be done is still pretty long. I appreciate the work done, but I also want a lot of the things mentioned in the is thread.


    The way I would summarize my feelings is this:


    **Please** let us have mostly blank canvases to work on. Let us determine what we want a room to be and give us the tools to make it that way. If we need a computer against a wall, please give us the means. If we need to place two or more rugs end to end, please give us the means. If we want to turn a sitting room into a ship's cockpit please give us the means!


    I know deciding a room can be some kind of living room or bed room is an easier thing to design, but we want almost as much freedom to repurpose and place items as the artists themselves have. Think of how many lights have been turned into fountains and "computers" repurposed into other things to make a map work for the atmosphere it is meant to convey.




    Side note: Are the formatting buttons and various drop downs for editing a forum post broken for anyone else?

  4. I've noticed for years now that it's hard to get a consistently accurate preview of decorations. The problem is always the filters. Can we make it so that window automatically clears all filters if you change Category or if you open the window to preview a new decoration? For this I mean both the filter you can type in and the drop down menus.


    For example, say I click to preview the Arrangement: Wander's Guest table. If I don't own that decoration and the last time I looked in that window I filtered by show available, the new preview will attempt to me an available decoration instead of the one I tried to preview.

  5. Since we can't do a whole lot about hooks at the moment, could we get more arrangement decos that are set up like a room? For instance, rug, seating, tables, lights, decorative stuff all in one deco. Basically a premade living room on a large to centerpiece hook. It would help compensate for lack of full coverage or lack of enough of a given hook type in an area.


    There could be several themes with large areas made for centerpiece and starship hooks:

    Living room





    audience room

    meeting room

    data center

    communications room


    Holding cells

    Open air Market





    Also, each room could have variants based on faction, planet, or species.

    For instance, there could be a Drall office arrangement, and imperial office arrangement alongside the Manaan: Office Set

  6. It would be nice if we could branch out in the future and have specialized reward king pin's bounty slots. For example, one could specialize in certificates, another in decorations, one in companions, mounts, and so on.


    The slots experience isn't fun. iI's tedious, and it's time consuming. If it wasn't for the fact that I can't get the event decos without golden certs, I wouldn't touch them. Since the actual mini game isn't as fun, can we improve the rewards experience? If we can at least put that tedium and time towards what we are after, I feel the event would feel a lot more rewarding. I would gladly trade in 5 vectron wraiths for a golden cert.

  7. Hey!


    Good catch, yeah that is on me, it was missed in the patch notes (I will get it added). Arrival points have been added to all Strongholds. There is one known issue in that the "default" Manaan point is not currently in, so if you change it off of default you will not be able to change it back. That will be fixed in a future release.





    That's great to hear! I mean the new arrival points not the bugs. :D

  8. Looks like the quality of the post went up again. Nice. :) I actually like the holoshield look even though it doesn't fit most of my characters.


    Also, thank you for the new decoration bundles. I appreciate the work being done to make old decorations available on the CM. It will help with shortages and the unpredictability of the packs.

  9. I agree with all these ideas and the others on this thread:


    This is my top decoration list:


    • Cantina band
    • Wookie personnel
    • Male Togruta personnel
    • Female Rodian personnel
    • Female Selkath personnel
    • Ithorian personnel
    • Sullastan personnel
    • Seated republic / imperial personnel
    • More ambient sounds (able to stay on once activated and only turn off once leave or turn off)


    Themed personnel packs (8-10 in each of mix of 3-5 species with even number male/female)

    • Cantina personnel
    • Casino personnel
    • Marketplace personnel
    • Military base personnel
    • Starship hangar personnel


    There are some good ideas in this thread as well and I really like the themed personnel pack idea from the quoted post, especially the first three. I might also add Dining personnel to the list. Preferably those would be arrangements that come with set tables.

  10. Please add planet specific decoration drops to heroics. For instance:


    • planet specific metropolitan decorations on Coruscant and Dromund Kaas
    • neon-y, flashy or Hutt decorations on Nar Shadda and Hutta
    • ice and snow decorations for hoth (A big snow tile would be appreciated by the way.)
    • mining and poison gas decorations on Quesh, maybe hutt decorations as well
    • sith, Jedi and force decorations on Tython and Korriban
    • environmental, garden, and animal decorations on alderaan
    • prison and rakata decorations on Belsavis
    • furniture , statuary, and gardening decorations on Makeb
    • military, city and ship decorations on Corelia
    • droid, factory, and industrial decorations on Balmorra
    • desert, tusken raider, animal decorations on tatooine
    • voss and gormak furniture, devices, and skulptures on Voss
    • swamp, rakghoul, derelict decorations on Taris
    • crystals, snow, ice, gree decorations on illum.


