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Everything posted by Rain-and-Thunder

  1. Really appreciate all the help guys. I'll go smuggler then since most think it fits best. XD Here you guys go.
  2. I was trying to recreate Mihoshi in game and I wasn't sure if she should be a trooper or an agent. Agent seems to fit more but in a sense she would be a villain, since Imps are Imperial side. I'm not really sure though so I decided to ask you guys. i wanted a good route where anyone that knows Tenchi knows Mihoshi is a ditz so I was also thinking of storylines where her brave, but ditzy nature could shine. I'm also trying to piece together an outfit that best resembles her Galaxy Police look. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks lots guys.
  3. Same issues on my end, even the site seems to be having some hiccups. The few times I got into the game I hit a major lag spike, logged out to the server list and there were no servers listed. O.O
  4. that last bit is not useless, there are threads and reports all over the internet about them losing funding....though I personally hope the game will stay up a little longer. his name is Jaareth
  5. He does have it legacy unlocked, though he says it's no longer worth in on a game soon to die anyway.
  6. ok and I am only posting this to clarify. My toon is using classic vibro sword, which I bought ages ago, and legacy unlocked because my dual welding toons, could dual weld them. I bought them years and years ago because I could then, though I eventually deleted that toon when I was making new toons for my guild I am in and going for a fresh look, I had been out of game for a few years.
  7. That's the thing he did purchase it, account wide multiple times already, and it always get's taken from him. I'd just like to know why...I mean is it a scheme they are trying to wring more cash from people, or is it a legit glitch. If it is a glitch then why everytime they fix it, does it go back the way it was, saying he doesn't have it?
  8. Just cause I am annoyed no one wil listen, I freckin' asked why I could not dual weld on my Maruder with these. I did everything right, Bioware/EA removed the ability, Even the companions that could no longer can and this is all I will say on the matter, since no one seems to believe me anyway, when I put the additional vibroblade in my off hand, it snaps back to my inventory.
  9. I know right, and I'm even more confused too cause someone said if your preferred you auto get it...yet he doesn't have it.
  10. yada, yada, yada, yada, yada...also for those who did not see my previous post on the page prior this is the only way I can delete all my posts, since there is no delete button. I came here with a question, not to be trolled or made fun of so I will take my question somewhere else.
  11. Dunno, but since he is F2P he can't post on here to them, nor submit a ticket. I've been having to speak on his behalf. XD And it has been fixed twice now and still went back
  12. He did sub once in the past or twice, but it still doesn't take. he bought the account unlock, he has the majority of them and he doesn't not want to sub, just come on, level a bit and rp. But it never stays on his toons, he goes to use a piece of armor and it keeps saying artifact authorization required. It will stick a month or two and suddenly it is gone, like it was never there
  13. I'm trying to get my bf to come back to the game with me and since he is F2P he cannot ask this but we were both wondering why every time he buys artifact authorization unlock for all his toons, why he has to rebuy it every so often? If it is unlocked should it not stay unlocked? He has called the phone number a few times and they unlocked it for him, but the most recent time they just told him to buy it again. Is this just him or does anyone else have this issue?
  14. since everyone on here is trolling me for asking a serious question and I cannot delete my post I will just type a few random things to be rid of my postings and ask elsewhere. I never came here to be made fun of.
  15. I can't speak for everyone mind you, but my own personal experiences have been with the Cartel Market. I loved opening packs and seeing what I would get in the past, but this "ley's give the customer less and charge more" thing needs to stop. We get 4 items in a pack now, and since they upped the rarity of certain armor and items we get pretty much nothing now. If they would listen to their customers is also another from me, we let them know what we want and are brushed aside, because all that matters to Bioware is turning a quick profit now. :/
  16. The question I'd have liked answered is actually something I know a few people in the game, myself included have been wondering about. And I know there are a lot of people who actually support this. See in the Knight story line you get Doc as a romance option as a female but a lot of us would have actually liked to have a companion we get near the end Lord Scourge. A lot of us also know given current circumstances it would have been really difficult for it to work out, even preferring him over Doc myself. I suppose the question I'd like to see asked is given the fact we are going after the Emperor in this will it have a greater impact on the Knight storyline, Lord Scourge especially I mean? Would he actually be able to be brought in as a romance option? Thank you for your time.
  17. I really think since this game is updated periodically it should be either put into the game or an option as something you can buy but I think Deno Ray should be a romancable option for the female character. I can't be the only one who feels this way right? I mean he is such a possibly dynamic character and funny too. I can see the possibilities here. So please please make some sort of contract or something you can buy to recruit him.
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