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Everything posted by andrelimabr

  1. Thats some great news!! Saw an Alpha Company squad helping people at Alderaan and it was really intense! Sith and Empire agents were attacking some Republic players that had a level disadvantage. With Alpha Company help the enemies retreated allowing us to keep on with our missions.
  2. Some great suggestions here, hope the devs will take a look. I never understood why they totally took away the respect in warzones, instead of just fixing the issue. Just like someone said, I also agree that we should be able to respect only in spawn zones. It's really bad when you queue for a pvp match and your team lacks one or another spec that would help with making the match more even. An example just out of my head would be a Huttball match where your team lacks a player with some sort of "harpoon" or "force pull" skill and all you have is an infiltration shadow, that could respec into the defense tree to get the force pull...
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