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Everything posted by De-mu-noki

  1. Let's see...he's got a dental appointment next Thursday, it'll be hilarious if he forgets that, and his girlfriend's birthday is in April, boy is that guna be a surprise...oh hello! You guys caught me rifling through Noki's brain, making him forget stuff! It's going to be a hilarious joke XD. Anyway, screwing with my host body aside, here's the next part. I'm happy to report it's the longest yet: more than 6000 words. I hope you guys find it interesting as I put a good deal of research into figuring who's who and when on the Dark Council. This part will set up a lot of future plot lines, so pay attention and get ready to extrapolate !
  2. nonononono that would be a very bad idea, I extremely enjoy the increased challenge every "new" Operation (for me, i.e one that I've not done before on that difficulty level) offers. Making all Ops easier would be the wrong way to go, they've already nerfed story modes too far mechanics-wise in 4.0, they shouldn't cripple HM and NiM too
  3. On Vanjervalis Chain (German Server) it's /cjoin sng (sng is the german equivalent of lfg)
  4. Hi guys! I'm baaaaack! I hope Demunoki enjoyed 2 weeks of not being possessed because I'm back to my old tricks again! As a gift to you guys, this segment is almost 6000 words long as a favor for being so patient! Well, that and the fact that I literally couldn't break it into smaller pieces without those pieces being below 2500 words...and I really didn't want to have you guys waiting for me for 2 weeks just to get a tiny little 2500 word update, that just didn't seem fair! Good news for my Xalek lovers, this segment mainly features the adventures of everyone's favorite Kaleesh. I hope you enjoy the trials I put him through, because they are only a taste of his future! Please voice your criticisms and suggestions if you have them, I feel like I've been slipping lately (mostly because I'm paranoid and Demunoki literally can't find anything wrong with my work no matter how hard he tries lol) so the feedback of my devoted fanbase is very much appreciated! With that out of the way, please enjoy the show!
  5. Hello everyone! Here's the next part of Chapter 4! It's a bit longer as compensation for last week's shorter part, 4500 words or so. I'm afraid I have some sad news to report though: events in my real life demand my immediate and focused attention, both physically and mentally. As such I am forced to take a 2-3 week hiatus from the story in order to put my affairs in proper order. I intend on returning after no more than 3 weeks, but hopefully it will be sooner than that. I also hope that none of my fans will lose interest during this time and will stay subbed to the thread, waiting patiently for more. There are a few easter eggs of sorts in this segment, so pay attention and see what you can determine about the progression and the changes to the timeline! Enjoy!
  6. I don't know what kind of "random" group you were raiding in but 30 mins for EV/KP? And 60 mins for frickin' TfB? In HM? Your estimates are WAY of, especially for a RANDOM group..
  7. Hi guys! I'm sorry if this one feels both short and late, but I'm afraid things in my life are changing and I'm being confronted with reality more and more lately. This means I have lots of important things on my mind that demand much of my attention and brainpower which in turn means I have little time to meditate on my story as I usually do and thus this segment was harder to write. I hope you guys will be understanding if future segments end up coming less often than once a week, as that may end up becoming the reality. But in lighter news; we made it to Chapter 4! In this chapter we will begin to enter more unfamiliar territory than the last few chapters, and I hope that this will produce more interest for those of you who felt the "recycled" but necessary content of the last two chapters was stale. So please, buckle up and enjoy the ride! Chapter 4: Omega
  8. De-mu-noki


    Wow! I was at the edge of my seat the entire party scene, dreading that it WASN'T Liaseph and Marr was making a fool of himself. But it was and I am eagerly awaiting Marr to go on a rampage, you've got quite a job on your hands explaining how Vowrawn and Ravage survive Marr's wrath. As usual, you have done a fantastic job!
