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Everything posted by Lord_Janosch

  1. I want to add my voice to adding short class missions which a voiced and animated like on Rishi
  2. You don't have to sell him the token but instead buy the corresponding swoop. This will consume the token.
  3. If you have the mount on another character it seems you can't by it again with GS-tokens. It won't show again. You can only buy via collection unlock after you first bought it. If this is a bug or intended, I don't know.
  4. or include GSF like suggested by the devs some months ago 😉
  5. As far as I have read somewhere they (BS) wanna do a livestream in the upcoming weeks. Looking forward to some more information.
  6. But mind you: that could result in a (temporary) ban.
  7. Just a hint: would be good if you add the server you're playing on.
  8. SWTOR Story Order and Solo Class Story Progression Chart - Illeva
  9. I can confirm this bug with companion inspection working once and then the bluish colour
  10. Will be fixed (hopefully) with todays patch Players can now have multiple copies of "Brrazz's Gift: The Master's Top Secret Army" in their inventory and bank.
  11. German player here, yesterday me and my guildie talked about it, that it's still not fixed. Shouldn't be too hard I guess (but don't know for sure). Devs, please fix this minor bug.
  12. @OwenBrooks is a really helpful community member. He's really tech savy and could have given you some helpful hints. He's no dev but I think have some connection to the EA-helpcenter. I'm quite sure he's not fishing.
  13. In the next patch they calculate prices based on GTN-prices and since most prices have come down so should the fees come down
  14. Or players who jumped the story could also need them 😉
  15. I'm thinking it's 6 slots for preferred players, but it's 3 or 4 years since I've been preferred (+additional slots you've bought from CM)
  16. Since story is unlocked by levels, and lvl 40 seems to be the last part of story, there is plenty of time
  17. You already have completed 7 weekly achievements. You're only allowed to complete 7 weeklys per week. Reset is on tuesday.
  18. Wenn die Meldung kommt, einfach auf "Spielen" neben dem Charakter klicken, dann geht es. Aber das sollte wirklich mal bald gepatched werden.
  19. Ich wurde gestern Abend auch vom Server geschmießen. Ca. 08:30 pm MESZ.
  20. Sending stuff to ones own characters getting taxed is a bug and recognised by the devs
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