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Everything posted by YodaUnrea

  1. Well... You are right. I rember when i was on Thyton and the new players or alt players seeking help and guadiance for dealing quests, and i'd realy love to help them. Im not doing rushes for litle ones, i just like to help them, with this option I cannot do that and cannot do the same thing what you did meantioned in your comment. The Devs should been re think about this again. I have 3 account each and every one of them is full of level 60 charcter. I spent alot of money for that, and i will honestly stop playing with this game if they gonna do this as forced level sync. Those whos been fall in love with this idea they don't have to worry about this if THE 'Smart' devs could give us level sync as an optionalbel function. Allowing the players to switch beetween thiese moduls. (of course if some one is use this option they'll be forced synced for one day, and they can switch back to'normal' when the time gose down) Oh and one more thing for those who love this idea. Just to be clear This is not The Guild Wars 2, This is Star Wars. If you looove to play level sync stuff, go and play with GW2 (oh you got bored about Gw2? I'll pity them when red snow is falling). Sorry. Im Sick of this **** allready, and nothing responding from the devs, about the current state of their work. Yet i cannot understand how could posibly decide one person, or a whole dev team to what is good for every one? that's not posible, if they realy wanna deliver something new, they should care both sides, not just one. And i am absolutly agreed with those who came up with this idea shoudl be Fired. We are the coustumers, not them, we spend alot of money to buy CC pay the sub fee and so on. Not them. 4 years and this game is just become worst then any MMORPG could be. I might be suggest The Bioware principals to make a meeting and fire those who came up with this idea, and fire the developers whos made a chose to use a Beta version of the Hero Engine as an mmorpg motor. The game is unstabel as hell. I can play with the battle front on my pc in ultra settings, and when i came back to SWTOR the whole server is lagging, the picture is rendering, the game is full of credtis sellers, and ect... If some one is not going to do something about this sirusly, i wont give much time left for this game. I don't care how greede is the publisher, i dont care who they try to bind the devs hand. Fix this game! And if you have next time such a stupid ideas, make sure to deliver them as optionable and not forced one.
  2. The Only solution for this problem, to make the credits account bound, wich means you cannot give it away, but it will ruin the GTN system also, how ever it could be working fine to bound the credits to account, and allow players to sell items in the GTN and earn money trhouh the GTN. It is easy to do it. So here is the deal. Credits will no longer posible to trade between other players, yet you can still send money to your charater on your account. It is safe, and solve the sellers issues once and for all. Naturaly you will be still abel to use the trade network, just your money cannot be trading, or posting to other accounts characters. hmm.... Well it's up to you guys.
  3. i don't want loose any of my companions :'( i love them all.
  4. Ask again this question when you hit level 57
  5. Hm good question...I think im gonna do another sage as Dps,
  6. Don't Call me Folks. You don't know me, and we are not firends Eric. I am coustumer, so before you post something next time on the threads, consult with one of your community manager colleague, how to start a sincere massage composing. Probably the others don't mind it at all but, I am not a peasant to call me like that. It is arrogant, scornful, and Ignorant.
  7. I don't like this idea at all. Force the free to players and the prefered palyers to be in Level Sync (if they subsribe they can have the switch option to). While the subs should have an option like a skill button to switch Level sync. CD one day, and it will be not gone if you log out. Skill name should be Sync Me. Im suffered enough to my 3 account full of 60 chars, to be forced down to some nonsense Level system.
  8. I DONT WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!! It's a stupid idea. This is not Guild Wars 2.
  9. Yes you can. all you need is the legacy items. (currently availabel: chest, pants, wirts, belt, hands, head, main hand wepon, (so the armor slots +a main weapon slot) the only thing you have to do is to put out your mods and palce them in to the legacy item. Example: Chest piece (put out your mods, and palce them in to the legacy armor, DO not Equip them) And do the same thing with the other parts. When you done all of them put them in to your legacy bank. log out, log in to your imp char, go to the nearest legacy bank and tehere you go(Addivce! do not put up the legacy armors, if you want to use them again, simply get the mods out, and palce it to your adaptive armor(wich is on your imp side char probably) The only you have to reclaim, is the earpices, relics, and implants, and offhand,+ augment slots,+ augments.
  10. Perosnaly I don't like that idea. If i want to play with Guild Wars 2, I click the GW2 icon on to my desktop and this is Star Wars The Old Republick huge differency. I don't want level synch. It is dull. Stop Copy other game mechanism, and repalce the game engine. Add ignore duel requests options.(automaticle deny any pvp requets wiouth poping up windows) same with ignore party invite requests. Im sick of those players to sending nonstop invites for no reason, and i don't give a **** about what they are want from me. And actualy you could bann some illegal credit sellers from the game, becasue i've heard all the time in Redeclipse, all of my friends recives these add messages. No matter how many of them got ignored they come back and do the same, + flooding the general chats(ignore is no use, cos there is always some one who sels credtis for real money. Do you want to add something new? How about to add races, as pvp. (just like in the Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace) Now that would be *********** epick devs. Sorry about my swearings . This game is soo messed up, unstabel motor, atom reactor pc reqs,(witch is not enough, how ever i saw a guy who played this game in pentium4 with ultra settings with a simple 512mb radeon card...) plusz the lag issues on the fleets. Rendering all the time. (good work, fix this to) You have a lot of things to fix, then ask us about your new ideas, wicth is not going to mess up other things in game mechanism, such as when you lunch a new patch Coratani is become buggy again, or the whole rishi floor will be invisible again, and so on. Until them i don't want to hear anything about Level synch. Huge mount of, grafick, game engine, and game mechanism fix is requried to be abel to enjoy this game finaly. PS: Sorry about my grammar (english is not my native language)
  11. getting rid of the accuracy(all of them) i cant even hit the others lol. Are you sure about that?
