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Everything posted by dxlolman

  1. Every time I end the game it won't quit just goes dark and won't exit to desktop. I know it's not my computer because I can (Crlt + Alt + Delete)(Alt + Tab)(Start button) out of it but it still won't quit I had to use task manager to make it go away. Can this be fixed Plz?
  2. Wait is this post about removing stronghold bonus from umbra train so it can be released as the 7th stronghold or that it doesn't have stronghold bonus at all?
  3. 1) for story and level purposes they are locked untill you unlock them. 2) for hutta and korriban and ord mantell they should but a lot of characters don't level there as you're there for 1 mission when they go. You could also go to fleet after To skill up. 3) will be a massacre for PVP players as they'll be hunted down by opposing faction (they did this for KotFE and it didn't end well. imps on coruscant) 4) same reason for 3 4) should be 5) and those suggested species are lore and story breaking. 5) the new Galaxy map allows that. It has for a while with out going to a ship. 6) rings are not magic and magic doesn't exist in the Star Wars universe. And that's disgusting. 7) should of put this in front of 6) and again force not magic. rings don't have power. 8) Doesn't exist and I played though smuggler 4 times. They'll probably release it when they put risha back in a future expansion.(might be a cartel market item when it releases so it won't be a legacy item) 9) what I said in 8). 10) will need more for neck to be a thing. Probably as a head or chest item. 11) it's level synced so they do already. 12) no point (sell junk via companion command and sell the rest to personal vendors). 13) again needs to be a thing for the game and it's not. 14) How would you capture them and why would they help you? They'll just attempt to kill you then you kill them. 15) already in game but if referring to 14) you need help. 16) some are already in game as drops and stuff. 17) you need serious help. 18) cartel market companion already do and they are animals and droids. Pets are cosmetics period.
  4. Senya's lightsaber is not her actual model lightsaber she uses a standard type. While the lightsaber/pikesaber that your thinking of was the one showed off in the KotET cinematic trailer. As for the others they already have their weapons out on other packs or already standard for those that originated from SoR and the game didn't miss any alliance members items. If you found some then you should of specified on that not the entirety of the expansion.
  5. No it's still there it's in decorations tab.
  6. The cinematic trailer? You could also refer to the Hope trailer as Jace Malcom and other troopers also wore those. It's called the Havoc Squad Armor it's a cartel market item so only though certain packs is the original way to get it but sadly it's not available in cartel market ATM. But people tend to sell them on GTN so check there for the armor but I got to warn you: you'll need a lot of credits.
  7. Anything really. OPs Uprisings Master modes Pvp Crafting Other expansions (KotFE, KotET) Or any other events. It's pretty much endless once you reach 70.
  8. First you have to be level 50 at least to get the micro binoculars mission which allows you to spot those droids with binoculars. Then using a reference to a site to find them(Duffy or some other because they are hard to find from long range) sight those droids and boom achievement. This also applies to other planets with the 3 droid achievements.
  9. Keep guessing. That's the point of this post.
  10. That means more referral spam. Though it's traceable to the intended account I don't want spam on forums.
  11. Also RotHC and SoR. Each expansion gives out a mill for me as I 70 before I start them.
  12. I made a post about this in bug reports when War of Iokath came out. It's a bug as there's no Passive Buffs or Debuffs on droid or given to the user. Kinda threw me off Iokath. It only works on native droids while imperials/republic mobs are fine.
  13. Max level heroics. Solo or group both make a lot of credits. Other than that expansions at high level give out a million credits Same if you over levelled on a story planet and just did missions from there.
  14. I feel like it should of taken more credits out of me ... it feels cheap. Also why is it a good idea to have a manaan stronghold?
  15. Actually it's server wide not account wide and there's no setting for factions as it's open to all of your characters(the actual setting is opening your stronghold to the public faction wise)
  16. Conquest mostly. With a guild you compete with other guilds to control planets. With a leaderboard ranking you get rewards and at number 1 on a invasion you get the planetary control (buffs, skills and cosmetic use). Check the conquest window (in mission log 2nd tab) if you want to do that. Other than that RP or PUG.
  17. dxlolman


    I did with yana and kaylio.
  18. There usually off ramps on north and south sides of the fissure.
  19. When was the last time you played?
  20. Well if they were actually achievements they would but they are not they are quest rewards.
  21. What me needs/wants is a giant flat screen for my strongholds.
  22. If it's fully unlocked (if you can get copies of it in that character) it's fine as long as you pay the unlock fee on your other characters(only need to pay it once for all your characters).
  23. Report via ticket for spam/harassment to get them banned from chat or game. Ignore by /ignore "name". Join a guild for a friendlier community. But don't give up hope as that's literally the motto for the lore of Star Wars. There's a lot of good people that are nice and helpful high and low. Like me and I know there are others like me as I play with them every week (different person (low level or high, new player or veteran), same fun). But it's your decision to stop play because of couple of bad eggs or keep playing and throw those eggs in the bin as you can be great at the game better than them. It's not all bullying 24/7.
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