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Posts posted by MiguelGx

  1. Hell yes. I mean makes no sense for me to run around as an operative lugging around a big huge rifle. Plus every scene I have this pistol I can't use while my rifle is slung over my back as a trooper or operative!


    I'd also like for Troopers and BHs, to be able to use Tech blades and tech staves. For the trooper instead of having a a shield generator, they should have an off hand say Ion gun, that can also do their grenade launching abilities. That way Troopers and BHs(who don't need that gun, have the off hand railgun/missile launcher) could have a melee option.


    Pretty much this /signed

  2. I recently two-manned tactical modes Forged Alliances flashpoints with a friend of mine and I didn't see any manaan research data/recovered relics drop. Manaan research data used to drop a lot in that FP in 3.0, so did they remove them as drops in tactical modes?


    And did they further reduce the drop rate of the recovered relics as well, because I didn't see one of them drop (but it's to be expected since they rarely dropped to begin with).

  3. Probably the fastest way to get 50 million credits is to kill commanders. In 3 hours, with a group of 12 people, we managed to get 6 Framework and around 200 Encryption. Even without a guild Ship it's really easy to move from planet to planet for those run. You start on Yavin and then use the Heroic missions quick travel the closest to the location of the commanders for all the other planets.


    You sell those and if your server got prices similar to The Shadowlands, on the GTN, you should be able to make around 70 to 80 million credits. Also, killing those commanders is a good practice to unlock rooms on the ship.


    The problem is that we are only 6 so we get killed when it comes to the commander part, and if we call for help in fleet nobody is interested although we let them to take away their personal Framework, the only way they would help us is if we were willing to pay them a few 0's for the help, which is contraproducent to the final goal.

  4. I'm the owner of a small guild of friends and we have been over months trying to reach the 50 million credits price, but it's too much effort for so little people, we are tired of trying, but if you don't lower the price at least make it able to buy it with Cartel Coins, we would pay it happily in exchange to don't do this tiresome credit grinding.


    We just want to have a more epic place to RP than strongholds, we don't care so much about Conquest, like I said, we are very little people and it would be crazy for us to try to reach the 1st place, we would be very happy if we were able to buy finally one Flagship although it was only for RP purposes.

  5. Then why aren't you playing a Rockstar game (assuming you're not just making it up)?


    How many posts do we see from players stating that "This other game is so much better." Well then why aren't they over there playing "this other game?" The saying "actions speak louder than words" springs to mind.


    Because we care about this game even more than you and we want to help it to be better, it's proved that with more money the game gets worst, dev's don't care anymore about bugs (remember how long it took to them to repair the companion gifts bug for example), we are having constantly broken events and conquest, and the worst of all of this it's not that they ignore our proposals to make the game better, it's that they ignore the problems that devs create by themselves and instead of repairing them they waste their time selling more abusive price items at the CM, it's heartbreaking to see how a game that promised so much is becoming this.

  6. EA said a long time ago that they were expending no more money in class storylines, the suggestion it's cool and I would love it, but if they aren't caring even for continuing the ones we currently have I see even more improbable to make storylines for new ones :(
  7. No more moot than the OP's suggestion to raise the credit cap. As a sub, the cap does not apply to him. I assumed he raised the issue either (a) on behalf of friends or (b) wanting to increase the cap before he cancels his sub. Either way, the response to sub is appropriate. The OP can pass that advice onto his friends, or embrace it himself and keep his sub (whatever fits the reason he posted this).


    It's just because obviusly all our guilds are loosing good people thanks to the excelent managment of the game, saying that the game is better than before is a very bad lie no player that it has been playing the game during so much time would believe.


    In my guild for example that people were very loyal gamers and since I know them they were always subbed, so now that the game isn't offering the content they want, they try not to leave it, but unsub as a protest to make the devs taking care for our suggestions and end this poor management that has been hurting the comunity so much once for all.


    Sadly, having better games in the market and new ones coming too compared to the current state of the game, they consider that the cap on Prefered players is very oppresive, much more if we even consider how many time they were subbed for this game (most of the people I know in this situation are founders like me, but with this I'm talking for all the people that feels like me).


    So the situation now is that they're massively moving to other games and I feel very sad seeing people that had so much fun with the game leaving it because of the people that should improve the game instead of killing it with bugs, broken events and lack of comunication.


    Don't forget that they're a big part of the players that are leaving along with their entire friends group, guilds, etc. Without them having interest never more in the game, like it or not, we're all losing.

  8. This ^


    The restriction removal comes with a sub. Do that. More free isn't going to keep this game running any better than it already is.


    The problem is that now that they have so many subscribers thanks to the film they are caring even less about the state of the game, we have never had so many bugs, broken events and lack of communication since KOTFE and SW VII ;)

  9. Bru.... Fyi....it's not fear, I just know "me". I don't like most people in general. I'm the first to admit that in person I'm a sarcastic, unapologetic, quick tempered, a-hole. My mentality is gorilla. And that's on a good day. I can count my "friends" on one hand and still have fingers left.


    And I'm actually a guild master


    "Imperial Order 66" - a guild for solo players who just want the xp bonus. Help others if you like, but we mostly leave each other alone. ;)


    I'm interested on that, in which server are you? Are you many people?

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