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Everything posted by RazorBladecontra

  1. Are you referring to me? or just saying that as an example of other's who complain non stop?
  2. Then how can we make them listen? I'd like to hear some suggestions.
  3. I appreciate how you all are working hard to improve the game. But why can't you help focusing on fixing PVP, bringing ranked back, and also balancing all of the eight classes in both warzones and arena's we want a grind that's worth playing. Vulkk even had a post on his site on how PVP is SERIOUSLY burning to the ground, here's a link to what he says about the issue: https://vulkk.com/2024/01/25/swtors-pvp-is-burning-to-the-ground/
  4. Yes I did read one of them and I agree with what you say on the topic, I was thinking they should make a tutorial for players who are new to warzones/arena's and to make them play in a training simulation on how to do PVP I would implement it into SWTOR.
  5. I agree with reducing premades yes, and I think the seasonal objectives should make it where it should tell the player to compete in objective game-modes for more points. And they should fix the issue if a player deliberately leave a Warzone/Arena match it should not count as "lost a match" on you're battle record it should be recorded as desertion and the punishment should be reduced XP as the consequences if the player leaves a match deliberately. And if the player gets booted from a warzone/arenas due to server lag it shouldn't count as desertion, I agree with one player on the forum where the post said that if Bioware and E.A foresaw what was going to happen before releasing the new PVP update their wouldn't be the issues we'd be having today. When I played a bit of PVP back in 2015 I remember seeing a bolster that balanced my and other players stats in a warzone/arena's. I also think players should be heavily encouraged to get PVP gear so their stats can preform better, thank you for replying to my comment.
  6. I did a couple of warzone matches yesterday and like always it's imbalanced and players still care more about DPS, scores, and kills, rather than playing the objective and having fun. You think with some of the recent patches and updates you'd think they resolved the issue right? I appreciate what Broadsword has done so far, I hope they can fix the balancing issue with PVP and hopefully bring ranked PVP back for the pro players who used to compete in those back in the good old days. And I wish that when you get a draw in a warzone match it should be a draw and not the algorithm saying this team won in every match, I would love to hear criticism and your guys opinions on what should be fixed and how it should be improved in the future. I'm only doing PVP again for the new cosmetics.
  7. The reasons I put the title on this topic because I find those announcers really annoying when trying to listen to music, a video, let alone chatting with friends on Discord. If you all agree with me or not please feel free to reply on this topic I welcome criticism, and please tell me why you agree/disagree on the topic I made, many a thanks - Razor.
  8. Has it ever occurred too us or not that we should have new species for the game like Kiffar and maybe have a hybrid species as well for 7.4? Tell me what the rest of you all think many thanks for the response.
  9. Was it the spending you did on all the hard earned credits and such that was a pain or no?
  10. What type of new combat styles would you have? I would like too see Form V: Shien where you have the reverse lightsaber like Ahsoka did in the show.
  11. Would you rather have the affection system back on companions instead?
  12. You talking lightsabers, blasters, or both? I think it's both isn't it?
  13. True it will take a lot of hard work and money for it to become reality, and the usage of A.I. can cause HUGE problems.
  14. Ah I see, you're right the actors do a lot of hard work to make this game come to life.
  15. What? Is that suppose too be a joke? Sounds like you're serious.
  16. What do you mean "Amount of VA"? With A.I. improved technology they can have the A.I. record the voice and read the lines, are you saying it'll take too long for them too make new class origin stories?
  17. I would've have the option to turn game scaling on/off. And I never seen any of the problems before they add level sync in the game, maybe I was paying attention or I never played that much because I was busy with IRL stuff, tell me what we're the issue's that we're occuring.
  18. I can't remember when they removed moddable gear, maybe it was when KOTFE came out I'm not sure. But I wish they should bring it back or at least encourage players on gearing, which do you prefer?
  19. If you don't want game scaling removed, would it be better if they gave us the option to turn it on/off instead? I had the thought idea of switching too a instance where if for example: Say you're a level 75 right, and you're Ilum and the enemies are level 50 but you want to the content that's on this world. So you open you're map and the right side it says switch to an instance where you go but instead you're Ilum of course but now the enemies are level 75 like you are, that's an idea I had in mind. Oh and can you tell me what XPAC is?
  20. I was thinking of brining back gearing companions but craft them instead, would that be better? I think so.
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