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10 Good
  1. Horrible choice going down the World of Warcraft path(yes..you'll see this remark a lot, since around 70-80% of us are/were players of that game also), And you didn't even do it right FLAWS: 1) removing a lot of baseline skills 2) not adding other skills. you're just recycling the same skills over and over with nothing new. lack of interest from the development team. you could've added some passives we picked that changed the abilities oh so slightly and we would've been happy. By using just 2 neurons for 10 seconds : jedi knight passive selection lvl 70 -> saber throw now jumps to another target / saber throw becomes an aoe with the sword spinning around you once / saber throw reduces the cooldown of a skill by 3 seconds 3) by removing skills and not adding new ones you've destroyed the balance in pve: ----tanks will have 1/3 defense buffs -> will take more dmg -> healer is pressured more (but wait ...healer has skills removed as well...even more pressure) -> healer can't heal = wipe ; --- by some sort of luck ...tanks survives -> healer has no more resources / healer has less flexibilty to heal the dps or self -> wipe again; --- even more miracles happen and somehow they all live -> dps does less dmg now since they are also nerfed -> boss enrages -> wipe (do remember that on the real servers max item level is built and we don't have max ilvl from the first second) By doing all that you will need to balance the fights...dumbing them even more to be manageable. We like the button smashing. Just because the consoles have less buttons, or phones can have "mmo's" with 4 buttons and a movement trigger you don't and i repeat YOU DON'T need to satisfy them. 4) if you want to bring an influx of players --> GAME ENGINE, GAME ENGINE, GAME ENGINE. Ancient graphics don't support a game for 100 years.Also don't dumb down the game, improve it. 5)Also dev team should take in consideration how players react from the pts tests and reviews. PTS stuff is subject to change until the release date. Delay the expansion instead of releasing this mess and cutting the player base by 80%. Your planned release date is around the time Lost Ark is coming to EU, US. By doing simple math, the less money you have , the less likely it will be that you'll fix a broken launch. Hope this helps and gives a bit of inspiration
  2. Hello! Being doing heroics today and the first thing i noticed is Coruscant Heroics have no more bonus missions (Trouble in deed sanctuary -> kill 25 -> not present// Enemies of the republic -> kill 8-> not present ...and so on). So it's either a ninja patching due to the bonus xp event or a mishap
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