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Everything posted by bgstranger

  1. This. I actually enjoy PUGing and I'm not alone in this. It makes same content to feel differently every time. I like to see some perfect guy who do thing flawlessly on a random group or some newbie who make my *** laugh. And I got you - you speak globally for MMO, but so as I. You got your way to enjoy, some have others. Anyway, back to the topic and farewell.
  2. I'm really glad for you and your guild. In fact, you can ask Bioware to create your own server to cut off entirely that annoying randomness.
  3. So, you're telling us, that you've got all the objectives to summon the bonus boss, and you still speed trough it, instead of spare a minute and help the lowbies to get some extra XP? That's quite a selfish act, mate. So, you knew that they don't know the mechanics, but you decide to teach them a lesson and wipe the whole group, including yourself and your precious time. Well done, you've played it like a true jerk. And if they were speak up at the start, that they are all new, you will be less annoyed? I don't think so. But guess what, some people love the experience of content, not just run from A to Z. I won't mention about the Manaan run, cuz Mokuyobi explain how to "tank" Ortuno, but from that story, it seems that you are not even that good to judge other people's mistakes.
  4. Bioware have to see our pain here. I'm not a raider, but I'm not just a casual who plays for the story. My territory always were HM flashpoints. This is my zone of comfort and I've always knew that I'll never get BiS gear and I was fine with it. My personal BiS was drops from end boss and ultimate commendations armoring from vendors. This was my goal and it was enough for what i do. 5.0 kill the game for me and others like me. Now i enter a FP and i know that even if i complete it, I'll get nothing. Just some miserable CXP to get a random green piece after maybe 10 flashpoints. So, my beloved content is dead because of the lack of rewards. So, PvPers selfishly hold their components and i'm fine with that as well. But make some special ones for the FP community. Good gear helps you to carry a weak partner as a dps, a weak healer as a tank, and a crappy group as a healer. So, everyone who likes challenge needs gear. Maybe RPers don't, but they don't care anyway.
  5. Just... stop with this. Better gear is a goal. Better gear makes your missions easier. Better gear makes trash goes down faster. So, now what - only PvP and ops, the rest of us just go and do our loops for no reason? Just stop telling me what i need and what i don't. If your are not in this boat, write somewhere you really care. And what about HM Lost Island or Blood hunt? Guess i don't need gear for them as well, right? And don't tell me that ppl can do it in 208, cuz ppl can do ToS in 220, but they still want better gear. Better gear cover my weaknesses and everyone have them.
  6. Yeah, we need better rewards for flashpoints. Even "The weird people you meet in Group Finder" thread is on page 2 now, and i doubt it's because we have lack of weirdos.
  7. Never said that i have problems with the gear itself. I have wrote it, that i farm Red Reaper in 230. However, high gear makes things faster, but that's not a problem atm. Weekly rewards was always better because you have a 7 day lockout. Before 5.0 weekly HM gave me 20/12 commendations. I know you raiders hate comm gear, but as casual, this was the best i can get. Now the reward is the same as one flashpoint and you know how hard is to complete this, if you wait for a pop as a dps. Now, you'll say that i already have the gear that in 4.0 i can't even dream of, but improve is what keeps my interest.
  8. I don't know why you bring all this math. I don't want to do 15 time per day(the count of my alts) the same daily to get the numbers you give. I want to do this once per week and get properly rewarded, like it was before 5.0. Otherwise, everyone says that the new system benefits casuals, but this is coming from a person who don't do much ops and PVP - it's not! At lvl 94, I am with full 230 set bonus gear, but somehow it doesn't makes me happy. My place was flashpoints, mostly HM, but i haven't got a single pop after 5.0 because i don't have the time to level my tanks and healers - i have to grind with my main. Since GF won't help me, I throw myself in HM Red Reaper and farm 900 CXP for 20 min by killing just the bosses. But it's not the same... I can't point out for sure all the mistakes that came with 5.0, but i feel tired, frustrated, uninvolved...
  9. What are you talking about? How many dailies we have - Oricon, CZ, Yavin, Section X, Black Hole and Ziost. (forgive me if i miss something). It's 6x500 - 3000 CXP per week and you call this "too much"? It's not even a command level above 60-70. Before 5.0, weeklies worth the reward for casuals. Nowadays, when I'm on CZ, I ignore the weekly, just run 4 needed missions that Command interface give me. I put so many time and patience to reach tier 2 (the last 4-5 levels was so painful) and when i got my first tier 2 green pants with grade 5 comp gift and a pet, and when i look at the horizon for the next 90 levels to tier 3, it was - i just can't do it no more, create a brand new vanilla sniper and start from scratch.
  10. It will be a step to a more alt friendly system. My main (and only toon I am using) is with lvl 94 and i feel tired using the same rotation over a month now. It make no sense the weekly reward to be as same as regular mission, since you can't farm them. HM fp - 300 must be 2000 Tactical - 200 must be 1000 Daily area - 20 must be 500 and etc. I don't do Uprisings anymore, because i feel like i'm in PVP area. I want the art of good pulls. If this happens, I will log on to my alts to grind all the weeklies, before i get back to my high level character.
  11. One other thing to add - why all the weekly missions give so little CXP? I mean, it's weekly and the reward is the same as a single mission. You get 300 CXP for HM flashpoint and it's 300 for weekly. Same with daily planets where you get... 20. I understand why they nerfed the elite grind from 10 to 2 CXP, but this have a one week lockout - you can't farm this, so give me at least 2000 CXP for weekly HM flashpoints! No one queue for them nowadays, so it's more hard to get it anyway. And it will be more alt friendly, since I'll log to my other toons at least once a week to get the big pie. Really, if the system required to type the name of my toons to log on, it will be a massive fail, cuz I don't remember them anymore...
