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Everything posted by hategambit

  1. well thats your opinion. some people find pvp to be more fun than pve, and to them the pve is simply the SIDE DIsh that gets you to max level quicker. you are not the only person playing this game, and therefore your opinions and wants are not the same as all other 1.7 million people. ADDING an arena would be something that a good amount of that 1.7million would like, even if some others in that 1.7million would not. And as always, here is your solution: IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT PARTICIPATE -------------YOURE WELCOME------------------ As long as the rewards were on par and not more than other wz, there should be no problem. players can choose how they want to pvp, rather than being forced into the ONE option we have right now which is warzones. ilum doesnt count.
  2. sounds awesome. then u think about lag, and framerate loss with all those people on screen at once, and the fact that it will never actually be 48v48 it will be more like 48v22
  3. and yet you took the time to reply to it. i am sad for you.
  4. because group kill trading on ilum to accomplish the quest objectives and get your rewards and valor for having no skill and not even having to try.... IS SO MUCH BETTER
  5. lol this guy has smarts. copy game that makes more in 1 year than some small countries GNP or copy a fail game that no one plays hard choice.
  6. what i dont understand is why people just come around to say no to a proposed addition. again its like the space battles. BW initially said no space battles, then they added it and people were mad because it was on rails. at least u got space combat. now to arenas. if you dont like arenas dont play them. YOUR PROBLEM IS SOLVED. the only thing i can think of is that you would rather the new content team spent time developing something ELSE. so instead of being wow cry trolls and saying "lol, no." why dont you say something like: "i dont like arenas, i would prefer to see the devs work on xyz" saying no to a proposed addition is like saying no to getting a free ten dollar bill because u really wanted two five dollar bills.
  7. if they made the absorb shields count towards protection rather than healing you would have probably got 3 more medals at least easy. but i agree they need more rewards for healers cause really healers should be rewarded.
  8. thats an opinion. im sure many share it. does that mean the people who think arenas > rated warzones should not be able to play arena? should the people who want something not get it because there are people out there that dont want it. what a conundrum. its like its gonna hurt soooooooooo bad if they introduce an arena and people have fun at it BUT YOU DONT. oh man thats gonna hhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttt. "i dont like it therefore no one can do it" ^ cool story. this is a proposed addition. its not taking any of your precious away. ^ cooler story.
  9. as a juggernaut, in a straight up fight, i fear the two saber classes more than any other.
  10. for pvp, expertise > everything else.
  11. if they made the map alot smaller and did something to minimize frame rate loss when there are so many players on the screen.... maybe it would be cool. but then they would have to do something about the horrible numbers of 50 imps vs 10 repubs.
  12. i completely agree. tabula rasa had the potential to be the best mmo ever made in my opinion, and they failed because they did not have pvp or end game content at launch. then they went bankrupt cause no one subscribed past the first month.
  13. hategambit

    Trading Kills

    its not cheating its cheesing. its not the players fault, they designed ilum horribly. though i have to agree its lame and i try to avoid it. however for those weekly quests... sometimes its the only way to finish them. sadface.
  14. this game already does this. certain skills work differently in pvp or dont work at all.
  15. 1v1 or 2v2 or 4v4 or 16v16 requires a ton more skill than... 50vs10. on ilum, with my trooper alt, i can just sit back and launch my AOE taunt and rack in the kills and valor. i dont even have to do damage. <<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKILLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  16. awwww yeah this guy +1 'cause ilum is such good pvp lol.
  17. youre obviously so bad you need a major advantage to be able to feel good about yourself. continue being bad at pvp. FYI, i was the FIRST battlemaster on my server. so yeah obviously i need training wheels lol.
  18. cry pants. i said a fair fight where there are no objectives. read first. news flash: devs will continue to create new content. this is something i hope they create. ALSO, its not a fair fight in warzones, more often than not its 8vs 7 or 10vs8 or something unbalanced. also, guess what... NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO PLAY IN THE ARENA. no one wants arena? or is it just the people who cry about it so hard that want to troll the forums to make sure it doesnt get implemented because THEY dont like it. people who cry the loudest are not the people that should be listened to. and seeing as how a large portion of players of this game came from that bad cartoon game, this should apply:
  19. i like this guy. he has something to say other than "CRY I DIDNT LIKE WOW'S ARENA SO THEREFORE NO ONE GETS TO PLAY ARENA IN SWTOR"
  20. all you wow nerds cry about how bad wow's arena was. man i dont care about wow or how bad it is. i care about having SOME method of a fair fight in >THIS< game. be it 1v1 2v2 4v4 16v16... some way of fighting without stupid objectives ARE YOU MAD I CALLED IT AN ARENA? too many wow flashbacks?
  21. please explain how open world pvp will *NOT* turn into 50 imps vs 10 repubs all day long?
  22. heaven forbid in 2012 a game could come out with voicechat so that players can communicate without having to stop everything they are doing and type dont sit there and tell me ventrilo is a valid alternative. you really want to try to get those other 4 players in the warzone to alt tab and join your stupid vent? thats even if you already have a 4 player premade in vent, what if youre playing by yourself? VOICE CHAT WOULD SOLVE SO MUCH
  23. this isnt wow. this isnt a thread about pve. if you like pve better than pvp, good for you. why are you here? to ruin it for others that prefer pvp?
  24. if you dont like it you dont have to participate gg
  25. i own sages with my jugg. gotta know when/what to interupt. commandos are harder cause they got heavy armor. in general i think classes with heavy armor should not be the highest DPS/HEALS but thats just me
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