    I would really love to see this still. Also, I think setting up dailies so they work like solo flashpoints in the activity finder, guaranteed deco on completion, would be great.

  11. Bump, I would appreciate it if the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event could get some updates. Preferably something to help take the edge off the fact that you have to spend a lot of time to get things like the gamorrean bodyguard on top of the amount of credits you have to spend.


    I would love it if we could get new decos or a wide selection rep tokens that drop from the slots. There needs to be some kind of useful reward that comes from those machines and it needs to come more often then every 30 minutes. They are a cute diversion but after a while they're not that engaging and it becomes a chore to do the event for the reward you want. A game shouldn't feel like a chore.

  12. These new ideas look great. A few thoughts for packs that I had were:


    Alderaanian Personnel in their house's colors.

    • Servants,
    • nobles
    • droids


    Senate Personnel.

    • Senators
    • pages
    • lobbyist
    • receptionist arrangement


    Imperial Ministries Personnel:

    I'm not as familiar with the empire but this would be their version of the senate personnel.


    Pirate Personnel Pack:

    Pirates from specific gangs like the White Maw, Red Hulls, and others that hang around Rishi.


    Planetary Personnel Pack: A collection of regular people NPCs that look like those found around the stronghold planets.

    • Coruscant
    • Dromund Kaas
    • Tatooine
    • Yavin IV
    • Nar Shaddaa
    • Rishi

  13. Since it seems the team is open to stripping things down and rebuilding them to fit current needs, I would ask that the stronghold hook system be put on the to do list, if it's not already there.


    Stronghold are great, but I always got the feeling that they were never expected to become as popular as they have become. Thus the mechanics implemented with them weren't able to handle all of the things that players wanted. I felt like the dev team never really expected to revisit the stronghold idea after the initial release.


    Since diving through my old request threads, I've noticed that the current dev team has been implementing a lot of old requests, thanks. :) Could we put this one in the pipeline as well?

  14. I know this is slightly different than what was intended, but I would appreciate it just the same. I would like it if there was a bonus that increased decoration drop rate in missions/mob drops in exchange for lower credit drops. Building on that, the better odds for rare decos the lower the credit output.


    For me, combat is just a means to an end and a lot of the time that end is the decorations. Same with credits, I basically grind credits to get the decorations I want. If I had armor that let me spend more time enjoying the aspects I like, I wouldn't need to contribute as much to the already crazy inflation in game. Also, I would enjoy combat more as it wouldn't be as much of a waste of time for me.


    For point of reference, I feel like I gotten the most out of the game when I can play through interesting stories, create my own stories with other players through rp, and get rewards I can use towards rp. Rewards I could use toward RP could mean anything from armor my characters would wear to their mounts, pets, decorations for their environment, and so on.


    However, being able to gear up just to kill the baddest thing so I can get armor to kill the next biggest baddest thing is not much of a draw for me and neither is pvp.

  15. Hey, thanks for pointing me to your thread. These are awesome suggestions. I'll send over to the Art and Cartel Market teams for review. No promises, of course, but ya never know!!!




    Looks like the art and cartel market teams came through. We finally started seeing these. Thanks guys :) although there are still a lot of interesting pack ideas in here that haven't been implemented yet.

  16. I was really impressed with the click to use furnitures from the nightlife event. I think it would be good to add more of these furnitures to the game, starting with chairs. Beds could be added (click to sleep), computer consoles, etc.


    I still feel this would be a great idea for stronghold decorations. :D

  17. I would still like to see these introduced. They would probably make nice arrangements. For instance, you could have bar patrons on bar stools, diners at a restaurant table, technicians at a workbench, data entry specialists at computers, personnel on mounts, spectators in stands or on benches, and so forth.
  18. I am happy to say that recent flashpoints have indeed been doing much better on decoration drops and I love it. Now one's mileage may vary on the ease of getting the decorations, but I appreciate that decorations are recognized as a desirable reward.


    Looking forward, it would be nice if old flashpoints could be updated to drop a wider selection of decorations and if bonus bosses could give a higher chance of dropping rarer decorations from the flashpoint. For instance, the Paladins in star fortresses dropping those nice Zakuul standing lamps more.

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