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Everything posted by iusCogens

  1. Probably something along the line of "if I'm behind tank, tank will be my meatshield and I won't take any damage". Must be hilarious to watch, Lurker alone gives me stories of shenanigans and derps than any other boss that I remember. For new player/player who is likely to fail cross, I put them across the tank on Lurker's behind. That's one spot that is really, really hard to miss. If they still somehow miss it, whelp, Revan is right, the galaxy is doomed.
  2. Am I the only one who doesn't believe OP is 8/10? "Omggg its so hard nerf everything" is just not the attitude of someone so far into progression. Then there is persistent belief that "casuals" are braindead orangutans that must be sponfed everything...
  3. Gear progression: Token 198 > token 192 > vendor 198 > Citadel 190 > crafted 186 = token 186 > vendor 192 > vendor 186 It depends on whether you're planning to actively raid. If you're not planning to raid, stack ultimate comms and get vendor 198, this should be enough to do most content. Otherwise, do the Ziost storyline and replace the vendor 186 with Citadel 190, as Citadel mods are better optimized. Start augmenting your gear, and do Rav and ToS at Groupfinder day so you get bolstered. Rav and ToS drop token 192, which is only second to token 198 that drops in HM ops. I wouldn't bother getting vendor 192, the optimization is so poor that crafted 186 is better. The armoring and mods of 192 that drop in HMFP are Endurance heavy as well, but the enhancement is BiS. If you're DPS, your first priority is getting 100% accuracy. Should you see a drop with accuracy Enhancement in it, don't hesitate to Need it.
  4. All classes can be leveled to max level. This month alone I leveled Assassin, Powertech, Sniper and Gunslinger. Perhaps you're underleveled? The first time around my Operative was five level under the quest level for skipping past mobs and not being in guild. Taking advantage of everything that boosts 12xp you should be comfortably 2-3 levels ahead of quest level. At level 47, take the quest on your ship and head to Makeb. Tell us which bosses you're having difficulties with (one boss in Voss is indeed a pain for Sorcerer). Usually against I boss that I know will be tough I active Heroic Moment, and use every legacy skills available to me. On that note, you might want to try leveling a tank. The slowness is exaggerated Imo, but it comes with the advantage of increased survivability and ability to solo bosses quite easily. For class guides, Dulfy is the best place to go.
  5. Ravagers is not difficult. All you need is competent tanks and healer, the rest of the mechanic of DPS boils down to "pew pew and don't stand in stupid". That is all. Really makes you wonder what the heck is wrong with people when they can't do something as simple as getting out of circles. So is Lurker when all mechanics are done properly, but I've learned that people who whine the loudest are usually those who die to rocks and cause red crosses. The simple fact is that ops are not meant to be "easy and fun". Fun, yes. Easy? No, not in a sense that you can complete one by rolling your face in the keyboard. If you think Lurker is hard, fighting Draxxus, Firebrand and Stormcaller tanks and Soa at level in starting gear is worse.
  6. Decking yourself in full tank gear means you can go longer without upgrading your gear (I upgrade every 15-20 levels, either in DPS or tank spec, but to be fair I only do story missions to get to endgame ASAP). It's also easier to keep track of my inventory that way. Most of my new toons only have four, five rows of inventory slot unlocked, plus extra credit is good. A tank in DPS gear is a headache to the healer, at least that's how it is in endgame group content. The mitigation of Assassin/Shadow won't even work if you're not in tank gear. I don't know how it performs in solo gameplay, but to be fair I'm a traditionalist i.e you should gear according to your role.
