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Posts posted by Senrie

  1. I'm almost positive that BW has said DS are canon for Imperials and LS are canon for Republic. But make your SI LS in your headcanon, no harm in that.


    I'm completely positive they didn't. The only people who've said that are those who can't differentiate Wookieepedia's editorial policies from official policies. Here's the latest of multiple statements from BW on how there is no canon:


    The Outlander: your character’s past will be a key part of their identity as the Outlander moving forward. The choices you’ve made, romances you’ve pursued, your class, etc are all a part of who your character is, and those decisions will be honored in KOTFE; often in unexpected ways. How that works for characters who are created at level 60 is something we’ll dive into in the future, but we will not be setting a “canon” version of any class or world storyline. Your choices matter – that’s at the heart of our storytelling philosophy at BioWare.
  2. Movies contradict themselves like in ANH Anakin was padawan but in ROTS he's a knight member of JC near to become master.


    Padawan? Are you referring to Obi-Wan's line saying Vader was a pupil? Or Vader's line saying he was "but the learner"? Even as a knight you have much to learn. Even as a master.

  3. I believe they embodied the sides in a way. The son used the force for selfish reasons, relied on anger, hate, etc., The daughter was selfless and generally embodied the opposite of the Son. The Father's job was to keep the two in balance and create a harmony between the two. Think of it this way, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Son and Daughter sort of embodied the two extreme uses of the force, while the Father brought balance and harmony between the two, which is the overarching premise to the unifying force theory.


    That really doesn't sound anything like the Unifying Force as I understand it. You believe they embodied the sides in a way, but what sides? The overarching premise is that there are no sides, so what exactly is being balanced or harmonized? What "two"? In the Unifying Force view, the Force just is.

  4. Honestly, I hate the Mortis arc so have preferred not to think all too deeply about it, but doesn't the mere existence of the two imply there's sides? How can you be the embodiment or personification of something that doesn't exist? Or are you suggesting that there was light in the Son, and dark in the Daughter, and they were just both imbalanced?
  5. I'm also unaware of anything definitive on the Force in the new canon, but we had several Word of God statements from Lucas establishing the two sides. Plus the Mortis arc in TCW(which continues to be canon in the new canon).
  6. I don't think Tyth sounds much like Thexan. Aviela fits the bill better. Arcann being Nahut can work(save that Thexan didn't reject him), but he also works for Tyth and Esne. Tyth because he was always on the battlefield with Thexan and is pretty filled with rage, Esne because of noted jealousy and likely feelings of inferiority to Thexan(in the cinematic, Thexan outperformed and protected Arcann). Plus the twins bit.


    I have a half-theory that the real reason Senya left was because she was going to have a fourth child, which would fill in the missing member. This would most easily be Nahut.

  7. They arrived on Ossus. They built the Jedi Academy there. They built a Jedi Stronghold there. They fought Exar Kun there. Ossus got devastated. JEDI NEVER BUILT A TEMPLE ON OSSUS.

    Then the Republic was founded, and the Jedi agreed with their ideals, so they swore an oath to protect them, and decided to move to Coruscant, where they built their first temple. THIS WAS THE FIRST TEMPLE THE JEDI BUILT.


    Saying that their academy on Ossus wasn't a temple is really splitting hairs. And no, they didn't relocate to Coruscant until far after joining the Republic. They stayed on Ossus for over twenty thousand years before constructing a temple on Coruscant, and even then didn't establish their headquarters there until Ossus was destroyed.


    If you have to see the word "temple", even though the word has been used near interchangeably with academy, then Coruscant still wouldn't be the first. The temple on Ilum existed almost as long as Ossus did.

  8. In my opinion the sage fits better because I feel that the Jedi Consular is played out as a diplomat and a peacemaker while the shadow is more of an infiltrator. The sage battles the dark side by bringing an end to conflict peacefully while a shadow fights the dark side with some of its own methods.


    Misimpressions of the name notwithstanding, Shadows don't dabble in the dark side to fight it. But I agree, Sage is a natural fit for the storyline. You never really get the vibe of being a Shadow in the story. Your only angle would be to play up their extreme focus on eradicating the dark side and be a hardliner against the Sith/Empire. Which is hardly the most unique theme of being a Shadow.

  9. Then explain this to me:

    When you are about to leave Tython, Master Syo Bakaran says: "We are sending Yuon to Coruscant. Our researchers there are recovering artifacts from the first Jedi Temple . They may have something to cure Yuon".


    You can watch the video if you don't believe me. He says it at 4:21.


    That is a fairly strange line. I suppose it's a matter of his perspective. Even though the first temple was on Tython, the temple that exists now they built there when they returned. And they had only just returned, so for him he still thinks of the temple on Coruscant as being "first" even though it came after. Here's some codex entries confirming that Tython was indeed first:


    The Sacking of Coruscant was arguably the greatest military win in the history of the Sith Empire. Not only did it force the Galactic Republic to desperately accept unfavorable terms in ending the Great War; it also allowed for the utter destruction of the Jedi Temple. While it was hoped that this act would crush the Jedi Order’s resolve, the relatively recent rediscovery of the Order’s homeworld of Tython presented an opportunity for the Jedi to relocate their Temple there. — The Jedi Temple on Tython


    The birthplace of the Jedi Order was lost for many thousands of years when known hyperspace lanes leading to the region collapsed–a fate that has befallen many worlds in the unstable heart of the galaxy known as the Deep Core. — Tython


    Now, you could argue that the homeworld/birthplace and the first temple need not necessarily be the same thing, and that the Je'daii temple doesn't count as a Jedi temple. But in that case, Ossus would be the first.

  10. Even in this game, the EU, the first Jedi temple wasn't on Coruscant. Not sure what you're remembering, but the temple on Coruscant was just the main temple, not the first. Tython was always the first.


    This doesn't apply to the new canon. Ahch-To is where the first temple was, not Tython. Tython doesn't even exist in the new canon.

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