  12. Hello everyone! I am new in the pvp and i need to ask your help about my augmentation, nearly i have been collected the 174 7/7 armor sets, and the rest is still 168. My first request for you guys: Could you tell me plase step by step wich armor piece needs modification? I have every slot augmented. Stats: Bonus damage: 1372.9 healing is: 986.2 Accuracy: 103.24 Crit chance: 23.45 regen rate: 8.3 alacrity: 4.16 Could you tell me please wich armor pice i have to modify, and for what, armor, mod, encha, and ugment By step by step, to each and one of the items. For example: head: this mod, and this encha, and this armor, and this augment. and so on. i feal my self way nobish in this place then ever please help me out guys. Waiting for your reply Best Reguards Yoda
  13. Guild Wars 2 Just buy the game once, no subfee, and abel to play all the expansions, no money cap, ect. I think you know the guild wars 2
  14. I must Agree with those who said this is faar over nerfed. I play with my sage at the very begining. And trust me i know how to play with my class. But honestly the tooltip dps is not real on any skills. Im a kinetic sage and trust me when i saw on a dummy only 2.5k dps (no guys i know my rotation well) I just shocked. Trust me my gear is 192 full augmented, and i know my rotation quiet well and i know how to timing. I have no idea where did you got those numbers, but it's looks like a massive lies for me. Sages are always been the main dps characters in DPS and HEALING. Put back everything NOW! (even that stolen dps to wich were alive to before the nerf, and made this class unenjoyable) I don't care the pvp. If they want to play pvp go to a pvp server, and leav it alone the pve. It was always about this pvp versus pve. In that case would be beter if those who wish to play pvp they should only do that in pvp server. And same for the pve. And separate them. Not the skills needs to nerfed. People needs to learn how to play their characters. Not like this. If this will not comming back ( im sure it wont) then it would be beter from the BW to close this project once and for all, or give this game to a developer team, who could actualy, fix the game engine, the lag spykes, and abel to do diferency between pvp and pve, and not even meantioned about the developing. Because this game is became a messed up thing. And i feal sorry for this. Because this game is beter then who made it. (or could be beter than now)
  15. It is not nonsense. I don't understand why do you ppl are so negative, and selfish. It is not a cheat. Typical Europian mentality. The whole game is unstabel cos of the game engien, lags and bugs are filled in the game that doesn't even bother you. But if some one is pick up an idea to incrase a bit the game play, you always say the same. And last what is nonsense for you it is only a point of view. And it is not up to us to decide what devs choose to add the game. I just simply suggested an idea, and i recive from the community the most negative reply then you can ever made. Now i can see why does the devs and the community managers are ignoring their forums about the ideas. In that case I would like to ask a forum moderator to please lock this topic, and move to the ideas archivum. Thank you.
  16. You realy missunderstod me. It is not about who or what is powerful. As i said the force jump shouldn't been so high to flew over evriething. Why do you guys twisting out evereiething? It is not cheating. And can be done in the balanced way. And force speed and the rocket thing is incrase your move ment seed but it doesn't grants you higer jump. But okay. I suggested this topic for a constructive idea for the force users, to allow them to jump higer with the force that's all. And ofc the jetpack users. Please post only constructive ideas in this topic wich is helps to make this happen. I don't care, and i don't want to read any unhelpful post here. Both i don't care how pro you are guys, this topic is not made for that. (for the trolls: you wont finde here any feed.) Thank you.
  17. No, it is neccecary. Only i am noticed how ridduculus is the jumping as a force user in this game? Just think of it. We are jedis right? we can use the force right? and with the force we supose to be jump higer than what we actualy have in game. I do not know why did you said it is unneccecary. Yea you told me you do not have any problem with that, but i can't jump across a hole wich is way faar away to reach it.
  18. It is ridiculus issues about the jumping in this game. Even the Jedi Academy game hase this modul to jump with the force, with no cooldown just cost a litle force to allow all force users to jump higer when they hold the space bar and use the moving arrow keys. Im stucked in the Arcanium raid cos i cannot jump higer across a litle hole as a jedi sage. I have no idea what does the devs thought about when they made the force user classes, but this is a huge missing part for the game. and not even mentioned about the jetpack issues, wich is both used to be used to jump higer(in that case fly higer). Do your researches on the internet about jedi high jump. I know its an mmorpg game, but still i know this is posible to add this litle function for the game. I know it needs a limit for the force jump, cos we don't wanna fly over evriething, but as i said before it is ridiculus to can't even reach something cos its too faraway, and still you have to get there cos there is NO other way. So please fix the jumps and add this missing pieces in the upcomming patches. Cos witouth this, this game is never meant to be a star wars game. PS: I'm sorry about my English grammar. English is not my native language.
  19. Hello Guys! I just wondering how about adding a new race to the game like Yoda race, not because of my name, but it will be awesome to play that race like him. Would be avalivable on republic side, as jedi consular, jedi knight. Oh and would be awesome, to replace the force wave skill to Force repulse, just like in the force unleashed game sires. the desing of the skill would be same as that, and the shock wave either. Would be cost the half of the force power of your force bar, and would be avalivable on level 20 and deals in basic level 200-360 damage, when you geared up the max damage would be 6500-8500. And no colldown for that skill. or if you wish to add cd on it 1.5min would be fine. This force repulse skill will be only avalivabel, for jedi sages in kinetics talent. What do you think?
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