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Everything posted by GythralSWTOR

  1. Weeks? Years is a possibility if the gear is both specs & the pRNG used is teh one currently in game, as to get an even spread required millions of rolls not a handful (But since Bioware have no programmers they probably assume that pRNG is random, which it aint in small samples & with limited/single seed)
  2. You get the feeling it's going to be something like 1 CXP 2 CXP 3 CXP & maxed out will get you 1/10 of the first level
  3. Probably http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/bd-p/star-wars-the-old-republic-en is your best bet of answers/help
  4. They should just merge all the PvP servers into 1 & add the French and German servers to it (and call the new server 'Jar Jar')
  5. More like crate number 567 with that same healer spec. glove in it & the next crate is10x the CXP away as the last
  6. Spend them now, so you dont need to worry about it!
  7. Which would the whiners rather: Pay to get access or no game at all? As a rule a subscription is far cheaper than all the nickel and diming in a F2P game, but if you dont like the game enough to pay the $15, then there is an easy option...
  8. PvE & PvP with the same gear - very bad idea, just as trying to balance PvE skills for PvP, they are 2 separate games & should remain so
  9. 2nd time? This is v5 - and its the 5th time we have had to relevel to 50 (it's just called 70 next)
  10. Then contact Customer Support (phone/Voip): for details see http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/INFO-Getting-Help/td-p/4806237
  11. You get to create 1 level 60 character, it should be an option when you create a new character. You only get a token if you buy it from the Cartel Market This should show you http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ixz2mu&s=9 (not my image)
  12. They will charge you on the day your existing time runs out, so you could set up a monthly sub now & it will charge you in 160 days, then you could add a GTC and it would then charge you 60 days later etc...
  13. If someone marks something - ask them Most FP, you can zerg as long as there's no * thinking they can solo the whole thing...
  14. Your ship's mission terminal & if you have n anything past RotHC Oricon > SoR Prelude (Forged Alliances) > SoR (Rishi - Yavin4 - Ziost) > down the rabbit hole to KotFE Oricon (and CZ-198) you can return to after KotFE
  15. And even if they did this, chances are they still would not get the name that they wanted because it is on the crude 'banned' list which seems to contain any part of a trademark/copyright, anything that refers to drugs, or a racial slur, and most common names(Jane, Mary, Mick) that has been reported on any server over the years
  16. Not happened to me in game, but I've been on the ripped off end of automated payment system screw ups often enough to hate banks and their zero wage IT policies. All it takes is the system to hiccup at the wrong moment and the bank removes your money but you dont get the goods & the money defaults back into your account a day later (without interest)
  17. Yep that seems about right for their knowledge of the game
  18. More like: New Content > Bugfixes >>>> Classbalancing (as Bioware tends to do Class Destroying) >>>>> anything else if the team has any spare time (and given the number of bugs that is unlikely) Ok I'm in the chat bubbles are just another method of totally cluttering my UI with more Useless Interference camp
  19. Discord GameVox ignoring Ventrilo, Mumble & TeamSpeak
  20. Class only plus a few H2+ or other activities has been possible for a while, with the current XP bonus as well, it should be easy
  21. All the main story is solo, and all group content is optional, (H2+, FP, Ops, PvP, GSF) the H2+ Star Fortresses are just easier in a group Oricon is the only solo started story that ends in OPs, but htis just ends one of ths side stories
  22. In the DvL blurb it clearly says the companion will be available to all characters on your account
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