  7. I don't keep any DPS gear. All my tanking toons were leveled purely in tank spec from level 10 to 55; any DPS gear that I acquire in level 10-55 range is either given to companion, or sold. I switched to DPS spec in the last five levels to 60 with DPS gear acquired from Forged Alliance to learn how to DPS, just in case I am required to switch to spec mid-raid. Imo you can pick up DPS spec pretty quickly, but it's best to learn to tank from early levels. Generally, mitigation > Endurance. Stacking Endurance would give you large health pool, but without mitigation your health will melt fast. I wouldn't worry too much about gear and stat optimization during leveling phase. As long as you get the correct Hilt, Armoring and Mods (Guardian for Jugg, Force Wielder for Sin... I can't remember what Pt's is called), you're good to go. You want to pick Mods and Enhancements that are high in Detense for Jugg, high in Shield for PT, and high in shield/absorb for Sin. You don't need much of Primary stat as a tank. Leveling as tank is slower than leveling as DPS, but faster than healer. Tank-DPS companion speeds things up a bit, but doesn't compare to DPS-healing companion. However Tank-healing companion is a solid choice ic you plan to solo Heroics at level. Jugg DPS is sturdier than the likes of Sin and Mara but I don't think it would be able to faceroll Heroics.
  8. Lol my guildmate had a funny moment in the pugged TfB run for GF last. Was tanking in his Sin, in Operator he was assigned the color orange. Went in as orange. There was this DPS who kept clicking 'not ready' on ready check, insisting that he had taken the wrong color. Checked buff, nope he was orange. DPS said guildmate was purple. Turns out his Sin was stealthed, and stealthed Sin glows purple. Pugs are pugs.
  9. Saw Ravagers forming at fleet, guildmate and I decided to join in. Things got weird after Bulo; a Sorc DPS inspected all of us and demanded that people with set bonus pass on loot so she (the gender of the toon) would get everything, the argument was something along the line of "you already have set bonus, there are more people who need it more than you". This was met by protests from one of the tank, guildmate and I. We joined for the loot, why do we have to gear someone else's toon? The Sorc cussed the three of us, called us "socialist" and "Obama", then dropped group. The other tank and one of the healers agreed with the Sorc, and refused to participate in the Torque fight until people with set bonus promise to pass on loot. Group disbanded after first wipe. On hindsight the fault lies on the op leader for not setting loot rules. I asked repeatedly if they would Master Loot, but they didn't answer. Guildmate and I decided to Need on every token until we got one, per the usual established one token per person in our server. Apparently this didn't sit well with some people.
  10. My advice to new raiders is to first clear HMFPs before trying out Rav and ToS, preferably Tython, Rishi and Blood Hunt. First boss of Blood Hunt has DPS requirement higher than Lurker, complete with coordination and awareness check for tank, DPS and healer. Once you're comfortable with the mechanics of HMFPs you're more than ready to start Rav. Do Rav until you are comfortable with operating in large scale and the mechanics, in all roles if possible. Augment your gears, min-max as best as you can, as Revan said steel yourself and march into ToS. Of course, a group is only as strong as its weakest link. Most pugs can oneshot Rav regardless of composition, but success on Lurker is pure RNG. Sometimes you get groups that kill Lurker on third cross, sometimes you can't even clear Malaphar. Being in a guild definitely helps, but if you are not in one my advice is ignore the bads and simply do your best. There are more nice people in Swtor than terribad 'elitists'; for every guy badmouthing your performance in ops there are ten who will be happy to help you. It's just infortunate that the terribads minority drowns the overall community. I'd be happy to organize a run in Imperial Harbinger. The ops I lead have strict policy of keeping things civil or get out.
  11. It is viable, but very, very difficult to do well with. Deception is referred over Hatred due to DR, but even then it won't save you if derp happens. Your raid awareness must be top notch e.g avoiding Exo Chart and Load Lifters at Bulo, Floor Vents at Torque, the entirety of Underlurker fight to name a few. There is an issue with enrage timers as well; being mDPS means you'll have less DOS uptime on bosses than your rDPS counterpart.
  12. You can go to specific class subforum and make a thread on how to beat Operatives with that specific class. Or ask in the Operative/Scoundrel subforum, though I doubt they would be so willing to divulge the secret of their success... Hint: It starts with 'E' and ends with 'xfiltrate'.
