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Posts posted by MiguelGx

  1. ummm the fights no longer broken and is impossible to die in


    all you need to do is watch the npcs beat revan up

    run orbs

    watch npcs beat revan up

    run orb

    Watch NPCs kill Revan


    Worst fight in game as there is no challenge and no chance at failure


    so not sure whats working for you now because the OPs post was from back when fight was bugged



  2. As much as I am dying for some new content in the game, I beg the Bioware team to not release a new expansion just before going on your 2-3 week holiday break.


    We all know how well it turned out last year. Lets not repeat that mistake again this year.


    Either release it in November which allows plenty of time to fix all the bugs and patch up any exploits we find. Cause you know there will be. Or wait till after the 1st of the year when you all will be back to work full time and able to address said problems in an expedient time frame.



    Social life comes first always :)

  3. Sith Inquisitor for an example.


    If I am making Dark Side choices on the big decisions but I am Light Side overall from side quests and farming Black Talon will that give me the Light Side Ending or will I have a Dark Side ending because of the Story Mission choices?



    At the end of the main storyline for the Sith Inquisitor class, which culminates in the player defeating Darth Thanaton, the player is granted the title of Darth by Darth Marr. The name accompanying the title is based on the player's alignment: If the player has a reputation as a master of the dark side, they are called Darth Nox; an "inscrutable reputation" (neutral) results in Darth Occlus; a reputation for serving the Empire (light side) marks the player as Darth Imperius. Regardless of which title is granted for the storyline, for gameplay purposes, the Darth title precedes the character's chosen name.


    PS: I heard they removed the neutral one but I cannot confirm it


  4. The overall LS/DS rating makes no difference to the end of the non-force class stories. Obviously there are various choices you can make at the end of each, but the results of those are based on the choices, not your DS/LS rating.


    Overall, the stories are the same. This isn't Silent HIll, where you have a number of distinct and separate endings based on decisions you make throughout the game. It's a BioWare game, and by and large, all BioWare games follow the same format. The overall destination is always the same; it's only the flavor of the journey that you take to get there that changes. It's BioWare's "Illusion Of Choice "



  5. /signed

    Those annoying players should get an infraction as well as the ones who spam it like gold sellers for clicking in his referal link in exchange of money that after never give

  6. I would also love to see these sets returned. Perhaps in an event for the summer similar to last years where a few old sets were brought back?


    Honestly I don't know, but if they did something like that they would have to make the event last longer, because this summer for example I didn't notice about that if happened, all was about Strongholds and the Flagship.

  7. While some of the new armor looks good, I though the old tier gear's appearance was much better. That gear looked much more like what our toons would actually wear around the galaxy. The weaponsmaster gear is possibly the only gear set in the game that would look good on my mara. Unfortunately these gear sets were removed and are unobtainable, I asked lot of times in the Fleet for people who could have the schematics to make me one, paying for it obviously, but never got an answer. My solution is that Bioware should insert a new vendor into the game that sells the schematics or at least put it in the CM, please sign this!
  8. I had to quit the game for studies and when I played I met a very good guy and I told him I couldn't play for 6 months, I have been reloging for a week but I have not found him, so I would like to know how to find his account searching it through the page because if I see his profile I will be atle to know if he keeps playing with the ''last session'' thing.
  9. Just remember it when I was using it in my Vanguard and I felt like something cool was missing in my opening rotation, really sad :'(


    I really don't understand the purpose of this, the class didn't had anything that made this skill OP :S

  10. This is hysterical and depressing all at the same time lol. How does something like this make it to live without being found? This is like SWG early NGE level broken ahahahah.


    KARMA At least I would want to play SWG again but never SWTOR

  11. Bioware you need urgently to change this, mid PVP is completely ruined for non-55-59 players!

    I like (liked) to combine PvP with my Class Quests as doing all the planetary chain gets very boring once you have completed them a few times... and I'm seeing that are more and more (4 to 8 men) guild groups of 55-59 players farming easy comms.

    So practicaly it doesn't matter to play the WZ, the winning rate is relative to how many 55+ has each team, victory has become impossible for teams with lower levels than those!!

    I'm sure that if you have stadistics about the mid WZ since 3.0. the majority 30-54 vs 55-59 matches were winned for the last in a matter of seconds...

    My conclusion is that PvP has become this game in a pay to win because those who don't have the expansion are directly doomed in any mid WZ.


    (So now come to rage against this, guild comm farmers)

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