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Everything posted by TarristerWelm

  1. If they are to merge into 'super servers,' or if mass transfers are to happen, then name changes are expected. Maybe BIOea should take a page out of Star Trek Online (I know it's a bad game, but keep reading...), by using their 'handle' system for naming. Ex. My name in star trek was 'Tavarok@tarristerwelm. All of my characters had the @tarristerwelm, so if you wanted to talk to me you could type @tarristerwelm instead of having to type w/e character's name I was playing at the moment. Having 'handles' is great for server merger/name change reasons because it let's one have their name, and at the same time differentiates it from the other Tavarok's in the game. Just a suggestion.
  2. No! Seems this thread has lost its "sticky" status. I must subscribe to this thread before it get's buried in the multitude of QQ threads that emerge without fail on a daily basis. How/why would the mods let such a resource fade into oblivion?
  3. Because that goes against what GZ said he wanted for pvp in the first place, and the reason ops/scounds nerfed again, as well as other classes. GZ had said that the time to kill was too fast previously to his liking, hence reasons for changes, but this patch didn't fix the ttk the way he said it was going to.
  4. In 10-49 tanks still mitigate/deflect/absorb a lot of my sniper's attacks (mm not lethality/eng). You all should do fine against white damage classes. It's the tech/force damage heavy classes that now are eating you alive due to the increase expertise damage and the nerf to expertise damage reduction/healing output, imo.
  5. I think it's funny they spent time and energy taking a laugh away (one that helped me know when my upper hand was active btw), and introduced a 747 jet with engines blaring in the fleet.
  6. Wrong, this isn't something they are making up as they go along. They said themselves that this was a cornerstone of the game since inception, but couldn't add it in time. I'm not asking for much; Just the ability to have brothers, allies, rivals all tied to one character. I'm not asking for cross legacy stuff, just basic things. You are right though, the general tone I see is "this patch sucks." To each their own.
  7. You have to finish chapter one. That usually happens at the end of Alderaan.
  8. I, unfortunately, have a 6-month sub. It's since been cancelled, but I can't believe I waited for this game for 3+ years to be let down this much. I just wanted kotor 3.
  9. That is even worse than what I'm describing. First several sweeping class nerfs, then rated wz's out at the last minute, now a new gear grind (when they said they weren't going for another grind), and legacy not only costs millions of credits but the family tree is broken. Oh, and the base model guild bank costs 600k and requires 12 members. Legacy 1.2 does not seem to be the "Jesus patch" as the Gamebreaker folks called it.
  10. I have a character that has 3 brothers and 2 allies. I can add the brothers, but then cannot add allies or rivals for one or more of the brothers. I can only add 'adopted child' or 'child.' The tree seems a little borked, and not at all as fleshed out/customized as it should be. Anyone else having a problem with adding more than a couple branches for one character?
  11. They took away ranked wz's, and killed the credit reward in wz's. I'd like that avenue for leveling back plz thanks.
  12. I do not like my scrapper anymore. What do they want me to do in pve, auto-attack nonstop? Edit: I just read them again. We have way more energy regen with some of our skills costing us less, some costing more through talent nerfs; So, my question is this, what do I spend all this extra energy on in the scrapper tree?
  13. Having the ability for every class to have modable gear would hurt those that craft armor to a degree. The only exception being the crafters that make mod/armoring/enhancements. Also, slicers don't need any help making more money, imho.
  14. I, and it seems others, would like to see the medium/heavy social gear (supposedly removed while in beta) in the game. As it stands now, my friend (consular) can get almost a complete set of modable social gear and keep that look throughout his leveling (staying combat proficient, I might add). I on the other hand, a knight, cannot get social gear and keep the same look throughout my career due to there only being light armor rating social gear. Why not have all three ratings in the game at launch? Why cater to the already overpopulated class, by having it be the only one who can remain viable in social gear? Was it really intentional to release the game with only one class being able to go into combat in their social gear? I am not asking for a heavy armor rated slave leia or sand people outfit, but give us medium and heavy armor users a 'look' we can enjoy as well. Right now, I have no need for social points. It is a grind in and of itself with no purpose, see as there are no gear sets that I can utilize. Med/heavy users can't even buy combat viable armor with our fleet commendations like the consular/inquisitors can. Yes, I could buy something else from the social vendors, but none of the other stuff appeals to me. Having decently priced social gear that is also tailored to medium/heavy armor users is appealing to me, and we currently have to pay out the wazoo for modable gear on the GTN where there is not a complete set of gear. Some of this could also be assuaged with the re-introduction of the match armor to chest feature that was removed. And please don't redirect me to the thread in which that was addressed by Limicnchi (sp?) for I have read it and understand. TLDR: Cons/Inquis get combat ready social gear, why can't every other class have the same options? Add med/heavy armors or variants of the social gear in place, for all the other classes. Thank you for your time. Signed, Pointless Social Point Grinder
  15. Thank you Vod, I was getting ready to send a very similar reply. People think that beta testers hold so much sway over the devs. We didn't have very much clout with them, even though sometimes the sun does shine on dog's @ss, it wasn't often. There were a few things changed, removed, put back in due to beta tester outcry, but most of the big decisions were made by Bio and their 'internal' testers.
  16. Wrong. I was in beta, and there are still bugs in game that were reported in beta. It just seems other stuff has taken priority. I'm not saying there weren't people in beta playing just to play, because there were those players, but to group all of us in that category is not fair to the ones who spent most of their time trying to bug report and give feedback. I was so burnt out on TOR, because I wasn't 'playing' TOR, but 'working' to make TOR better that I almost didn't buy it.
  17. I'd be down for this system. It seems other mmo's adopt this function, and it works.
  18. On that, I have no clue. I do have a feeling that DD/CE people would be awfully upset if they made a new character down the road, and didn't have all those items. I think it'd be bad juju if Bio took them away for whatever reason they could justify it with.
  19. You will get those items for every character you make on that account. Edit: And yes, you can mail items from one character to another.
  20. I took armstech and just make the barrels for cunning and aim classes. It seems to make me enough money to recoup the mission skill costs and then some. Plus the barrels I sell are usually(always I've found so far) cheaper than the one's you can buy at the credit vendors (otherwise why buy from me when you can buy them cheaper at a vendor?). The blues and purples you get from commendation vendors obviously don't have a credit equivilent, so I kind of have to guess as to what to sell them for, but sell they do. Plus, I can spend my planetary comms on the other mods I can't make, like enhancement, mod, and crystals.
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