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Everything posted by Deadlynits

  1. ya i have seen that, but have you seen a sage pulling one from their fall of death? that was a chance pull by me. but it was hilarious. he jumped on a droid which was pushed by shadow in FE fp. and i was trying to pull him as he may have aggroed the 5 red robed warriors near stairs. so he got pulled by me when jumped on falling droid.
  2. Funny story. 55 HM athiss. tank 41k HP shadow, dps 33k,35k and me sage healer 31k. we were fine until the second boss. we were trying to pull to cave and i was behind tank to give force armor and little heal if needed while running. when i come back both dps were outside cave. and then funny thing happened. tank stopped at entrance(think it was lag spike) and 1 dps and tank got knocked off. champ ran towards lower level. van dps taunted to keep it near cave. tank and dps joined back. and this time tank and another dpsgot knocked off. i jumped as well to heal tank only to land on tank and we both were stunned from champ cry. then we all made it back to cave. and what do you know? i got knocked off. all 3 inside cave. while me healer running to get back. only 1 dps died and in-combat revive and we all survived fight and boss down. we luaghed it off. and was very amusing. 3 knock backs and still we somehow made it. final boss, i was running away from fire. with enough distance and suddenly got huge boost and almost touched next fire due to sentinal transendence buff. i was off balance for a moment and hit fire while he wanted to help me lol. was funny as hell. everyone had great laugh later.
  3. err, just a clarification mate. i dont know either of you in game or before this thread. i mean, i was not in that fp with you 2. i just said calling names wasnt necessary and there wasnt any wipe or anything anyway. i know its not good to pull on others when you dont know how they play. i dont do chain pulls and i dont like it either. but czerka sm i wont mind if all are ok with it or if we have more than 1 healer as its random role queue for that. we had 4 sage healers other day and all we did is run and kill and forcequake it out. and it was my first run on that toon. just saying. calling names isnt necessary when nothing bad happened. and you either misquoted or you edited my post in quote. i didnt say anything in the quote you mentioned above.
  4. i get it. i wouldnt have liked it either. but ignore the comment lol. why start a fight over it? nothing comes from shooting words at each other. best you can do is . have a duel or pvp at ilum gree event pvp area with your toons and settle the matter.
  5. THIS ^ well said. why are we fighting over this topic lol? isn't this thread supposed to make your frustration of getting weird fp runs a fun and laugh it out and leave it at that? getting pissed over who has higher achievement or other........... can we have more stories rather than debate please.
  6. Actually, that is easier way(cave trick) to clear that boss. though not needed for SM run unless the group aws struggling with mobs before reaching there or you(healer) was low level and undergeared. but its not bad choice. you wont get extra small dogs(adds) in there. otherwise you will have to kill around 4-5 small mob which spawns during that fight.
  7. been reading this thread for months. great thread. all that frustration can be easily vent out after reading these stories:p 2 days ago. dont know what in world had happened to vanguards. Taral v SM. me vanguard 31 tank with 8.9k hp(approximately) cant remember now. but had full 31 level blue mods, and another vanguard 39 level 9.7k hp and 2 31 level other class. the healer and the vanguard dps are from same guild. and the vanguard dps is on ion cell and guarding healer. i politely asked him whether he want to tank and is he tank speced. he says he is tank and wants to tank. i dont know why he rolled in as dps if he ants to tank. but i left him to tank. and switched to another cell. for each mob he took great time to start. ok i wasnt in a hurry and healers first time it was. so i thought he might be explaining on pm or something. until final boss this went on. we did all bonus. i was happy though we wiped 2 times on bonus boss. but healer's first time. so no worries. At last boss. our vanguard tank in dps role went ahead straight away and started los pulling boss to north right of staircase and went under it. withought pausing or informing anyone. and healer was left stranded in side geetting hits. and this guy kept attacking only champ without any communication.then i went and taunted other mobs and still healer died and we killed boss only to get wipe at mobs+turrets hands. we could have easily cleared that without los pull. no idea why he wwent rushing in when he waits each time on small mob. and best part, he actually greeded all aim gear. i know its not ideal for 39 level. but hey, it was better than what he had. though i'm not complaining that i got all aim loot. same day, next fp. cademimu. me 31 van tank. and another 2 32's and a 33 vanguard in dps role with ion cell. i just died once. then didnt say anything as he was undergeared and we were overleveled for fp. so we went on and i never lost aggro to him until boss fight. there i lost aggro first time on that fight to our tank in dps role. and he keeps standing in fire. and our healer though great at healing was weird in his own way. he wanted me to do an los pull on each mob. he goes to a corner before a mb fight and asks me to come there ands tart fight while i'm totally ok with pulling normally and we were doing fine. i just dont know why he got scared. and my hp hadnt even gone below 30% on that fp. it was funny, i did taunt him and no one died thanks to gerat healing for saving him. but that was 2 in a row 2 tanks in fp while we dont get tanks. and i thought had enough and lets go to imp side. guess what? yes. boarding party, me sin 33 tank. another sin 34 in tank stance and guarding healer already when i came in. asked politely to remove guard and change stance. he did do that. but it was funny to get 3 consecutive fps with 2 tanks all in a day. thought lets call it a day after that.
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