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Everything posted by devilspen

  1. I hear this a lot and have to disagree with one point for sure: The dmg output is nowhere near the same in Tank spec. I do admit I mostly play my juggernaut so I cant say this with certainty for the other classes but at least for the assassin I am pretty sure it is true as well. While you can do a good amount of damage (and dps) in tank specc, you're getting nowhere near of killing anything in a reasonable amount of time and you certainly won't kill anything with the slightest amounts of continous healing. There is a threshhold of dps you have to do to kill someone. Are skanks useful? Yes indeed I think so. Are they overpowered? Maybe, I haven't played any ranked so far so I won't judge that at all. But to say they do similar dps compared to a dps spec is objectively wrong. Back to the topic at hand: I really do agree that the selfhealing capabilities of mercs/mandos are way too high at the moment. But in my opinion you can't generalize that for the other classes. While juggs/guardians have a strong healing ability as well, they don't have a simultaneous dmg reduction buff and, now for me that is most important, they are a melee class. And I feel (note, this is just a subjective observation from my pvp ecperiences, I don't have any numbers to back that claim up) that Juggs/Guardians are way easier to kill (and to control) than a merc/mando. tl;dr: don't judge all dps classes based on the current op'ness of certain few classes
  2. I do appreciate that Hypergate does give me orbs to run in between fights, however the scenario I described seems to happen very often in my Warzones. People just ignoring the fight, thus giving the enemy superiority in numbers, just to run orbs. Why would I join a PvP match when I outright IGNORE enemy players to rightclick some inanimate objects?
  3. That is exactly what infuriates me (me, as in me personally...only me, my opinion) the most in PvP matches. How can It be a valid tactic to just sacrifice yourselves over and over and over (same happens in Voidstar even more). That this is indeed possible is weak design. Dying en masse should never win you a PvP Match. Ever. And even if this doesn't win the match (as it is in most cases anyway) too many (again, my opinion) people play by that tactic. I'd say I am a objective focused Deathmatch-player. I am actively looking for (good) fights but try to do that in a way that actually helps my team win. I do help defending when attackers are called and I will join any coordinated attempts on attacking a node when this is a valid tactical choice. But I despise playstyles where fights are actively avoided, like rotating nodes all the time because it is "easier" to take an undefended one. Example: If you got 2 nodes in Novare or Civil War (for Civil war there are of course rare scenarios where you can only win by taking all 3) defend them at all f**king cost. Don't just give one up to take the 3rd node because there are less enemies. To get back to the original topic: Hypergate is the perfect WZ for me. You have to guard a node and all the kills you make actively increase the objective score. Why do some people even bother with those stupid orbs. Often I even see people enter mid, outright ignore the big teamfight going on there and just spam rightclick on some orbs. Why would I ever do that, when there are enemies around to fight, when those enemies do give me score as well. Such thinking I just cannot grasp.
  4. So much this. The amount of WZs I play where people think it a valid tactic to just sacrifice themselves over and over is astonishing. Most WZs can easily be won by winning the teamfights while also playing for objecitves. Civil War is another example of a well balanced WZ. If a team is able to establish dominance by winning the fights it is easier for them to win the WZ. As it should be. It is pretty annoying, when people outright ignore/avoid any fight in a Warzone to blindly click some objective. PvP =/= Player vs. Pylon
  5. Yes, it is. It affects all abilities and it is shown on your sheet. If you mouseover the % critdmg increase, it is broken down into surge and buffs/abilites. In Rage/Fury spec you get an outright 15% crit damage bonus. The difference here is important, since it does not increase your surge rating by 15% but it just adds 15% bonus damage to any crit. That is probably why you see such high numbers.
  6. So, here's something to think about: Some people just don't care about stupid (pve) objectives. You talk about "winning" in PvP. For me, winning in Player versus Player is killing the hell outta them. Now, if you translate PvP into Player versus Pylon, you might have a point. Almost everyone I confront with my view tells me to "go play ranked then!". Well, you can't until lvl 60, you can't (or really shouldn't) until you are fully geared. And sometimes I just feel like killing people outside of an arena and/or in 8v8. So as someone already said: Stop telling people how to play. Enough ranting, here is something else to think about: 90% of the objectives are easily achieved by killing the enemy team. You can't cap anything with the enemy team around. In my opinion i contribute a lot by just bashing the enemy. Feel free to righclick some turret after I am done with that.
  7. I'd like to point out the immunity system Warhammer Online used: You get an immunity buff for the respective type of CC right after being affected by it. The two types were Stun/Silence/Mezz and Root/Knockback. The duration of the immunity was based on the duration of the cc For, this was the best immunity system I have seen so far.
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