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Posts posted by Jabakla

  1. I have plenty.. the most recents that come to mind:


    Cademimu on Marauder alt. Right before the small elevator for the wookie boss there is a turn where a Gold droid is. Normally noone ever engages it and u cut the turn or just jump to the other side to not agro it and go straight to boss. My jump went wrong and went straight to "the bottom of cademimu". Group laughs and waits for me by wookie boss. I go and do the same thing again.. and a third time... :eek: .. i got known by the "flying fat marauder"....


    Dread Fortress HM, Corruptor Zero, Guild run, I am in my main Healer Sorcerer ... totally forget about the Concussion Mine. I get it .. Operation Leader starting yelling

    -My name - watch out concussion mine

    -My name- 3 stacks watch out!

    -My name- 5 STACKS watch out!


    I cant remember well what to do and start to Cleanse myself like crazy...:eek:,


    -My name- 8 stacks MAN *** u doing.....


    needless to say it was a wipe and then I had the eureka moment to remember what i had to do... :eek: and feel the shame of being responsible for a guild wipe run ... :D



    SnV operation - before Olok the Shadow if i remember correctly many times in Pugs there is a part that you can skip some mobs by "climbing a wall".. run.. go down the wall .. run "climb the another wall again" run .. and go down ... It is usual in pugs to see this... Lets say the first time I tried this .. and the second .. it wasnt great .. leaving my poor sorcerer falling down to its death .. and the whole pug laughing... :p I know this one is very common also to a lot of ppl.. :rolleyes:

  2. I am definitely not a veteran, have been playing for 6 months now. Have been playing on my sorcerer healer 55 with all 66 one 72. I can say that rarely I get a weird group.




    all the 3-4 runs that I had that were weird or plain awful were when I was put with guild members on them of a random guild

    Is this normal or is it just me?


    Last night I had to leave ( I normally do bite the bullet but yesterday just couldn't do it) literally after 5-6m of gameplay. Not reached the first boss even...


    The other 3 players all from same guild... It was just a complete mess... They clearly had never done that before but obviously when they start dying on Mobs they have to blame who? The HEALER...


    Tanks- if a group wipes on a mob and first to go down is the healer... Try and use ur brain and think why that is...


    Every single pull all attack me. I use my thread dump I don't attack just concentrate on healing, it was that bad that I had to use my force barrier and even then I die.


    It was just too bad to be true.... I won't even go on to the dps because..


    Maybe they were just trolling me and like big repair bills... I can't believe that 3 guild members decently geared could be that bad....


    I have gotten so many great groups doing HM flash points that I have the freedom to dps even...but everytime I get players from same guild in group finder... It's just caos.


    Is it just my bad luck or is it something that u have found also? I play in tomb freedom nadd

  3. Yes when it happened I was doing my first character, playing for the first time, and I just thought it was normal for the planet.. that it was part of the game... only when I started doing my second character i realised.. "hey this looks different?!" and starting researching and found out it was Raghoul event... Cool they put it in.. I will enjoy it in a different way this time then.. :))




    Well they did announce it in the January insider and teased it throughout last week. Which is far more than what they did the first time this event came around. The first one had no mention, no tease what-so-ever. They just dropped the Rakghoul event right on the server with no downtime. It's still considered by most people the best event they did.
  4. This "getting strong enough to one hit lowbies" really gets my nerve. If you're a lowbie you are there for the story and want to level up.. getting these idiots level 50+ to ruin your game is just very sad. If you want to PvP then do it right like a man (woman :)) and go for proper PvP.. do it against same level opponents.. really whats the fun in a level 50+ going to kill level 10-30 ... bahh for me this is the worst type of behaviour that anyone can do in this game.. worse that ninjalooting, worse than "brb ..wait 15-20m".. really ... just the worst...
  5. Just a quick reminder for the "potty mouths" out there ... its just a game!!! at the end its just a game... and the fact that ppl are commenting upset about a game.. even though they say "its garbage... or this or that.." means that actually they care... So yes "fanboys".. let the op comment and try to get his arguments out there... and "haters" there are a lot of ppl that do like the game and the way that it is going ..

    agree to disagree :rolleyes:

  6. IMHO a MMOrpg to be successful needs to have something diferent. No game in the world will appeal to every player in the world, it is impossible...


    For me Swtors greatest strenght is in the stories/voice acting. Its like 8 diferent Starwars movies (not counting with light or dark changes) put into a world that you can play with other players. And it is growing. Everyone compares to WoW, I get it, it is the greatest MMO ever but for me it is boring as hell. Having to read every single quest is just too too boring. But obviously its just me....


    The mechanics are fun, flashpoints, heroics, operations... diferent, fun, lore friendly (for example putting revan in there.. great right?!...)


    And eventually I will leave also... because at the end.. it is just a game

  7. Yes happen to me also... :/ I do agree that if it is a problem that exists since "the beginning..." it should have been solved by now, as someone says it is the FIRST FLASHPOINT!!


    What I think is really worse is the ops that keep saying it is the computer... instead of giving good criticism and help...


    I play in an Alienware m14x r2 with all updates and I never experience a crash in any game, any program that I have tried since I have got it expect this particular time with this particular flashpoint... Im pretty sure it is the games problem not the laptop...

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