  12. After thousand of tacticals as a dps, I've learned one thing - never trust your life to no one
  13. So, I have tried VM on Kotet with my operative - 5 pieces 230 set bonus gear(yeah, i'm that lucky) and about 110 k HP. Reach the final fight on Voss - where the skytroopers spawn again and again, along with some knights. Lana was melted in seconds, i get with her a minute later. The problem is, that i felt like i was in a PVP area - get hit from everywhere, stun, knock, leaped... I like hard stuff, but i like the thinking before the pull - which one to CC, position, LoS. They lost me here. Anyway, I start running with HoT's on me and Dot's on the knight and after 5 min a get pass it and get to the walker part. Now, I've skipped most of the groups, but when i have reached the once which are shielded and has to be smashed, it was the end for me. Even with the vortex, they melt my walker before i even get close to them. I know there's a way, but i don't think it's worth the effort.
  14. In that moment, the bonus on the Command menu is Flashpoints, but there is no special reward for doing them. Is it just me? (done a Story and a Veteran, idk about Master)
  15. I guess they left heroics mostly for money grinding now.
  16. As some of you said above - the game just started to be as intended - clear the instance with all the gold and elits. I did Taral five yesterday in solo mode(without the damn droid)and I have killed stuff that i didn't know it's even exist. We did Cademimu and in the "run area" someone says "run", and the rest of us was like - "are you insane, there are two gold turrets in our way, it's 64 CXP" I did Nar Shadaa blood sport and i had no second thought when i saw a elite - leap. And this was no farming - i never kill one of them twice. For a sum of 15-16 hours gameplay, i have reached lvl 13 and i still think it was slow. Not to mention that from 13 packs i have only one 230 relic that it's really worth.
  17. I'm talking just about the weekly rewards. You get 6 tokens and the implant cost 18. I'm not saying that's fast and easy, but it's a way for a non raider to get BiS stuff by doing solo content. Not to mention the bunch of isotopes which are cost for about 40 k on GTN back in a days, a lot of Glowing and happy amount of Radiant for weekly. It was suits me just fine and i run one per week with 9-10 toons on my legacy
  18. If the best implant/ear in the game for just doing solo stuff isn't much, so be it
  19. Since it become easier with every attempt, i found a new challenge - beat it as a dps with dps companion. I fail at Breaktown Brawler and Zotar only and i'm wondering if anyone achieve this no matter the gear and class?
  20. Put a hand on your heart and tell me - do you really need video to believe that it's possible?
  21. mmmbuddah i think, no matter what you do, something like the above will show up over and over... I think it's time for a video, that you do absolutely nothing and wait for your companion to off dps tha champion tll death. But i assume it won't be enough again, so don't bother.
  22. You put a lot of words for explaining content that: So, now i need raid gear to clear a FP? And you say it's enough? I do not have to know when to cleanses as a healer, don't need good reactions to avoid damage, don't have to know how to position the boss as a tank. No, i just need a raid gear and i'll be fine. I have 25 achievement on this, but still it's nothing to the numbers i fell, because it's a FP that as an average group, you can't carry a newb. I've 2-manned half of the HMFP content, which you can call "not hard", but BH will remain a PUG killer, no matter how many times a wanna-be elitist like you repeat that it's easy.
  23. DCD was not enough on my scoundrel. i was with SRM on me, defense screen and dodge. Still got smashed along with the generator
  24. Except that if you're non-tank, you'll probably die in his smash even if he break the generator. So, follow the mechanic is not enough - someone have to heal you or use the kolto station(but not that from the other side of the area, cuz you'll get 0 heals). Got my 3.0 jugg tank out of the dust and i was left him an year ago with 2/3 on HM weekly, so i check Athiss, Hammer station and Cademimu and got an insta pop for HS. Now, my gear is mix of 192/198, but my stat pool was fine and the bolster did the rest. The group is me and 3 sorcs with above 80k HP. Bolster gave me 67-68, so i was called very undergeared for HM. I ignore them and pull the first pair of droids. We get to the big pull(you know which) and i start it like i've always do - force push one of the gold so he end up with the rest - leap to him - aoe taunt - saber reflect - smash and etc. This rotation always works and no one else eat damage. My health drop fast after the reflect goes down, so i pop invincible, then saber ward, then enraged defense and finally endure pain. This is about 30 seconds and guess - the whole group is still up and attacking me, since the dps share the two gold and ignore the weak and standart. I died, but they managed to finish the pull. You're way undergeared, you take a lot of damage" - says the healer. Again, i ignore and move ahead. We get to the droid boss and i asked the healer if he know to clean me at 5 stacks. No response in 15 seconds, so i pull. First laser - no clean, but i survive with dcd and type in chat "clean the laser at 5 stacks". Second laser my dcd was on CD, so with no cleanses, i've died, followed by the group one by one. The healer start cryin' about my gear. I told the group that is the mechanics, not my gear that wipe us, but none of the dps sorc back up my story. I mean, when i dps with a healer class and the healer don't clean, i do it, since the droid don't have an enrage timer and can afford a little dps loss. But these 2 guys with 220 gear have no clue. Anyway, gave another try and i type in chat to clean me at 5 stacks - no matter which 3 of them and we'll be fine. Leap, first laser is there and a miracle - cleanses at 6 . So, it was 6 or 7th laser, the boss is still on half health, but whatever. At some point i got a laser on me and a bunch of adds, so i move a bit, didn't get the clean and... you know. "You got away of my range, you have to stay in range to heal you" says the healer. "You are the range class, you have to stay in range to heal me" was my response. The other 2 back up the healer, call it off and we drop group. It was my first drop on Hammer station ever and i'm playing this game for over 3 years now. In a few words - gear comes too easy now and ppl get 220 with no effort, without knowing the mechanics or even their class.
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