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Everything posted by feylyndiira

  1. I don't have any characters on SS, so I don't have any experience with what goes on in their chat since I've never been there. But, I can certainly imagine that it's pretty bad.
  2. I'm just talking about giving everyone a heads-up at the very beginning. So they know that I'm a) not familiar with the boss mechanics and b) will probably not be spacebarring through cutscenes. Admittedly, I've not had that experience but once or twice. And, if I can help it, from here on out, I'll be running with my guild since they're all laid-back folk who don't mind taking the time to explain things. (And they're patient with me when I do crazy things like suicide force-jumps at mobs that I didn't realize were hovering over a lift that was currently 50 meters down. *cough* Damn Cademinu *cough*)
  3. Just in my limited experience, I'd go with... Star Forge: Ever wanted to get cancer just from reading gen chat? Come here! Darth Malgus: We're the slightly-more-civilized European cousin to Star Forge. Less trolling, more lengthy debates over canon.
  4. Sounds like he's trolling. if not, I think he needs a reminder that this is an MMORPG.
  5. Kind of hard to do that (not that I'm not fully willing/able/capable of doing it) when as soon as you say, "Hey, just wanted to let you all know that this is my first time running this FP", you get kicked from the group because no one has the patience for "noobs".
  6. The answer to the OP's question in case anyone doesn't want to wade through 15 pages: NO
  7. Hahahaha! Ummm...no....I've been RPing in MMOs since....well, Gemstone III and have never seen anyone do anything remotely resembling that. RP is saved for before/after combat, not during. Only a pure idiot would try to do something like that.
  8. Totally agree! I'm one of those "people who did everything solo from level 1 to 70", but I would LOVE to group up to do FPs, Ops, etc. However, I have always been reluctant to, due to the amount of people out there who do not have the patience for someone like me. They want to faceroll and spacebar through everything, and gods forbid you don't have the mechanics of every single group quest out there committed to memory. Thankfully, I'm in a guild who is willing to let me group up and learn the ropes (which I'm doing slowly), but not everyone out there is so lucky and has to just use GF and pray they end up with some halfway decent people. Especially now, when the new comp is gated behind using GF. There would probably be far more people not running solo on everything if there were more patient, decent people out there willing to help them out when they want to group.
  9. Hah...you got my oddball and her Theron. (I haven't run any of my TEH toons through all of KotFE/ET yet)
  10. I don't know what BSN is either. I do tweet and I do play Dragon Age....but I already have Quinn in my DA:I game:cool:: https://imgur.com/Y5tSCwk
  11. Exactly! Girl's gotta get her kicks somehow...and it's either that or Theron....
  12. Considering all the "love" threads, I thinking it's starting to head down towards the ERP path. (Of course, I will admit to my part in that on the "barricade rifle guy" thread....)
  13. Maybe the saber(s) are a...umm...supplementary thing? Toys do spice up a marriage, after all!
  14. I normally don't Discord (I have it, just never use it), but might be persuaded to join. But me no talky, just type-y (I have an aversion to voice chat).
  15. I like that one too. Pondered using it for Malavai, but thought it might be just a bit too messy for him. But I will probably try it if/when I make another male character.
  16. Ops GSF Ranked PvP (only did Unranked once) Uprisings Anything on MM or NiM Iokath Mouse droid/walker/turret missions Yup I'm a filthy Story-mode, Solo-player, RPing Casual (at least in some people's minds I'd guess). EDITED to add that I have not ERPed....in SWTOR...*slanty-eyed look*
  17. As far as hair, skin, etc...rarely. I hate getting nickel-and-dimed out of my CCs. When KotFE dropped, I did change the first couple of toons I put through it to show the effects of being locked in carbonite for 5 years. One had her hair turn white, one ended up with faint "taint" lines. I've changed the hair on another to try out a new CM hairstyle. And that's really it. If I want a whole new look, I make a whole new alt. Now changing clothes is a whole other story....those get changed quite often.
  18. Yeah, it's pretty bizarre and disturbing. I usually recruit the mages, but went with Templars for Malavai since I decided that his backstory would be that he was a Templar recruit...so he'd want to know what happened to the rest of them. And poor Malavai....getting pinned to the wall and choked out by a glowy-eyed person, no matter what universe he's in: https://snag.gy/PMef9w.jpg Here's the short hair mod: Mullet Be Gone (It only works on the one hairstyle, #10) Eyebrow mod (since the DAI ones are hideous): Eyebrows 4 Women (but they also work on the men) Complexion mod: Male Complexions (Malavai is using the Cullenstair mashup) I'm working on all the screenies of the sliders (though I ended up tweaking him a bit more in the process). Let me know if you want them and I'll figure a way to post them (it's ALOT of screenshots to get all the sliders).
  19. If I remember, I'll take screenies of my sliders and share them. As far as the CC goes, I only used a couple of mods on him: one for the eyebrows and one for the complexion (and one for the shorter hair). Plus, for his armor, I used the Rogue Templar starting armor mod. (Can share link to all of these in the morning too, if you want...getting ready to head to bed now.) Malavai Trevelyan wishes you all a good night... https://snag.gy/dDEkpn.jpg
  20. I got him to do it once on Voss, when Hyperia offered him up to do the one ritual (forgot what it was called)...I had never done it before because you get disapproval, but I head-canoned that he actually volunteered because, letting the SW be weakened? Unthinkable! https://snag.gy/A8yBCI.jpg
  21. Now you're making me wrack my brain for who you're talking about since I played NWN2 ages ago when it first came out.
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