  9. Hi guys! Guess what? This is the last part of Chapter 3! Wow this has been a long one... But its finally finished! I hope you guys have enjoyed the character and plot development I've done my best to cultivate in this chapter, as the developments here are a significant part of my foundation for future developments. I will say that there are quite a few things yet to come that are foreshadowed in Chapter 3, and they aren't always the most obvious things either! So keep your mind open to connections as we march ever forward with the passage of time. I noticed some of your comments about this chapter seeming to drag on and feel boring, and while that is a disappointment for me, it is also encouragement of a sort. Keeping your feedback in mind, I can promise that the next chapter will be far more independent and distinct. We will begin to see events diverge more from their familiar path into the unknown territory that awaits us! Many more revelations await, but I think you might find that these revelations will bring with them more questions than answers... Please enjoy!
  10. Currently the highest parsing spec on http://parsely.io are Infiltration Shadows/ Deception Assassins, however this may be due to a bug (Stance-doubling)
  11. Tokens were removed with 5.0 Also, lockouts are characterspecific, meaning that if ANYONE in your group has a lockout for, say, the first two bosses in dread fortress, then the ENTIRE group starts from the seconed boss, meaning the first two bosses and the adds between them are no longer there. You can see your lockouts by pressing 'L' and opening the tab 'lockout'. If you're in a group, you will also see if any of your groupmates have a lockout, i.e. if you can do the boss in your current group setup
  12. Whoops, fixed Ok, no problem! How is it in the latest installment with two lines instead of three?
  13. Hi guys! This version of the segment (which is now up on Wattpad as well) has been edited by Demunoki and some things have been changed, so it might be worth it to read it again and see what changes have been made! Also, Demunoki has promised to post the section at (approximately) the same time as I do on Wattpad, so it won't necessary for somebody to leave a link here (But thank you Luna for doing it this time)!
  14. Ho ho ho! Darth Santa is here with a gift for all you bad little girls and boys! XD Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of my fans! I'm sorry this isn't some Christmas/Life Day special, but the show must go on right? Since time is something I mess with often, I'm not sure we'll ever have seasonal segments, but we'll see! As a sort of Christmas gift however, this segment introduces 2 brand-new characters, and some old, familiar ones. It also contains an Easter egg or two...so keep your eyes peeled!
  15. IIRC you actually HAVE to stand in the cleave as it follows you around, but yeah DPS with taunts suck EDIT Actually, I was wrong...
  16. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!
  17. Garr... What was that just now!?! Did I really post this? Anyways, the Table of Contents in my post will now be kept up to date and is accesible by clicking on "Table of Contents" in my signature!
  18. Hi Guys! Wow, this "possessing someone" thing feels really weird, how does the Emperor do it? Ahem, anyway, here's the next segment. I know, I know, it's short. I'm disappointed too. However, the next part (thus far) is shaping up to be really long, possibly longer than anything else thus far (we'll see :$) and I didn't want to burn myself out or make an already long segment even longer, so I posted this segment as a sort of in-between-er the keeps us informed on our other characters. BTW, for those who are interested, the next part will start to get into my "twist" involving the HK-51 questline, so I hope you guys are pleased with my little edition of what was (in-game) a mostly boring scavenger hunt. We join the "hot" couple on Detrimos, where the war effort (and tensions) are heating up!
  19. Sorry for the semi-late reply, but could I (as the beta) ask you to point some of those out so that I know what to pay attention to in the future? Thanks!
  20. RNG ist Englisch und ist die Abkürzung für 'Random Number Generator' also auf deutsch Zufallsgenerator, im allgemeinen wirds für alles Zufall-gesteuerte verwendeten (gibt auch RNGesus was scherzhaft für die Gottheit verwendet wird, die gute Würfe bestimmt)
  21. Ich möchte darauf hinweisen das der mimimi Kommentar NICHT von mir kam... Zwar bin ich bei Ultio Offi und daher auch Admin der Website aber ich lösche per se keine Posts, egal was sie ausdrücken.
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