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Everything posted by darklordmethos

  1. Hi I was thinking of some outfits like this: its a more updated sith armour that would fit in nicely with the newer Zakuul stuff and maybe also something along the lines of this: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8rmdQ its a Darth Bane variation that could look pretty cool on a bigger male character as the obalisk armour in game already looks kinda daft on bigger guys IMO. this also looks cool for more of a dark jedi, but maybe in a dark brown rather than black: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/images/1300-5345105 and finally the rest of the darth nihlus armour please: http://swfanon.wikia.com/wiki/Merraxen?file=Verslinden.JPG
  2. Hey I was forced to change my name way back in the server consolidation, which is fine you know its only fair the other guy had the name as well and it was his serevr. What really gets me however is that the guy with my name has been the same level and in the same place since then so i can only assume he is no longer playing the game. my query then is; why dont you remove the names of the people who have been innactive for however long. Then allow those names to be used again. If they ever come back they can choose another name like we had to during server consolidation.
  3. Please put the darth malgus set in full detailed version of his saber as well I've been asking since early access
  4. I am begging you to put darth malgus armour into the game for the new expansion it would be so epic to go through the storyline with it please please please please
  5. I Would love to see the darth malgus armour set just as he wears it. It was the first thing that caught my attention back in the 09 trailer.
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