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Everything posted by Rotaruc

  1. this^^^ Is the reason why a lot of people do not like it. Because they are not good at it. Look at what people are saying- "its boring. Waste of time" "i hate the controls" .... They think its boring and the controls suck because they arent good at it. Im not the best pilot but i still had fun blasting away... Some people even hate it because it isnt p2w. They cant buy upgrades with cartel coins thats why. tell me im wrong And "Turn fights" is not an issue. It may be seen as an issue by the players point of view because they don't know how to break if and use strategy to defeat their opponent. there is nothing that the Devs can do to fix your 1v1 fights. Its all uo to you.
  2. I think people are just upset because they suck at it. no offense to anyone lol. This expansion is actually Better than i expected. Sure its a little confusing and they could improve/add a few things but cmon guys... you're all saying it sucks so bad but it doesnt. I dont know what you guys mean by "blowing up" either. Crashing into things??? Dunno but the controls are very impressive imo. they couldn't be any easier to use and im playing on a laptop... My first few matches i managed to score about 5 kills 7 assists and 5 deaths in total (decent pilot ) The conversion of requisition to fleet req using cartel coins is pretty cheap. which is a good thing I also like the fact that you have to earn/work for Al your purchases and upgrades. great job avoiding p2w. Only thing I'd say to change is the way we spawn. I find it really strange how we jump out of light speed to spawn. I recommend making it a little more like battlefront where we spawn back in our teams main ship and hop in the ship type of our choice in a hangar. Take off and start the engines on our own and everything too. To those of you that are upset... practice and actually try.... Not everything can be p2w. not everyone wants p2w. sorry lol but yeah some skill-YES 'SKILL' is required. Google it if u dont know what "skill" is.
  3. A while back on my Alt Imp character I was doing a FP and the healer was complaining that no one was gaurding him (the guy totally blowed at healing even though he was spec'd for it) Which was true because the tank didnt know how to tank so I was basically doing Dps and tank/gaurding to healer at the same time. So i start gaurding the healer and he says Im messing them up. So we start arguing and he starts acting like hes a god of Swtor or something saying "Im healing you guys you should be grateful for me" and "fk u idiots dont know how to gaurd or play you should just quit and delete the game" and at the same time were fighting a boss. The guy is healing around 200hp per 30 seonds..... So i start bashing on him telling him thats hes a sht healer and during this time we beat the boss. Some gear pops up/spawns from the boss and the other 2 guys in the group that are just remaining silent while the healer and I are fighting , they 'Need' the gear. I 'need' it as well. I end up getting it and all of a sudden they both start hating on me. The healer ends up rage quitting the fp and leaving the group saying "good luck finding another healer losers". literally a few seconds after we get a healer 4 levels higher than him and we breeze through the rest of the flashpoint easily. I bring up how bad the last healer was at the very end of the flashpoint and the other 2 silent guys started hating on me again and end up Vote kicking me right before the last boss. So I did the tanks job+ my job, put up with a raging healer, took gear that i needed, got kicked from the group at the end of the fp, and received no xp or anything for it. And I dont know why but the new healer also voted to kick me... after i welcomed him to the group >.>
  4. I know that theres been a lot of lag issues with the game lately, mainly because of double xp weekend but even before that, the planet Alderaan has been really slow. As soon as I exit my ship I experience heavy lag. This doesn't happen on any other planets but Alderaan. I play on The Bastion and I was just wondering... Do other players on other servers also experience this lag? I've already asked around on my server and a lot of players agree and are just annoyed by it. Is this an already known issue? If not then can it be fixed? My internet is amazing and so is my brand new laptop so I know its not me...
  5. It's Probably going to be similar to passes we have now. like weekly war zone passes and all that. F2P players will probs be limited to a certain amount of matches per week unless they have a pass. As for Subscribers receiving more req per match I dont think it is an unfair advantage or p2w. There has to be some benefit for paying 15$ a month. and its not like f2p players cant earn the same amount of req.... They just have to work a little harder for it. Yeah subscribers will advance slightly faster than non subscribers but at least there wont be exclusive Subscriber only gear, abilities, or perks. You guys are complaining about a little bonus req when it could be something thats really unfair.
  6. I'd also like to know about this. Are we actually going to be able to fight? Like we were able to in Battlefront or are we just in for a ride to click for 5 minutes? I want to be able to blast away whoever I want whenever I want. I want Dogfights.
  7. Isn't triforce a font face/style?
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