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Everything posted by leviathanmirror

  1. It seems like people have only really been reporting or considering Torian's conversations an issue recently (probably because more people are replaying in anticipation of his return). It may take awhile for BioWare to look at the issue, decide if it really is an issue, and then figure out a fix if they decide that it needs to be fixed. The patch at the end of the month is really the earliest we could possibly hope for. But it will probably take longer if they even see it as a problem. I hope if they don't see it as an issue we at least get a 'working as intended' post.
  2. From a thread I made trying to figure out what the trigger for the two different Makeb cinematics is (the likely culprit is the broken class quests that they're fixing in 4.5, since the alternate cinematic with just Mako appears to be for people who didn't finish their class quest and wouldn't have all their companions): I started SoR planning to escape out if the cinematic was broken. It went off normally, so I went on ahead with it and everything turned out all right. About the trouble conversation: for non-Mandos the trouble is that they aren't Mandalorian rather than being from different clans that were recently in conflict. You'd know if you got the version not for Mandalorians, Torian straight up says that the BH isn't one. I also didn't see a conversation pop up on Belsavis. I have one from just after speaking to Tormen at the start of Chapter 3 and then the next one is after starting the class quest on Voss and I dropped everything to talk to him when his conversations popped up since I was aware that people weren't getting conversations.
  3. I'm sorry. That sounds incredibly frustrating. I've only taken two characters with vanilla romances through KotFE and neither had problems. They were both made after 4.0 was released. Maybe that makes it less likely to happen?
  4. Both companions and the story recognized my Mandalorian as Mandalorian even with the Resol'nare conversation missing. Torian gets other references to it, all of which occurred normally including getting the Mandalorian versions of the 'trouble' and final romance conversations. Even the RotHC mention happened normally, even though the opening cinematic was busted for her in a different way (it behaved as if Mako was her only companion). All SoR and KotFE references to her being Mandalorian worked too. In terms of the romance, she got all the vanilla letters, the mention in the SoR intro, the option to tell Valkorion about it (twice) in chapter two, and the KotFE letter just fine. If there's a problem with flags, it's specifically the two missing conversations. It's more likely that those conversations were removed, either because they were lost in the shuffle when BioWare changed the order and triggers around or they were deliberately removed for some reason. I'm hoping that they just got lost when things got rearranged and BioWare can put them back in without much fuss but I'm not holding my breath either.
  5. They all turn white, it doesn't matter what base color you choose.
  6. Yep, Voss has a planetary story. If you've never done it before, it might worth doing to see it once. You should also have had a class quest on Voss. The Dread Master storyline sort of starts on Imperial Belsavis (Imperial characters free them as part of the planetary questline). Section X is related to it but doesn't have any actual story beyond the quest for HK-51. The seeker droid quests are also related to it and have a little bit more story but you may find them to be more trouble than they're worth. Most of the Dread War stuff is actually on Oricon. There's a handful of quests there that are followed by two operations.
  7. That sounds like the problem. It may not be the cinematic itself, it may be the character's plot flags. I wouldn't be able to tell through achievements or legendary unlock if there was something wrong because I already have all of that.
  8. Well now I'm going to be disappointed if we don't get an Ortolan with a flamethrower.
  9. I started Makeb on my newest Bounty Hunter yesterday and got a different opening cinematic than I did with my first two BHs (one of which I did Makeb on earlier this month). In the usual cinematic, Gault and Blizz are present and Gault shows up as a potential bounty. The one I just got was just Mako and there was an ortolan in Gault's place on the bounty list. Does anyone know what the trigger for the different cinematics is?
  10. For awhile there, Vector was also using Kaliyo's voice. It's the only one that's been fixed, probably because it was the oddest. I don't think Scourge or Iresso had their own threads on the topic (not popular enough, I don't think most people ever use Iresso enough to realize his voice is wrong) but here are some threads on the voice issue: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=883221 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=848833 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=877773 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=882737 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=882183 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=859645 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=862494 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=842749 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=844035 (hey look, I posted in this one in October) Edit: I take it back. Iresso thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=856760 Scourge threads: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=876857 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=843849
  11. They fixed it pretty early on. The console doesn't highlight and your cursor doesn't change but you can still click it and it will work.
  12. Temple uses Kaliyo's, Scourge uses Rusk's, and Iresso uses Zenith's when healing and tanking.
  13. Yes. If you want to kill one of them you have to send the other in first and then tell them not to go in at the end of the chapter. If you give them permission to follow, it doesn't come up either.
  14. The devs know that courting gifts are bugged. The fix was initially scheduled for 4.1 but didn't happen and we haven't heard anything since.
  15. That reply is encouraging. I haven't leveled all the classes since 4.0 but Torian is the only character I've seen missing conversations on. I don't know why they'd want to make the Mandalorian and non-Mandalorian conversation paths the same though. It doesn't seem like a good idea to reduce the significance of a player choice. I'm fairly certain "Target Practice" was available to everyone the same way Mako's version of the conversation is. "Ways of the Warrior" was Mando specific. I've seen someone say they didn't get the non-Mando version of "Ways of the Warrior" where Torian asks why they chose not to join Mandalore.
  16. I don't know the names of the quests very well but it starts with, "Are you busy? I thought maybe you could give me some shooting lessons." There used to be an alternate version of it for Mandalorian BHs where he brought up promising to teach them Mando'a. It's a romance specific excuse for a fade to black. Yeah, if you've passed the point where the conversations should appear it's probably too late even if they fix it. Still, it would be nice to have them back. I prefer to err on the side of caution. No point risking messing up the flags when BioWare has had so much trouble with them since 4.0.
  17. Oops, end of Belsavis. It depends on the companion, Torian's weren't separated by entire class planetary arcs. One popped after talking to Ambassador Yoran for the first time on Voss, for example and I just got one after finishing the quest in the first zone of Corellia. In the interest of not potentially breaking things while trying to get this BH ready for Chapter 14 (given 4.0+ hasn't been the most bug-free experience), I left it alone.
  18. All Bounty Hunter gear drops from the Smuggled Goods crates that you hand into Hylo Visz.
  19. I hope the devs reconsider with the Resol'nare conversation, at least (although I'd like to see them both back). It's arguably the most important conversation Torian has with a Mandalorian BH.
  20. To answer a few questions: Mako's new shot conversation has always been available to everyone. I didn't do "Testing the Waters," I waited to talk to Mako until the romance with Torian was started and that conversation disappeared. I did have Torian with me at the end of Voss and had him disappear from the airlock, so I can't say if leaving him on the ship changes anything.
  21. I'm on Corellia with my post 4.0 BH now and I haven't gotten either of those conversations. I believe I did just get what was previously a non-Mando romance conversation where Torian asks for shooting lessons (the Mando version would be the one where he says he promised to teach the BH Mando'a). The conversation the other poster thought was missing was the final romance conversation which takes place after the end of the class story. I did this romance prior to 4.0 with the same set up and got conversations that I am now not getting, so they've definitely been removed or are failing to trigger for some reason. I hope it's bugged or a mistake that my Mandalorian didn't get the Resol'nare conversation, at least. Romance aside, the Resol'nare is actually kind of important information for someone to give the BH.
  22. I wonder if the missing conversations are intentional or if they somehow got lost in the shuffle?
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