  13. This is correct. It's been awhile since I played Concealment, I might've gotten some things wrong. Nevertheless against an Op who got their opener, you should disengage before they attach Volatile Substance (or at least Veiled Strike to minimize chances of VS crit) or mitigate it as best as you can by popping a cooldown as VS is a bulk of their burst. Stay away from melee range and kite if you are ranged. Keep moving, and never let them get behind you if you are melee to neutralize their Backstab (though with a utility their Crippling Slice - if I'm not mistaken - can root and prevent you from turning around for 4 seconds, beware of crafty Operatives). CC, stun and slow if you can.
  14. Dulfy guides are mainly intended for endgame play. It does get confusing. 1. Take time to read the tooltip and get yourself familiarized with your skills. Force Breach behaves differently in three specs (AOE with high threat generation in Kinetic Combat, DoT that can be spread with Force in Balance in Serenity, single target burst damage in Infiltration). Every spec has 'rotation' that should be followed to deal maximum damage; you should consult Dulfy guides to see how your spec rotation goes. Note that depending on your level you may not have all abilities listed in Dulfy guides; Infiltration gets its full rotation in level 36, Serenity in level 40-ish. Until you get your full rotation you should try to kill enemies ASAP with abilities that you have and learn to pay attention to Infiltration stacks/Serenity DOT timer buff. No less important is getting to know your defensive cooldown and time their use correctly. Generally, they act as 'oh ****' buttons that will give you precious few seconds to kill your enemies before they kill you. Utilities are highly situational. For PVE, you want utilities that will increase survivability (Shadowy Veil)/damage, while in PVE pick utilities that causes debuff or stun enemies. 2. Get Resolve Armoring and Mods (Force Wielder is armoring and mods for tanks), and Power Enhancements. Don't worry too much about stat distribution during leveling phase, as long as you keep your armor and your companions' upgraded every 5 levels or so you'll breeze through content.
  15. Concealment PVP rotation goes like this: Backstab from stealth > Volatile Substance > Veiled Strike to proc 6pc set bonus > Laceration 3x > Veiled Strike Backstab from stealth crits at about 10k-12k. If you immediately pop cooldown/disengage before the Op attaches Volatile Substance on you, it's still salvageable. Otherwise, by the time they start Laceration spam (as VS detonates when Laceration hits) the Op would've dealt up to 30k damage. If everything crits (at least the Backstab and VS will definitely crit with 6pc set bonus), you could very well be dead in a matter of seconds. It really depends on how good the Op is, and your reaction time.
  16. The laptop I'm using right now is the predecessor of GL551. Roughly the same spec, mine runs on Ultra very well but I usually downgrade to Very High/Medium in raids or WZ. Overall, for its price it's a very good gaming laptop. You need to be at level 55 to do SoR. Check the mission terminal in your ship, it should give you the start of Makeb questline. Once you're done with the Makeb questline, check the mission terminal again to start Forged Alliances and then SoR.
  17. The general rule of thumb is that the rotation of burst DPS spec is more flexible and easier to play (Arsenal, Carnage, Marksmanship) but deals less damage over time compared to sustained DPS spec (Innovative Ordinance, Annihilation, Virulence). I like to consult Parsely chart; Annihilation Marauder parses just behind Viru/Engineering Sniper and IO Merc, but as the case of all sustained spec you have to follow the static rotation or you'll be resource-starved, or lose significant amount of DPS due to mismanaging your DOTs. Edit: the chart is outdated by three months.
  18. The main incentive to pug is the 1/8 chance to win set bonus. Otherwise, I don't see why I should waste time and lockout of one toon to gear someone else's toon. Set to Master Looter, determine loot rules (one set bonus piece per person, rest free roll is the rule for pug ops I lead) and let the numbers decide. If you win rolls, good for you. If you don't, deal with it, or pray to rngesus for better future rolls. I don't mind giving the loot I won to someone who needs it, but let that happen on my own incentive.
