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Everything posted by Lightmaguz

  1. I've read some quests that interested me in wow, I remember reading most quests in WAR because the story was actually engaging and it was a pvp game. This game is simply absolutely amazing and it should be kept such. It's surely niche though and I'm not certain what will happen after I've eventually played through all the 8 main stories, though I don't think it'll become staple or mainstream I like it very much so. People keep forgetting that the game is still young and we all know EA rushed them to get the xmas sales so stuff will be implemented one way or another in time anyway. In fact this is the problem with EVERY SINGLE mmo release nowadays. Everybody expects wow-like game and publishers expect them to be finished someday in time. Seriously if people want wow, why not play wow? Publishers are *********** though there's no mistake there and EA is especially tarnished in this area.
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