  19. Darkness and Deception are late bloomer. Deception takes off at level 35 and gets its full rotation soon after, while Darkness gets two of its most important damage reduction buffs (i.e Harnessed Darkness and Dark Protection) at level 44. Leveling in either spec is a challenge, but a note on Darkness, it's the most gear dependent tank spec in the game. Compared to Shield PT or Immortal Jugg, lowbie mods don't really give you enough Shield or Absorption for Dark Ward and Dark Bulwark to work optimally. You'll see frequent health spikes.
  20. I'm using Underlurker as benchmark as it is the only fight in SM where raid group takes near constant unavoidable damage. Even with Deception DR, your health will melt faster than the likes of PT or Juggernaut. Both specs have little group utility, and the damage output of both specs does not justify the squishiness. Is it viable? Yes. Should it be brought to fight? Depends, leaning towards negative. Personally I find Merc less stressful.
  21. It depends on what you want to do in the game. Most medium-spec laptop is enough for casual play, but if you're planning to actively raid or PVP you might need something more. This is what I use at the moment with upgraded 16 GB RAM. Runs Ultra, but will have to downgrade to Very High/High/Medium in raid or Warzone. Stutters a bit in the Yavin World Boss, but that many players crammed in the most laggy area in the game wrecks havoc even in high end computers (or at least that's what guild mate with high end PC told me).
  22. This. The key is to stand at the maximum range allowed by melee attack (4m) and face the adds' back. I admit that my Sorc has been responsible of several times pulling mDPS away from adds; they were standing between the adds and taking double damage for no reason. That wasn't very fun to heal through when everyone else was also taking damage, and unfortunately letting them die is not an option. Imo the rationale of asking achievement is, regardless their contribution, the people who have the achievement have seen how a successful pull looks like. Guild oneshots this boss in SM and HM, but sometimes we get orange cross, green cross that kills someone, rocks that don't shield you from Rage Storm, etc that make you want to be sure that the person you're pugging knows how to cope if things go wrong. Not a benchmark by any means; it definitely is a trend that the people who ask for achievement and gear tend to mess up cross the most...
  23. Lurker is only difficult if you 1) aren't killing adds fast enough, 2) don't know red circle is bad or what the rocks are for and 3) can't tell right and left. The entire fight is step one to three repeated every 45 seconds. Group composition may affect the difficulty of the fight; in one of the more difficult runs I've healed the three mDPS stood between the adds and ate the adds' melee attacks. Their health just melted so fast. Speaking of Lurker, guildmate and I just finished our third ToS run during GF day when we saw a LFG at Lurker. One more run couldn't hurt, we signed up. Turned out to be a guild run, Ops leader asked us to join them in TS. We had a PT DPS; Ops leader said that the group would ignore cross mechanic and stack around the PT for Sonic Rebounder. Would've been fine and dandy, except there would always be someone who stood too far from the PT and be killed by red cross, or died to falling rocks. DPS was pitiful as well; I solo'd the add furthest from the door, by the time I was done and pew pew Lurker (Hydraulic Overrides FTW, rage storm damages no more) the other two were still alive with half health. What were the other four DPS doing? Honestly, with everyone in TS it would've been easier to just do the mechanic properly.
  24. I'm in the opinion that for SM all classes are viable (I have all Impside advanced classes, can confirm), only differentiated by rotation difficulty and personal preference. Just FYI that mDPS struggles in endgame Ops. Not to say that mDPS isn't viable at all, but you might be surprised by how much you have to move around and having less uptime than rDPS. Marauder itself is highly desirable in Progression teams.
  25. We have a Marauder in our Progression team. Annihilation Marauder/Watchman Sentinel has the potential to parse the highest of all mDPS, and the usefulness of Bloodthirst in burn phase and Predation in movement-intensive phase. Juggernaut can either tank or DPS; the Vengeance Jugg in our team regularly hits high numbers on most bosses. Bear in mind that all Warrior/JK advanced classes are melee and may have a harder time than rDPS in Ravagers and ToS. All classes are viable for Ops, but if you're after numbers, go with IO Merc or Engineering Sniper.
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